I don’t know what to do with my hopes and dreams now that it’s clear they don’t matter. I don’t know what anyone could have done differently, and I don’t know how anything that any of us do can matter. It doesn’t feel like there’s a future for all of us.
We’re not unique, other people have fought these fights.
Why have I worked my whole life? To help the kind of people who would vote for this and throw it all away? Hells the point?
I hope they experience godawful pain and misery and it somehow magically doesn't affect the good people along the way
Ask yourself what you want, and do something that brings it closer.
Hopes and dreams are for children. Action is for you.
Best of luck in the next few years. We’ll all need it.
Us? We keep on going. Thats all we can do, thats all ANY of us can do. We're just in history's tidal wave. Lets hope we're not smashed upon the rocks.
It's cold comfort, though.
Don't really have any advice for you, but you're not alone in your misery... you know, if that helps at all.
We still keep fighting with what strength we have, and when it feels like we can't go on, we take a breath and fight some more.
I'm not giving up until I'm dead.
Yeah, I feel ya
We cannot let these fuckers steal whatever joy we have.
Trump won by a squeaker. It's going to be painful, it's going to be awful, but the Republicans will be holding the bag in the eyes of voters in 2-4yrs
Unfortunately, we're about to find out one or the other.
Perhaps we'll get lucky and the infighting of his circle will keep him too occupied to cause much chaos.
Stick together, and don't despair.
Don't let anything drain your strength nor your spirit.