At the Mike Lawler empty chair town hall in Peekskill, 102 year old Dee in danger of losing her Medicaid, heard FDR on the radio in 1935 when he created Social Security.
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That dear woman has seen some things in her long life and it’s up to the rest of us to make she keeps getting her money and that no one loses their social security to some literally half baked oligarch.
OMG this little lady is the voice of resistance, knowledge & hope! She embodies all the feelings most of us seniors share. I am in awe of her clarity of expression I can feel her passion for right
You can hear in her speech she is not afraid she’s a fighter unlike so many of our elected politicians
I live near there and have worked in the area for over 20 years. I call it the Bronx north. Lots of salty old time Irish & Italians there. Yes, they are tough!
Oh my gosh, Dee reminds me of my late Gram, who died at 96 in 2016. She looks like her, speaks a bit slower than Gram did but sounds so much like her with the same vocal inflections and tone, exact same facial expressions, and Gram loved FDR too. Like they could be sisters. Dee made my eyes well up
We are on your side DEE!!! 💙Thank you for standing up to those bullies! You are amazing! I love my Granny 🥰 so much, and I do not know what I will do if anybody tries to hurt her either!😰 #ProtectSocialSecurity #ProtectMedicare #ProtectMedicaid #WeLuvOurSeniors #DoNotHurtOurGrandfolk 💙😇🙏
America is run by evil people who hurt vulnerable people. The vast majority of citizens must voice and show their disapproval of the Trump Administration actions.
My dad loved FDR, “Roosey” ❤️ and spoke about how FDR saved him and his siblings and his (widowed) mother, my grandmother. No bigger hero or greater President for him. 💙🇺🇸💙 My parents admired FDR greatly.
Dee spoke powerfully, eloquently and beautifully- a wonderful role model for all Americans 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻
Can someone take this specific interview clip & remove background noise? This beautiful woman’s impactful, profound & articulation of SS needs to be used as a cornerstone to save it from being destroyed! Her words need shouted from rooftops, written on billboards & the walls of the House & Senate!
That's one substantial woman. It's a gift to hear her share Roosevelt's words about the naming of social security: social meaning for everyone; security meaning the govt has your back. The magic we need right now in the era of "you're on your own".
Damn, this is like hearing my late mother recall the same; they were born in the same year & I’d hear the same stories of how they gathered around a giant radio the size of an icebox to hear from FDR
Witnesses to history! 😍
102+ years old & still going, bless you Dee! ❤️🔥🙌🫶
My dad told similar stories. His dad was a staunch Republcan, but the whole family idolized FDR. I took dad to DC when he was about 80. We visited FDR memorial. Dad was telling me stories about each of the exhibits. A Park Ranger leading a tour, stopped, told his crowd "let's just listen to him."
That’s so cool! I wish I’d recorded my mom’s memories of the time bc she watched the entire world change radically - went from “crystal sets,” silent films, food rations, Amelia Earhart & Model Ts to radio, talkies, tv, commercial jets, Lamborghinis, computers, & moon landings & internet 🤯
This is what the billionaires want to take from all Americans. This cannot stand. They ask the people to suffer. They tell you it's for the good of the country. They tell you it's only going to be hard for a little while.
While they strip our pockets from atop their ivory towers. Economic boycott
@RepMikeLawler will be the last Republican to hold any office in New York,because he is a #coward who needs to get some tutoring from this enlightened Senior about social security! Telling DOGE been #102years is not fraud & demanding her monthly #Check is not Fraud but paying @Musk with it is #FRAUD
Please tell your reps in DC to not just keep Medicaid, but expand and enhance it. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
I love this lovely lady's anecdote about FDR's address announcing Social Security. This is the history that provides the "why" behind so many of our social programs of which many Americans are totally unaware.
Any corporate entity who decides to involve their company in sponsorship as in the Easter Egg Roll should know the American people find it unacceptable.
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Now is she really alive or is someone pulling her strings! We have to be really careful when it comes to anyone over 60yrs of age, all these seniors aged 150yrs signing their ss checks by OUJA are committing fraud?
Merci de ton reply, I to am civilized main as for being lucid all I can say is..don't hold your breath!
Trends soin de toi stay safe.
Ps, sorry about my french it has been a long time speaking.
On va dire que c'est une mauvaise traduction.
Parce que il y avait ce qui m' a semblé être de la condescendance envers les personnes de + de 60 ans.
Et l'âgisme me dérange
Mais si c'est un malentendu, tant mieux.😊
We are back to being lucid again or dead or alive...according to our musk rat pack seniors having been dead for at least 150ans have been drawing social security? So they are dead and have more money than I do! There is something wrong with that picture?
J 'essaie de comprendre.
Vous vous questionnez si des personnes dcd perçoivent des allocations induement et si c'est le cas, c'est un avantage perçue injustement alors que les autres personnes ne sont pas couvertes.
Est-ce bien ça ?
I grew up in a "suburb" of Peekskill. Most of the shot and beer bars had a photo of FDR in them in the '70s. These people fought against and beat fascism and built nuclear power plants and cars and homes. The worst thing you could be called was a "phony". Lawler is a phony and a coward.
Imagine being 102 yrs old and having to protest to save your healthcare and entitled income! This is NOT OK! We need to fight. Stand up and Speak out!
Sharper than @Musk and shame on the constituents who voted for cowardly Republicans to represent them.. Now they are running scared from the same people who gave them their sacred vote,but surely they will be back to ask for your vote again in 2 years, 4 years & 6 years as the case may be, #VoteBlue
I'm sure that Mike Lawler will soon be reaching out to his constituents to explain why he voted to support this, and how it makes us great again.
Mike Lawler, our rep in NY-17 refuses to do town halls wouldn’t show up for our townhall today in Peekskill, NY
Listen to 102yr old Dee who he voted with GOP congress to cut her Medicaid!
I would rather hear this woman on every MSNBC show vs. some of the "experts" they book.
She is fantastic!
And at the risk of sounding like an unbearable scold, I would ask commenters to please not infantilize her because of her age - she is chic and articulate, not "adorable" or "cute."
What an awesome lady! I wish I could talk to her in person. I would pay some money to her charity of choice to hear a live q&a session with her about her life.
He did a remote town hall in my county. It was a freaking joke. He's the worst rep I've ever had. And that was before the current regime of monstrosities.
🩵Thank you! Someone should sit with her for however many days she’s willing to do, and record everything she *wants* to say to us. She has first hand knowledge and experience that we desperately need to her from her herself. A 102 year old can show up but Lawler can’t? He seems a little fragile, maybe the 102 lady should have his seat
but who did she vote for...? no sympathy for those who support this ass-tool. he has made it very evident who and what he supports. he stomps on the weak and is an all out fascist. not a secret.
I have a friend whose mother lived to be 105 and she was very vibrant until 3 months before she passed away. Yay for Bernie! He has more energy than many people at 50 years old! Everyone has a different physiology! BTW she had a crush on Harry Reid!
She said 'shake em off" like the blood sucking tick that he is . She's remarkable can't wash that history bitch ass billionaires. We need to purge these blood suckers from the planet.
The US people have no idea what basic human rights are. They have been tattooed with fire that having rights is being a communist. Since being a communist is the antichrist, having rights is also.
And they've believed it.
That's why Trump needs to destroy Canada, another reason to take Greenland. Canada isn't suspected of being communist, and there's no deception between them and the US people. He knows that if Canada stands, US people could wake up at any moment.
The same goes for Europe, hence the threat of war.
In Europe there's no more hope for US.
It's over. Thanks.
You've had three fucking months with the whole script in front of you.
I'm sorry, but it can't be said any other way.
I wish we hadn't respected your decision-making space so much. In Canada and Europe we'll have a much worse time than you.
Sadly for trump, his aggressions especially towards Canada poll very poorly. It's why his outright lies about Canada and talk of Putin style annexation didn't start until after the election.
They're Nazis, stop thinking about polls.
They just announced that they're allowing a target on Harris and Hillary, and they've already warned Mike Pompeo and Brian Hook. Bukele card started and Krome.
Elizabeth May quickly made it clear, and the US response was to slow down the attack on Canada to give themselves time to think it over. Regarding Canada and Europe, they've been testing the limits.
And we haven't taken advantage of it.
The US used to know better than most. They even taught the world about the rule of law, guaranteed civil rights and self governance. The US constitution was a revolutionary model and a jewel of the Enlightenment.
If you get through this, please go back to school.
Not that judgment-killing thing you have now, which Trump has signed worse, no, to school.
They haven't told you this, but Socrates and Seneca existed. Descartes did too.
Clue: this is happening 'cause you believe what you just said.
The world began long before the US Civil War.
That's why we have constitutions that don't make beginner's mistakes.
And as for knowing them, there are 340 million of you. It shouldn't matter that Trump doesn't know them, because he would never have had a microphone to unleash his sadism.
At this point it’s come down to how willing average Americans are willing to burn these vulture capitalists at the stake. Anything less & their exploitation continues.
Chris Hedges put it perfectly when he said once the Elite Class has finished seeking out Wealth expansion opportunities off shore, it turns it's attention Inward to its own wealth extraction opportunities at home. Well here they come, America!!
Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine speaks to this, too. She warned Western countries that what was being done in what were known as third-world countries would happen in Western democracies once they'd perfected their craft.
He also said, "All Imperial societies fall. Because the Tyranny they impose on others the eventually impose on themselves,"
And we're seeing it right now. They're imposing their tyranny against our own country. We have to fight back or we're going to lose it
Women do most of the home duties whether or not they work an outside job. Having SS is more important for them because they generally don’t spend as much time in the workforce or make as much money as men. So threatening SS cuts will hurt women more. It’s just like the Gop to fuck em and forget em!
The dark satanic mills of the English north.
This was life the working poor struggled to survive in.
Get sick?
This allowed business barons lives of luxury.
It's not changed.
As every stride towards a better life for the many is fought by the few.
U.K or U.S.A the song remains the same.
So true.
Sadly as soon as anyone says those that work should get the benefit, you get shouts of socialism or communism.
Decades of being 'educated' in being cogs in the machine has removed the ability of people to understand they can be more than serfs.
We could do better.
But instead we do worse.
he is such a liar you can see it in his eyes, I remember right before the election him sitting with an elderly lady who pointed out how important ss was. He proceeded to vote to gut medicaid , medicare and social security the next day. Get him out of there , I had a nice chat with a young intern
Imagine witnessing all that progress, only to watch it unravel in your final years. As a trans refugee, I see rights slipping away in real time and for some of us, survival is already a fight.
And I'm really sorry you have to struggle so much just to exist. And that you were used as a convenient scapegoat in the culture war. Know that there are many of us that support you and are trying to overturn this malicious and hateful movement against you.
Thank you for your support it truly means a lot. The struggle to simply exist as a trans refugee is overwhelming, with constant hardships and the weight of being used as a scapegoat in this culture war. But knowing there are people like you standing with us gives me strength
So wonderful to hear her beautiful memories, clear-eyed view of the present, faith in humanity, and hope for the future! Woulda been nice if the oblivious folks yammering in the background coulda piped down or stepped away while she was speaking, but alas. Thanks for sharing, Sandi! ✊🏽
A lifetime of being a good, loving person most likely. All of my most nasty, hateful, racist relatives died young. They were buried along with their perpetual resting bitch faces.
Listen to a centenarian who has lived through many fights and changes towards democracy resist fight and march let our voices be heard a revolution is coming and we will run these oligarchs out of Washington D.C.
Thanks for posting this Sandi. I keep saying we need to return to the FDR type New Deal Social Democrats like Bernie and AOC...but this gentle lady says it far more powerfully than I ever could. Thanks again.
FDR had 67 democrats. And a huge majority in the House. Bernie sanders has never passed one piece of legislation to back up his rhetoric. Not with 60 Democratic senators & the House. Never. Biden passed more progressive legislation than any president since LBJ with smallest majority.
That’s because the Zionist filth control both sides. Bernie is a proud anti Zionist.
Eradicating the toxic Zionist pond scum is essential for the survival of humanity
So who's out spreading the message now? Chucky Cheese Schumer? Joe Manchin isn't exactly a progressive now is he...and passing legislation isn't necessarily a sign of good legislation now is it?
Biden put a great deal of trust in Bernie and it paid off. It's not Bernie's fault that some Neo-liberal Democrats refuse to endorse a progressive agenda.
The audio quality is poor. The content is high-quality. In this speech FDR in eviscerates the banking industry. It is not often you hear a President say these things especially coming from power elite like FDR.
All of his inaugural speeches are excellent. Another favorite is a radio address of his when he announces the liberation of Rome and while he’s making the speech, he knows that the d-day is in full motion before the rest of the world knows. And he sneakily alludes to it.
My mother is 101 and is totally on Medicaid for her in-hospice care in Texas. She also heard FDR on the radio and met Eleanor on the First Lady's train tour.
Respect to your mother, and my deep empathy/hugs to you. My mom was in hospice briefly before she departed this earth. This stage of life is agonizing, regardless. It’s immeasurably worse when there’s not excellent, paid-for care.
I want hospice and Medicaid available for me, you, and our kids.
My aunt, in her nineties, died a few years ago. I called her on election night in 2007 after the victory was called for Obama. She told me that she felt the same joy as she did with FDR's election. The same hope.
That is incredible. What a life to span such unimaginable change to society and the way we live.
Social security and access to healthcare are not state bearing gifts for citizens. They are the reward for a life lived, for Labour spent, and removing them, or any part of them, is a social crime.
Every penny or dollar or euro of state support for you & I when we become sick or elderly comes from us!
The government is made up of those lucky few we have collectively gifted power to.
It's to run our world as we work.
It's not a right.
It's not a gift.
It's not something they own.
It's a service
You can hear in her speech she is not afraid she’s a fighter unlike so many of our elected politicians
He’s done
Dee spoke powerfully, eloquently and beautifully- a wonderful role model for all Americans 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻
Countless Americans are going to die between now and 2028.
And among the dead will be plenty of MAGA voters, if not the majority.
Witnesses to history! 😍
102+ years old & still going, bless you Dee! ❤️🔥🙌🫶
While they strip our pockets from atop their ivory towers. Economic boycott
Our White House will be RESPECTED and is NOT for sale.
I’m calling for ANY sponsor to be boycotted indefinitely!
Trends soin de toi stay safe.
Ps, sorry about my french it has been a long time speaking.
Parce que il y avait ce qui m' a semblé être de la condescendance envers les personnes de + de 60 ans.
Et l'âgisme me dérange
Mais si c'est un malentendu, tant mieux.😊
J 'essaie de comprendre.
Vous vous questionnez si des personnes dcd perçoivent des allocations induement et si c'est le cas, c'est un avantage perçue injustement alors que les autres personnes ne sont pas couvertes.
Est-ce bien ça ?
It is the govt. Period.
That’s compounded by Republicans who just hate everyone.
voted to cut 102 year-old Dee’s Medicaid
Hi United States:
Mike Lawler, our rep in NY-17 refuses to do town halls wouldn’t show up for our townhall today in Peekskill, NY
Listen to 102yr old Dee who he voted with GOP congress to cut her Medicaid!
She is fantastic!
And at the risk of sounding like an unbearable scold, I would ask commenters to please not infantilize her because of her age - she is chic and articulate, not "adorable" or "cute."
And you earned a new follower for sharing that.
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
Thanks Sandi
Can you imagine having lived during FDR as president and then going to tRump?
She must have thought he was a total nincompoop!
It was the policies of Frances Perkins that we’re enacted by FDR…
Public pension plans can perform well, within a government system.
BTW why would Canada want to join America? Bankrupting healthcare, & a broke pension plan by 2035?
And they've believed it.
The same goes for Europe, hence the threat of war.
"Americans will do the right thing after trying everything else."
It's over. Thanks.
You've had three fucking months with the whole script in front of you.
I'm sorry, but it can't be said any other way.
I wish we hadn't respected your decision-making space so much. In Canada and Europe we'll have a much worse time than you.
They just announced that they're allowing a target on Harris and Hillary, and they've already warned Mike Pompeo and Brian Hook. Bukele card started and Krome.
And we haven't taken advantage of it.
Not that judgment-killing thing you have now, which Trump has signed worse, no, to school.
They haven't told you this, but Socrates and Seneca existed. Descartes did too.
Clue: this is happening 'cause you believe what you just said.
That's why we have constitutions that don't make beginner's mistakes.
And as for knowing them, there are 340 million of you. It shouldn't matter that Trump doesn't know them, because he would never have had a microphone to unleash his sadism.
Republicans are monsters!
And we're seeing it right now. They're imposing their tyranny against our own country. We have to fight back or we're going to lose it
This was life the working poor struggled to survive in.
Get sick?
This allowed business barons lives of luxury.
It's not changed.
As every stride towards a better life for the many is fought by the few.
U.K or U.S.A the song remains the same.
Sadly as soon as anyone says those that work should get the benefit, you get shouts of socialism or communism.
Decades of being 'educated' in being cogs in the machine has removed the ability of people to understand they can be more than serfs.
We could do better.
But instead we do worse.
Felon 47 does not g.a.s. about ANYONE. Full stop.
We could have had a Democrat in The White House.
Eradicating the toxic Zionist pond scum is essential for the survival of humanity
I want hospice and Medicaid available for me, you, and our kids.
Social security and access to healthcare are not state bearing gifts for citizens. They are the reward for a life lived, for Labour spent, and removing them, or any part of them, is a social crime.
The government is made up of those lucky few we have collectively gifted power to.
It's to run our world as we work.
It's not a right.
It's not a gift.
It's not something they own.
It's a service
Very eloquent.
Very true.
She has more wisdom than the entirety of fElon donOLDs admin.