Normality bias - ‘the tendency to underestimate the likelihood or impact of a potential hazard, based on the belief that things will continue as they have in the past’ - is a very hard habit to break.
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They’re breaking things so fast because they don’t intend to be accountable to the public through elections. There won’t be free elections once they break all they need to break.
I fear the same thing and my thoughts and well wishes are with the sane American people who have tried to prevent this. All MAGA people can go f**k themselves.
now is a great time to support United 24.
Ru is actually in a desperate situation, rampant inflation and a citizenry fed up with not winning,
orange menace been given orders to stop war to save face
I agree, plus it’s hard not to feel a little grief stricken at the passing of the world where our first thought about our American allies was they were typically the type of person in band of Brothers rather than the type of persons in the Goodfellas
We are open eyed. As a country, we are too coddled and, as you can clearly see. We don't have the experience or backbone to do something yet.
But out here in the 99%, we are talking and frightened and trying to gather our backbone.
It’s worth remembering in difficult times like this that 165 million American people of voting age did not vote for Donald Trump whereas 77 million did.
And yes, you did read that correctly
It makes dystopian fiction what it is and so effective; it's a possible future that couldn't possibly happen. Authors such as George Orwell, Ben Elton; films/novels like The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, The Purge, Blade Runner - we never thought we'd be living in them. Yet here we are. 😳😱
If AI was used to target Palestinians through data. It will likely be used to send those to trenches on the front lines as canon fodder should your beliefs not align with the state. Trump:
“The greatest executive order of our time is conscription!”
“We need to defend our country from tyranny”.
I mean he is ultimately shoe horning Europe into war with Russia now. He may intend to further ostracise Canada, Greenland all this will be under a veil of defence.
We are moving with high speed to a precipice.
A civil war in the US has a match under a bomb fire after being doused in petrol
Also, being reminded yesterday that Canada's economy is larger than Russia's, and that the combined economies of Europe are 15x+ that of Russia... makes the situation all the more disgraceful
I ALWYS knew. Ever since Brexit and Johnson & Trump came into power. Epstein’s collection of powerful pedo’s was how Putin did it. This has been going on for years. He has many useful idiots. Have a think who Putin has as allies now! Europe is in deep trouble unless someone is terminated.
So, for instance everyone seems to expect an election in 4 years time. Is that logical? Will he accept a result that is negative? Will it be rigged? Will he create a crisis to prevent an election? This is a criminal that is already ignoring the constitution.
It's possible that it will even be a fair election.
Most likely thing is probs that it's an election in name only, like with Putin.
Putin is technically elected - is anybody naive enough to think it's a real election?
I hear this a lot from British Trump fans who are unable to come to terms with how bad this is or how the leopard is licking its chops while looking at their face.
Which is why those of us with ptsd and likely to be alert too early are so unsettling to people with normal mental health. :( quite often a chain of events might be dealt with before it becomes a crisis and we look nuts rather than hyper alert .
Indeed, made even more difficult to shake because of Trump's selectively goldfish-grade memory. The Zelensky spat will never have happened by supper tonight.
We've been in a slow car crash since Russia convinced people to vote for Brexit. There's not been a higher risk of nuclear war for decades. Lived in USA during trump 1 and warned about this for years.
They won’t, because the authoritarians WILL actually come after their guns. It will begin with ammunition being restricted or difficult to buy, then the parts required to make ammunition will be restricted/ controlled. Gun shops will be closed or licensed. Then they will come for the weapons.
Gun laws were almost completely eradicated for the people they wanted to have them, and guns were completely banned for those they didn't want to happen.
It seems to me that NOW is exactly now and not any later is the time for a UK discussion on rejoining the EU. Everything feels like Putin has war gamed to this precise moment
A large number of U.S. citizens have ignored the workings of our democracy, believing it runs on autopilot. Now, we're finding out what happens when we don't pay sufficient attention.
I think there was a political tectonic shift yesterday
and the reverberations will be felt by all at some level.
Nothing will be "the same" again, apart from Putin who sooner or later shafts everyone.
If Trump thinks he's the exception he needs to give his head a wobble.
Saw this in 2020. We were screaming at the TV that it was coming but for some reason the idiot Johnson thought Chinese and Italian people were biologically different to Brits.
They are stopping AP journalists from asking questions because they did not bow down to the Great One on Gulf of America. Says so much that the WH had a representative of Tass the Russian press in the Oval Office yesterday and the boyfriend of Marjorie Taylor Green to ask about Zelenskys attire .
& e.g. AWS.
There are some alternatives but, like with Netflix, everyone just unthinkingly chooses the easiest option (collectively impoverishing their own country in so doing).
Please donate to me or share my link....some Body🙏🏻My situation is very difficult. Every $10 makes a difference.🙏🏻 I am sorry to tell you that I have not fed my children since morning.💔😔
That’s just how the world works, we rely on America for a lot however now is the time to come together in Europe and break the ties with them. Now is the time to treat America like the pariah nation they aspire to be.
Pretty much Trump’s thinking about rising sea levels, despite Mar-a-Lago suffering storm surges now & hopefully will be permanently under water before he expires …
If you’ve ever done fire warden training you’ll be shown a video of people sitting in an environment where they set of a fire alarm and see who reacts. It takes humans to actually see the fire before they react - this is no different.
Haha, in the days of offices, I was always first out of my seat and heading for the door. I’ve also been screaming about this for the best part of a decade.
"Look Don, Ukraine very small, Russia very big. Ukraine destroy Russian army in 3 years. Who you with Don, strong people of Ukraine or weak people of Russia? I smash this couch fucking wimp then we go sign deal. You next reporter man, I show you why I not wear suit."
Please ask your listeners to write their MPs this weekend to ask that the UK to do what it takes to give Ukraine the option of fighting on. Only major decisions taken at the summit tomorrow will give the Ukrainians a chance.
I think tonight in Australia, I just need to read some posts from to make sense of what is happening. It feels like the world is changing quickly and it is always better to understand historical changes from sources who are in touch with the real people it impacts
Which includes all the “liberal” media (cough) not spotting what a wedge issue is (cough again, trans rights, immigration and generally othering folk) and helping drive the wedge….
Like JRM's attempt to just wipe 6,000 "EU" laws. This is up there with the damage Musk is doing (possibly worse) but the general public barely clutched a pearl. Because we wouldn't do something that stupid, would we?!
Europe has been sleepwalking into this for years. Europe is not a united Europe and social media has very slowly allowed the doubts that government is good for the citizens. That we need a big powerful leader ( Stalin, Hitler) that's what they are sleep walking into. Putin trump are the clear danger
Thinking about problems you can't fix anyway is hard. Life is stressful and boring enough without worrying about who is wrong or right between groups of old men shouting at each other - humanity, probably
Life wouldn't be that boring if people would try to look further than the next scandal. So organize a protest and look up organizations who give money to Ukraine, either civil victims or military. There are groups for building shelters or groups buying drones. If 200 people give 5£ each, send it.
I'm describing, not advocating. Point 2: personally I prefer the official Ukrainian government fundraiser at where you can be certain 100% goes towards your choice of military or civil projects in Ukraine
I'm not sure it's apathy so much as a feeling of helplessness for most/many people. What would you have them do? If a million plus people on the streets of London couldn't shift the Tory Brexit an inch, peaceful protesting clearly isn't effective. What effective actions can individuals take?
Yes, “learned helplessness”. Which is exactly what the previous Tory Govt wanted the population to learn. The raft of UK Gov petitions which are totally ignored contributes to this too.
Exercise your power with money. Don't fund authoritarian regimes. Boycott Republican supporting brands. Boycott Tory donors. Money is the only language they understand. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets.
I seem to be immune to it. I couldn’t understand why people kept telling me it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. On the other hand as a woman who has weathered abuse maybe I’m more primed for it.
Yes! Me too! Domestic violence has primed me to never slip into normalcy thinking. I go for worst case scenario as a way to protect myself and that's coming in super handy right now.
As are so many biases we have … I write about cognitive biases in my monthly newsletter. Just yesterday, the March issue focused on confirmation bias. Worth the hard work to recognize and unpack the effects of these biases to help us make better decisions for ourselves and our communities.
As an utter pedant I was delighted to be listening at the point you stopped saying the revolting Normalcy 😝 and started saying Normality.
(I also noticed previous use of oriented instead of orienTATEd, but that might have been Nicky Campbell 😂😂)
After the last 75 years one might be forgiven for finding some relative enjoyment from life. And then we remember that terrible fact that fat white men with small minds and large egos like to destroy joy.
This approach will not serve our government well. The past is just that. There’s a new reality now and no amount of playing to the bully will change the fact that Vance is as bad, just more consistent in his awfulness.
Any noise from Johnson and Farage yet?... Errm, didn't think so, they'll be hiding, doing a carefully worded bullshitting script! Probably released around Monday morning!
US citizens have little time to lose to prevent a dictatorship becoming embedded. Get over the shock - what's happening is 100% real & it will only get worse.
The cavalry isn't coming to save them. The future rests in their hands now.
Haven't we seen a whole lot of that from the Democratic Party this last 8 years? Lots of screaming about the danger, very little actual understanding of it. Very little effective opposition.
And the same from the Labour Party. Will they wake up now? I won't hold my breath.
No country in the entire planet has this more than the USA. Never been occupied, never had regimes that have persecuted everyone not just its minorities, never had terrible and powerful neighbours. The world suffers because of this.
If any objective history books are allowed to be printed in the future, present-day Americans will learn that the days in which we are now living were some of the most significant and critical in all of the centuries of their nation's existence.
Ru is actually in a desperate situation, rampant inflation and a citizenry fed up with not winning,
orange menace been given orders to stop war to save face
We are witnessing the destruction of America, it is imploding in real time.
Abandon all thoughts of what was.
Europe and the world must immediately restructure and respond to the fact that America is hostile, imperialist and an ally to no one, but Russia.
But out here in the 99%, we are talking and frightened and trying to gather our backbone.
Where is our Navalny? I fear it is all of us.
And yes, you did read that correctly
“The greatest executive order of our time is conscription!”
“We need to defend our country from tyranny”.
We are moving with high speed to a precipice.
A civil war in the US has a match under a bomb fire after being doused in petrol
It's possible that it will even be a fair election.
Most likely thing is probs that it's an election in name only, like with Putin.
Putin is technically elected - is anybody naive enough to think it's a real election?
The only question is in whether you live to see it.
Europe's only hope is to combine into a single super power and invest massively in it's domestic economy.
Wake up Europe.
Gun laws were almost completely eradicated for the people they wanted to have them, and guns were completely banned for those they didn't want to happen.
Prepare for it.
(And build community and protect the vulnerable.)
and the reverberations will be felt by all at some level.
Nothing will be "the same" again, apart from Putin who sooner or later shafts everyone.
If Trump thinks he's the exception he needs to give his head a wobble.
Has done this, breaking 76 years of nato anti
Russian bias
But the current polity didn't happen quickly. Nothing could innoculate me from 40 years of national gaslighting. "It won't happen here."
We are now massively exposed militarily..
Europe needs to get its shit together fast
There are some alternatives but, like with Netflix, everyone just unthinkingly chooses the easiest option (collectively impoverishing their own country in so doing).
#KlaxonSounds 🔊
Unless it’s something to do with the football or their favourite reality show.
(I also noticed previous use of oriented instead of orienTATEd, but that might have been Nicky Campbell 😂😂)
The cavalry isn't coming to save them. The future rests in their hands now.
And the same from the Labour Party. Will they wake up now? I won't hold my breath.