In my experience, the Musk fanboys don't even acknowledge when you point out the data is faked. They just repeat "oh so you don't want Musk investigating all that waste, fraud, and abuse? What are you hiding?"
Reposted from
Kate Starbird
But its supporters will never see the corrections. They’ll just move on to the next set of bullshit claims. When you call them on one, they’ll point to the others and say, “Well look at all this other smoke. There must be fire.” While they’re literally running a bunch of smoke machines.
but here? millions of disordered keyboard warriors who see conspiracy behind anything that doesn’t benefit themselves directly get ‘rewarded’ w/ status in the fuckhead club.
There is no living with these vermin liars. They and their families are fair game.
Major problem now and obstacle to fix information fractures in the future
Also, why are we hung up on legality? That ship sailed long ago, like when Putin paid the dark web for the presidency in 2016.
It’s all about intimidation and manipulation. For their minority control.
The corrupt only care about protecting their corruption.
*Data Rules Everything Around Me
DARVO ("deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender") is a reaction perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior.
But you can't fact-check out of this mess either. Fact-checking only neutralizes. Dems also need to be on the offensive. Even if they want to let GOP touch the stove, they have to set the stage for the counterattack.
You'd probably be better off asking how the idea of cuts to government services makes them feel, how they feel about public services, and what the underlying emotional need is…
Many ‘ firings, closings, and stoppages’ are done with media flourish and reversed … silently.
But the claim here is "no fraud"
Is that an admission that there’s more beneath the surface and a deeper investigation is actually necessary?
Put them on their back foot. Then return to your position and press it even more.
Clinton and centrist Dems came to agree.
MAGA knows it's not really fraud but if it helps people of color, it might as well be fraud in their eyes. They picked Musk for this job not for his efficiency but for his unwavering white supremacy
Krasnov man crush Mike Tyson once said that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. I would rearrange plans all freakin day. Then claim executive immunity.
Not enough people wanted to do my idea for how to push back against these cultists, back in November, but hopefully there’s another idea we can try.
What do Drump and Hitler have in common - whiny little blackholes of need
Malignant narcissists, sure, but the whiny passive aggressive shit, what's that called?
Utterly empty, morally bankrupt people.
Many repeat those lines because they've heard others repeat them. Plenty use it intentionally to avoid being responsive to
This is why we have to focus as much on pointing out when people fail to argue in good faith as much as we have to dispell lies.
We really need to shift cultural expectations so the public views bad faith behavior as shameful.
Set the expectations during each engagement. Point out where that expectation isn't met.