My youngest is a trans athlete. He fences. He has a sword. And every time I see someone like suggest that betraying my child would be good politics, I imagine stabbing with my kid's sword. It's not a very sharp sword, so I'd have to stab real hard.
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My spouse used to coach a trans fencer, and he was very proud of them and their success. (Also, I hope your son isn’t s foilist, otherwise the sword is more likely to bend than do damage - you’re probably best off with a sabre. Borrow one if necessary!)
It's amazing when people think it's ok to throw under the bus a minority to appease imbecils. We can do better and get rid of all of them, even ourselves, just like these assholes want!!
Excellent. Stab them with the not very sharp sword and while they are distracted, I’ll come in and get them through the back with a very sharp pirate’s cutlass. (I gotta go buy it but I’m optimistic I can get it all ready to so in about a week.)
I am eternally grateful that my chosen form of sword game (SCA rapier and cut & thrust) neither discriminates nor divides our competitors by gender (except a few specific tournaments out of the 100s every year). It allowed me to get the snot knocked out of me by women from an impressionable age.
I picked up fencing when my oldest said they wanted to learn how to sword fight. Every tournament we participated in was unisex. Girls ended winning most divisions.
In my first tourny I got torn apart by a girl 30 yrs younger than me. In later ones there were 6 guys over 40 in the over 17 division. On occasion a teenager would come in. Old age and treachery would (mostly) beat youth and exuberance.
Tell your son a bunch of folks on bluesky think he is cool.
When I fenced back in the last century (late 1980s), women still weren’t allowed to fence sabre, and teams didn’t have women sabre squads. It was always a fight at meets to get the officials to allow our team’s female sabre fencers to go up against male sabre fencers.
It was always strange to me that in practice we'd all fence each other with zero regard to gender but then at competitions we got divided 95% of the time.
For a good stretch of time my closet peer locally was a young woman yet we only got to face each other in competition once or twice per year.
So true! I forgot that. I was on the team in the late 70s and only the boys were allowed to fence sabre, and it was viewed dubiously if you were a girl and wanted to fence epee. Grr
Oooh, which weapon does he fence? As a former saberist from college, I can tell you that the slashing on that one can cause some hurt. You know, if you're looking for suggestions.
its probably been told to you already but if my dad cared like this at all about me and me being trans id be 2x less fail than i already am and im not even that fail (and probably also had a nice basketball career)
My youngest is also trans, and though not an athlete, he has to endure frequent hateful anti-LGBTQ protests on a FL college campus. That, on top of simply being trans in FL, where the legal discrimination has been piling up for years.
I’m so disgusted by the way my party has abandoned my son.
This is why I have taken up cross stitch again. I get to stab that fabric over and over again. It's cathartic - especially because of what I'm spelling out. My needle isn't that sharp either, but it's still satisfying
The MAGA/GOP does not seem to be as much concerned about transboys as transgirls. You’d think they’d be all about protecting him, but that would be too mind-bending for them.
but my parents' support has made ALL the difference, even as an adult, especially amidst the fear and feelings of isolation right now
there aren't words for how much it means that you have your kid's back
thank you
Tell your son a bunch of folks on bluesky think he is cool.
For a good stretch of time my closet peer locally was a young woman yet we only got to face each other in competition once or twice per year.
unconditional love
More of this
I’m not kidding.
Four to six solid roundhouse blows to prepare the target. Then repeated jabs with either end until penetration is achieved and point scored.
Never make a parent abandon their child!
I’m so disgusted by the way my party has abandoned my son.
"Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone and anvil is rightwise worthy to poke a bigot with it."
#stabby #crossstitch