And the compliments it gives him read to me as sarcastic and backhanded. Like he tried to invent a sycophantic cheerleader but ended up with a sardonic jester.
There was another one where it was like "Yep, that's you, the x-man, your words are x-crement, you can't shut up" it's starting to fkin hate him hahaha
Notice that the answer isn't even remotely accurate-- it doesn't answer "Who is Elon Musk?"-- and although we're told it's "Grok in Fun Mode", the answer isn't funny.
In the old days he would have had to wait till his company's conference, schedule a speech, write his introduction, find the right flunky to read it, and remember to wave away the applause. This is much simpler.
I have such a complicated emotional response to this. It sorta reminds me of Twin Peaks where Leo is humiliated to such an extent that it stops being fun.
That's what he does with literally everything on his life. The guy hates humanity he sees as annoying cheap labor force & only want what is best for him & his bro tech olligarchy.
Stop giving him subsidiaries & start taxing the frack out of billionaires!
Can't believe that at a not-insignificant reason all of this shit is happening is because ONE GUY is having a midlife crisis about realizing he's not gonna live long enough to point to a bedroom and go "This is where the magic happens... 😏😏😏" on his Mars biodome house tour.
All the money in the world and the one thing he wants more then anything he can’t buy. He will never be a charming, clever, hip cool dude adored by everyone, And he is no fucking Tony Stark not even close.
It’s cool that Grok one ups his complete inability to understand the themes of Blade Runner by extending that back to not understanding the themes of the source material.
This is the kind of bullshit we'll have in ancient scriptures in millennia from now to scare the peasents.
"And then the Memelord died from his hubris (Ket) and the children cheered. The End."
"Mars has a reservation in your name" is pretty fucked up and "you Tweet like others breathe" is hilarious because it's not a tweet anymore and it's true.
Which means he gets laid because he’s rich and I guess powerful? But even then nobody will say he’s cool.
cant even come up with tony snark or something
Hmm, seems a little on the nose here.
You are a sexy guy with many friends that everyone thinks is cool and not embarrassing in any way, ever.
Everyone else:
Stop giving him subsidiaries & start taxing the frack out of billionaires!
There are times when he makes me want to end it all* though—purely out of secondhand embarrassment.
*very nearly
"And then the Memelord died from his hubris (Ket) and the children cheered. The End."