The thing I love about Rubio is that when you see him from like the shoulders up he looks like he's a fit guy. Then you see him and you realize he's a doughy little piece of shit who looks like a 3rd grader who wheezes when he runs.
You are looking at a man who has sold his soul to the Devil and knows it. He also probably knows that the Devil will also eventually throw him into the fire.
😂 That's the same look I have at a company orientation whenever the manager says, "Why don't we go around the room and introduce ourselves. Also, tell everyone a fun fact about yourself."
He’s trying to think of a way he can spin this after the meeting so that the FOTUS and his VP don’t look like complete pricks. Whatever he comes up with won’t work!!! FOTUS and his VP were an absolute disgrace today - an embarrassment to the US.
I’m sure he’ll be on tv tonight talking sh*t like a big boy.
We allow nothing.
-Vader was a brilliant tactician
-Vader had the respect of his peers
-Vader was redeemable
Trump is Vladimir Harkonnen, the David Lynch version.
-fat, pale, ugly