In the last DnD game my bard was the classic pan overly-sexed goof who ended up accidentally fathering a half demon child and before he could try to be a dad he ended up absorbed into our warlock's brain while the second Demon named Tim took over my body and ran away with it shitting and giggling.
Now when the game starts up again I have to play the Bard's adoptive father who is a paladin lizardman, who is grumpy, old, and very much angry that his last remaining son he didn't drive away with being a bad father has suddenly had his body stolen, and his mind trapped in a Warlock he doesn't know
my pf2e character is incredibly ditzy, clueless, and autistic coded for story reasons so i have her either be the serious lesbian (to borrow the other comment's phrase) or intentionally do stupid things for comedic value. i think she's great and perfect
In a superhero TTRPG, Coin-Operated Hero believes they cannot possibly be corrupted to any evil purpose, because they are a Hero; it's right there in the name. (Also they don't believe in the existence of crooked cops.)
(Eventually Coin- will learn they were constructed in service of an archdemon of commerce; every act of heroism, paid for in a monetary transaction, is an act of homage to, like, Mammon. This will, of course, completely shatter Coin-'s runic brain.)
She's an Astral Elf stars druid who is a socially oblivious and extremely entitled noble who thinks she's a more benevolent person than she is. She is partially based on Julia Louis Dreyfus' character in You People. She has peak I Want To Speak To The Manager energy.
Athar Paladin channeling Tony Robbins trying to help everyone be their best selves. Has been known to drag reluctant allies into combat to help then conquer their fear.
Trogdor was a stoic, devout, yet naive little cinnamon bun who our party's genasi convinced to marry a drow 👍 Rithos was the best: clueless on purpose, great fighter who'd wander off mid-battle if he saw food. And he always thought villains were hitting on him instead of threatening him.
Zag, my 23 INT Archmage, once tackled an iron golem down a flight of stairs when its anti magic ability made it statistically more effective to throw hands than keep casting spells.
She will never not do the most effective thing, no matter how nonsequitor it is.
She's 12 and usually the smartest person in the room. But has all the maturity of a 12 year old who knows they're the smartest one in the room. Also, being a hag, she gets up to quite a few 'morally ambiguous' shenanigans. In short, pure chaos gremlin.
My previous character was Cheerful Lady-Himbo, immune to sarcasm and passive aggressive comments. Many hilarious conversations were had with Extremely Passive Aggressive Character (player)
My current character is a rich bougie spoiled brat of a Tiefling Warlock (in a Pathfinder game, so that's fun) and since session one has served as the universe's punching bag who also happens to blow things up.
We've got an always hungry halfling monk, a chaotic faerie wizard, a vain tabaxi paladin, and a half-elf cleric that's been missing since session 2 in addition to my tiefling artificer, it's pretty great
Bor is the straight man of their world and the dry, pretentious, incompetent gremlin of everybody else's.
Ben is just sad. Ben is trying his best and he's really bad at it.
Thinking back to when I played a high-strung noble high-elf bard in a party with a wizard that she loathed and was loathed by. Some of the most fun roleplay I've had in a campaign, it was very much a straight man/wise guy dynamic, where my elf was the (strictly) metaphorical straight man.
she keeps trying to fuck the monsters. + she's slowly turning into a puppet for Azathoth which is causing the party to periodically get trapped in nightmare realms, giving me an excuse to make interstitial campaigns with absurd & amusing scenarios. also my other char has a huge hog & tiny loincloth.
the huge hog character is an orc pirate named GORT MUSCLEHAVER who pretends to be stupid but is actually super autistic about numbers and is the party's treasurer. he has a secret abacus.
his tribe choose surnames based on prominent features. both his parents have the common unisex name GORT and the most prominent thing about them is that their son is GORT MUSCLEHAVER, so both of his parents are named "GORT GORTMUSCLEHAVERHAVER".
She's an overdressed, easily embarrassed Nepo baby whose redeeming grace is a compulsion to knock down monsters. No street smarts, baffled by magic, she-himbo, influencer who could sooner walk on her hands all day than sit still with her bad feelings.
In Curse of Strahd: terrifying monster, if you can make her laugh it must be good.
In Fogwood: the bimbo, hilariously unaware of the world around them
In Fortune's Price: The straight man (nerd) who takes things literally and doesn't understand how to be funny
My Astral Elf Graviturgy Wizard has talked about how she has met various deities with our party’s Bloodhunter. My favorite line so far has been “It’s not blasphemy, darling. Maybe I can introduce you one day.”
Payshens is the absurd one, being an Orc Artificer wielding a screwdriver he calls Wrench, though with a party made up of a lawful good necromancer, a wildly temperamental barbarian, a wild magic changeling charlatan, and a pirate named Steve, absurd is the name of the game
Louis Chadore, Human Sun Soul Monk, is the grand misunderstander of words and sayings; both because he thinks the best of everyone he meets and because he’s really dumb. He will, in fact, react in surprise about a shrimp frying this rice.
Permanently serious straight man who gets far to caught up on small details. Says things that can be perceived as lewd without realizing what he's doing (eg: Suggesting the party be called "The Swallows" because he felt the symbolism tied to the bird fit them)
Besties with the other rogue in the group who is less grumpy but still practical and not as much the class clown as the cleric (who recently exploded, so now there's a power vaccuum in the comedy line-up. Who will step in to make the highest of jinks?)
she keeps getting wishes and making constructs “real”. also wished that her party’s owlbear steed could fly…and also wished for her magic beans to last forever. she calls it her bean secret, and it’s how she’s gonna make her fortune. shes da life of da party
My paladin-monk Champion Of Irori is permanently blind. Routinely missing party cues (“I pointed at the traitor!”) while occasionally adding humor to the metagame by ignoring bedeviling circumstances in ways the DM fails to anticipate (“…but you strike one of… his images… nevermind, you hit.”)
My werewolf Charcater who is a half-Vistani is kind of the serious type with little sense of humor whom the fun is in her not getting any jokes or references whatsoever.
My fairy moon druid likes to fly (but not high) over the heads of her enemies before giggling loudly, shouting “wheeeeee” so’s they look up and wild shaping into a heavy beastie that squishes them.
Extremely charismatic paladin with mildly questionable morals who's always talking the party out of corners but is constantly let down by the others in the group not getting the hint they need to play along with whatever story he's spinning.
Overconfident and self absorbed immortal without a shred of fear. He lectured to a dragon once and was teleported 20 ft under lava. He survived by rapid mutation, held up a finger and said "And furthermore!" Before collapsing on the ground.
in my partner’s star wars ttrpg, i play a guy who kinda missed the most important event in the galaxy at the time and is just kinda bumbling around with a shorter temper than usual trying to figure out what they want in life. so they have a lot of questions and less patience
one of the other players was a high strung and very angry dude - because of darth vader’s uhh genocides - who got mad at my character for spilling peanuts in his ship in like the second session. i’m really loving this dynamic LOL
Extremely earnest research with a heart of gold and not an ounce of guile. Their best friends are a war haunted barbarian and a three year old ooze bard.
My half-Elf sorceress had never interacted in Human culture. She got utterly blasted on ale one night b/c she didn't know her limit. She denied passing out; called it an "Elvish healing trance."
Also, "Wow!" is horribly offensive in Elvish, so she was offended at first, then collapsed in laughter.
Last campaign I played a party member and I had a running dynamic: He, a vampire, would start distractions by faking a heart attack and I would come in as a "doctor" who would only make the situation worse
in the very first session of this campaign (which has had long breaks where the group played other campaigns) she picked out a Goliath in a bar to challenge to melee combat. She has 8 strength and a missing arm. She won.
Here’s a couple off the top of my head:
- doing the crazy stupid shit sane people aren’t supposed to do, like stealing that artifact that is CLEARLY cursed, or putting it on “just to try it”, or accepting when the vampire offers to turn you for the low, low price of your eternal soul ^^
Straight Tabaxi doctor slowly becoming paranoid about how all the other party members are becoming agents for the gods and the ease with which the human members seem to be getting elves pregnant
Well my bard in Curse of Stradh just said to Stradh's Envoy at the end of the battle of Barovia "Oi... Barovia's closed t'night mate... gonna need to come back t'marrow"
he was completely ignored but eh.
Bard was also playing bagpipes during the battle and singing "Rise up, Barovia."
If somebody else is already the Charlie, then I'm usually the Mac. Unless there's a Dennis, in which case I focus on killing that character for the good of all of us.
My last rogue character was essentially running an MLM for sub grade spell components. He was and is, a "people person" and used terms like "synergy" and "core competency." Couldn't pick a lock to save his life but knew how to hire the best facilitators (thugs) to bring value.
The reluctant hero, he was just your average conman until he was roped into hero stuff. Now, too many people know what he looks like to effectively scam anymore, so he has to be a hero, lol
I have a cosmically funny one that happens to work out each time.
In dire situations, my rogue shakes his booty to distract enemies and improve luck. By chance, I've happened to roll nat 20s on the 4 occasions that this has happened (though once I had his pet monkey Abu do it too).
There was one session where we were up against a dragon attacking our airship. Our party took quite a beating... But as my dexterity is high and I have Uncanny Dodge+Evasion, I thought I could steal aggro and distract it.
Enter... The booty shake with a nat 20 on performance (low stat).
“Alright, now that we’ve got him tied up to a chair upstairs let’s begin the questioning.”
*goes upstairs*
“Sarah’ what are you doing in here? Why has his throat been slit? We had a plan!”
Playing a 'it's my turn with the brain cell' C lately; they're fun.
I frequently enjoy a 'doesn't fully understand human culture; takes idioms literally' C.
But I seem to have the most fun with utterly delusional Cs.
hes also the clumsiest hero you can imagine lmao
Sort of a "huzzah, fear not, corizens, for I am mighty!" Before getting absolutely decked XD
My fingers are too fat
She will never not do the most effective thing, no matter how nonsequitor it is.
Overconfident sexpot bard who gets herself into trouble chasing women.
Deadpan snarker/Moral core
Butt of every joke
Bullies the twink (is also a twink)
Ben is just sad. Ben is trying his best and he's really bad at it.
The jokes are the jokes.
Our 63 year old DM is not always appreciative of my character's overtures.
“No, you don’t want to fireball our barbarian. I mean, you didn’t when he stole your kills. Or when he hooked up with your sis. Why would you now?”
In Fogwood: the bimbo, hilariously unaware of the world around them
In Fortune's Price: The straight man (nerd) who takes things literally and doesn't understand how to be funny
Straight-woman/Grump/Miser rogue
Besties with the other rogue in the group who is less grumpy but still practical and not as much the class clown as the cleric (who recently exploded, so now there's a power vaccuum in the comedy line-up. Who will step in to make the highest of jinks?)
Also in a more meta sense, in my last campaign my character was front line, take on all comers, nukes for hands.
And now my character is terrified of combat and doesn’t do much damage (yet👀)
Also, "Wow!" is horribly offensive in Elvish, so she was offended at first, then collapsed in laughter.
Also if she keeps getting revived with no expectations of that ending…she SORT OF is invincible 🤣
She did stay dead for a while one time though. Took some fucked necromancy to get her back
-the oblivious one
-the straight-man
-the sarcastic one
-the sexy sex-haver who sexes
- doing the crazy stupid shit sane people aren’t supposed to do, like stealing that artifact that is CLEARLY cursed, or putting it on “just to try it”, or accepting when the vampire offers to turn you for the low, low price of your eternal soul ^^
"Is 100% convinced that she's great at lying
(-3 Deception)"
2. Shlub who wants to be the straight man but can't help crack wise at everything
he was completely ignored but eh.
Bard was also playing bagpipes during the battle and singing "Rise up, Barovia."
Also he has a bad habit of finding traps with his face.
In dire situations, my rogue shakes his booty to distract enemies and improve luck. By chance, I've happened to roll nat 20s on the 4 occasions that this has happened (though once I had his pet monkey Abu do it too).
Enter... The booty shake with a nat 20 on performance (low stat).
*goes upstairs*
“Sarah’ what are you doing in here? Why has his throat been slit? We had a plan!”