Hi!! It’s been a long time since I’ve done this, but I’d like to do an AYA - Ask YOU Anything! Reply to this Bleet and I’ll ask you a question that you can answer or not.
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How do you feel about nicknames? Do you have some? Would you like one? Have you given some? Have you tried to make one for yourself? Would you rather everyone just call everyone else by their name-name?
I was known as Beetle for Beetle Bailey. Then I got into the Ted Kord Blue Beetle so people started calling me Blue. Other than that not really any other nicknames.
Slightly more time with people at this point in my life. I'm so busy with work and college that I rarely have time to see my friends and spend quality time with them.
Aw! Loneliness happens to me, but its rare enough that I don't always recognize it right away. I’ll just be ornery and resentful for what feels like no reason and it’ll hit me like “OOOOOOH! I need a FRIEND!”
It’s really been fun! Feel free to do it yourself.
You’ve been elected to school board and you’ve been given SO MUCH POWER! You get to assign all of 9th grade one book/movie/music album to prepare them to be better people. What do you pick, and what should their essay topic be?
What is something you feel for you personally is more trouble than it’s worth? Like, it may float other people’s boat, or you may like it if it didn’t take so much effort, but you’ve learned from experience it’s too much effort for you.
Thank you for asking. The first thing that comes to mind, having just returned from a vacation to San Francisco, is removing the meat from a whole crab or lobster. Maybe if I enjoyed the meat more, it would be worth it, but it's a lot of work, very messy, for food I just like okay.
OH MY GOD SAME! And then were your done the mess takes up more space than the food did. I would rather make my food disappear than leave a ton of mess and shards.
Same! I would save a ton of time with all of the commuting I’d do — and I’m sure that the re-do button would stress me out. “What’s done is done” is actually pretty comforting
Yeah, I’m really anxious when I have to listen and I also LOOK anxious and I’m afraid that puts undo pressure on the person who is trying to fulfill what I am in line for.
When someone asks you your favorite color, do you
A. Answer honestly because in your heart you DO have a favorite color
B. Have a pat answer that you don't feel strongly about it
C. Say no because you don't
D. Want to discuss it further with the person
What was something you presumed was not for you until you actually tried it, and you were like, “no, this is a lifestyle change, I am appreciating this for the rest of my life”?
The first thing that comes to mind is wrestling. HATED it when it was at its peak in the 90's, next thing you know I'm moving 4 hours away from the only county I'd ever lived in to train to become a wrestler.
A friend told me about a segment that had me dying laughing just from him telling the story so I thought I'd check it out. For whatever reason it clicked and I became obsessed.
What’s a compliment that you really deserve? Like, people may mention it or it may go overlooked, but if/when you get this compliment you’re like “THANK YOU!”
I’ve been thinking about this for almost 2 hours now and I don’t have a good answer. I think the best I’ve got is when people compliment me on my kids. It makes me feel like I’m doing good as a parent
Is there a person you have only met maybe once that you no longer have any contact with (like you can’t google them, you don’t know anymore than that brief encounter) that you still think about?
My tendency was to have a running to-do list, both of chore stuff & creative pursuits. I viewed downtime as clearing I earned once I ticked enough off of the list.
Congrats!! That’s amazing! I’m a do-too-much, and I just have to be okay with feeling frenzied some of the time. Even planned down time feels bad if I feel like there is something better to do
It’s been a mental slugfest to get here, but my battle has been about not sacrificing the enjoyment of the moment I’m in out of some misplaced hope of future reward.
Im learning it’s all mine to choose, & letting my body,mind, & spirit each have equal say in that.
Oooh, interesting. Fancy: I’m not someone who is moved by luxury, but rather comfort. Would 1st class plane travel count as Fancy? Cuz I would love that for a trans-oceanic trip, to Japan, Australia or the Maldives.
As for comforting, I don’t think you can go wrong with food. Something nourishing to your body and spirit. I was just thinking about this with having some leftovers from my mom’s Christmas cooking. So many of her dishes make me feel so much better and it’s not only because of the taste.
For simple, probably clothing. I like clothes that are simple, not complicated. I love being able to just put on a hoodie, a TShirt, jeans and sneakers and being able to wear them for any occasion.
This made me think and reflect for a while. Thank you for that!
The stuff MGTOW and incells were saying had nothing to do with helping men. Some of it was, without exaggeration, evil. The various group admins and so called men's rights advocates were doing nothing to stop them. I still care about men's issues, but now I call those groups the what they are evil.
It is exactly that kind of thing! I caught a chipmunk in my front yard. I was in elementary school, and had the Disney princess commune with the animals fantasy, so I just grabbed them. They bit me and it bled like crazy. I told my mom that I’d slammed my finger in a door. I could’ve died of rabies!
One of the things that keeps me up at night as a parent is remembereing stuff I did that could EASILY have ended up very, very badly, but I didn't think anything of at the moment
Lisa, I'm sorry. I can't answer this question. I have never dissected my reading in this way. I have immersed myself in it and just enjoyed it. Some work better than others, and some touch me quite personally. Yet, I can't identify a sub sub subgenre, and I even discussed this with a friend.
Oddly enough, Taco Bell burritos.
BUT! You have to freeze them first, then let them thaw out in the refrigerator, and then microwave them just enough to warm them up.
I don't know what happens as a result of that process, but they're so much better that way.
Went a little overboard ordering from Grubhub once and had more burritos than I was likely to want to eat within a day or two, so I froze them.
But then when it came time to eat some more I didn't want to fully nuke them - because of the sour cream - so I experimented and hit on that method.
What is something you love that shows what great taste you have and what is something else that you love that undermines the respect you earned with that first thing?
I love Frank Miller's hard-boiled The Dark Knight Returns but at the same time I also love (possibly more) the light-hearted version of Batman seen in 1950s/60s Silver Age Batman stories.
If you could PICK the date of your birthday and you could magically be born on that day (so lying or explanation, that would be the date of your birth) what date would you pick?
hmmm I’d probably switch to Nov 1st or thereabouts so I could be firmly a Scorpio and never have to provide any explanation for my behavior ever again …
I’ve somehow managed to curate a lineup of restaurant friends (I don’t go spend money on food with just anyone) who all have very similar tastes, so I truly feel like I’m winning. Family style is a lie, but a giant pile of appetizers for 2 people is a good time.
Hayley! Did you play imagination games as a kid - and if so did you play with existing IP (like playing Star Wars), or did you pretend to be an original characters? Who did you pretend to be and what did you do?
Ooh I remember playing My Little Pony at school but I think my friend always allocated me one of the most boring ponies. When I tried to make it more interesting by picking up some leaves and pretending they were wings and I could fly my friend got very cross
Ugh - I had friendships like that, too. In 2nd grade though I had a group of friends where I started a game where we were fairies based on the seasons (I was winter) and I used that power to exclude people. I got called into the school counselor. I’m still a little ashamed.
Oh yeah and now I’m thinking of all the times I was mean and petty as a kid. Hopefully the feeling of regret is a sign that we’ve both improved as people…
Yeah, during a fight I performed (and co-choreographed), I took a “kick” to the leg and did that leg thing, and screamed as if my opponent had broken it.
Got lots of “HOLY SHIT” reactions from some very seasoned pros out of that…
I love the tradition of exchanging gifts with family around the tree on Christmas morning, accompanied by music, coffee, and bagels.
In non-holiday scenarios - much like with compliments - I'm awkward being a recipient. Feels like it creates some sort of psychological imbalance. Easier to give.
Ooh! Yeah, random gifts are complicated! But, I’ll receive a genuine compliment at anytime - I also give them at any time which I know catches people off guard.
So, this is funny because my day job is at a barter company so I literally trade for a living. Years ago, I traded chores with my wife. I am awful at folding laundry so I negotiated with my wife to do that forever. In exchange, I have to clean up anything that comes out of our pets forever.
Huh! How auspicious that this is the question I thought of for you. My husband and I also have traded chores, but I’ve kinda made out like a bandit. I suck at most chores - I do cook though.
That's fair! Thinking more on it, I actually did have training on it as part of a weird job I once had which I'm sure shapes my experience as well! Also just that I honestly don't have to do it often since I work remote and it's not particularly in vogue in covid-aware queer spaces 😁
I am curious about your weird handshake job! The negative association also comes from handshakes being gendered. Like when I’m out with my husband, people will shake HIS hand, but not offer me a handshake - and while I hate handshakes I feel that as a woman I have to demand my shake.
You go to someone’s house not under the pretense of a meal, and they have just started a food related hobby that they’re really excited about but they’re a beginner. They’re excited for you to try it - but while it seems food-safe, it otherwise looks gross/smells gross. What do you do?
Since I showed up not under the pretense of a meal, it would be easy to say that I just ate a huge meal of nachos or something before stopping by! How about you?
Rank these things from the most impressive to you to least impressive to you: close up magic, actually funny improv team, feats of memory, a child that fits in really well with adults, super palate (can detect flavors blindfolded)
-feats of memory
-actually funny improv team
-child that fits in really well with adults
-super palate (can detect flavors blindfolded)
-close up magic
i just can't get past the sort of person i picture DOING the close up magic, although maybe that's on me from my early 00s influenced ideas of who magicians tend to be
Hey, you! What’s your favorite FORMAT for a meal - like, not specific flavors or ingredients, but like what’s the vessel that it is in, are thing touching, is it solid/liquid, flora/fauna, etc?
diner breakfast for dinner. sitting in the car parked in front of the kind of ice cream stand that's more lot than store bc the summer rain finally broke but you got some anyway. cafeteria-style or buffet where you throw a whole bunch of whatever on the same plate. diner dinner for breakfast
cinnamon buns another badass dessert breakfast. i like assembling a little platter for myself re: buffet. speaking of, cheese plate for dinner is another all-timer food format
Being my true self - I like a pile of food with a sauce. Rice with stew, pasta with sauce, mashed potato, polenta. But not COLD - hot food. Salad, GTFO
Wonderful question. I am not that competitive a person when it comes to awards or medals. I compete with myself most. On the whole I can see that competitive drive is a powerful motivator, but for me collaboration is a better driver. Knowing one's motivations is very useful to avoid energy drain.
I used to be very competitive and not good at a lot of things. As a kid, I would feel like every competition was high stakes and I would get instantly flustered and cry when I inevitably lost. As an adult, I’ve discovered that I’d rather stand out as unique than be perceived as “on top.”
I cry quite easily, but I think it can surprise others when I get very emotional retelling a scene from a movie or game where I vividly remember the music and react as if I saw it for the guest time.
Aw! You wanna be a mentor! That's beautiful. I would rather be a sidekick, because I feel like I recognize other people’s good ideas better than my own.
If you could you sneak a thought into every persons brain over night and suddenly everyone on the planet agreed with you on just one thing - but if people suspects the thought came from you the spell is broken - what would it be?
I’ve heard tell of a Hydrox, but don’t think I’ve ever actually had one! Do you genuinely believe this or do you want to keep all of the Oreos to yourself?
That’s a good one! I have my keys and my wallet connected and then I have Bluetooth tiles on my keys, in my current journal, my remotes, my AirPods and my noise canceling headphones so that so that any one of those things can be used to find everything else.
Breakfast: Full English ( something England got right)
Lunch: Corned beef on rye ( historically the first sandwich, still the best
Dinner: Curry Chicken ( spicier the better)
In order: Curry Chicken>Full English> Corned beef on Rye
What’s a standard we seem to hold as a society that is probably just a waste of our time/effort? Like, if we all stopped doing THIS or expecting THAT of each other we’d all be better off.
I think filtering everyone through the lens of American Exceptionalism poisons the well and makes us (Americans) significantly less exceptional. We could truly be excellent.
It’s the smell of industrial levels of malt being heated mixed with traffic fumes, slightly sickly and sharp all at once. It smells of childhood and homecoming!
Hi, Russ! When you are in distress, do you have, like, a go-to comforting thought or saying, and is it the kind of thing that would be comforting to other people or is just a you thing?
Hmm, that’s a fantastic question. I don’t really have a go-to comforting thought it saying, but I will always try to find the humor in any situation. Life is rough sometimes, but it’s also hilarious. I try to make my problems silly, and then they don’t hurt me as bad.
I LOVE that and I can do that with OTHER people’s problems - but I tend to be kinda fatalistic with my own problems ESPECIALLY when they’re because I’ve made a mistake. I think the ability to laugh at yourself when you are frustrated is a super power.
Believe me, it is not a universal remedy. Sometimes life wins. But, I do think laughter is the best medicine. When my wife is going through it, I put on a comedy. That helps her so much.
Can you rank these experiences:
- Cancelling plans
- Returning a gift for store credit
- Getting a compliment for something easy to do
- Accidentally taking a pen and it’s a pretty good pen
- Getting a compliment for something easy to do
- Accidentally taking a pen and it’s a pretty good pen
- Returning a gift for store credit
- Cancelling plans
Okay so I have a few things like how lonely nerds become incels. But that’s still in the oven. So probably how often when it comes to my Hispanic heritage ie Ed’s short for Eduardo. People see me as white but not Mexican. And don’t take me seriously when I say I’m Mexican.
If you had the opportunity to experience the height of opulence but you can only experience it with one of your senses, which would it be? The most luxurious scent, taste, sight, sound, touch?
Ooooooh, interesting. Imma go with sound. I feel like it’s usually music that I get inspired by the most and I would want the experience to stick with me as much as possible.
I think I am also sound - though I am genuinely curious if I could appreciate an opulent smell. I really enjoy some really cheap smells (like scented candles and lotions) so would a luxurious one blow my mind?
Say there is a the afterlife which you could ask for total life statistics (for example: how much did I pee, how many steps did I take, how many flirtations did I overlook?) what would you want to know?
Oh my god, that question could not have found a better audience. I’d want to know everything, but flirtations I overlooked would probably be on there. Fastest run speed achieved, total ounces of coffee consumed, times I said varying words, movies I watched the most, foods I ate the most…everything??
When you tell the story of your life, like, in a get to know you way, is there a phase you skip over not out of shame, but like, it doesn’t fit into the greater narrative fabric of your life?
I typically skip over all of it. Pretend rather that I arrived on the planet fully formed. I'll answer specific questions, if people want, but I'm usually pretty vague.
That’s interesting! I know people who have moved a lot tend to tell their life story by where they’ve lived, with total strangers I tend to go by pursuits/career - but you’re like “got up this morning and that’s all you need to know!” Is it because you’re private or just rather not look back?!
More that I'm the kind of person that needs specifics. When someone asks me something like "Tell me about yourself", my brain basically overloads. Too many options to possibly answer with, so if there isn't a narrowing down with "what do you want to know?", I leave it sparse.
Would you rather have a super heavy backpack that has everything you might need or have a comfortable backpack but you KNOW you’re going to have to improvise because you don’t have everything?
I keep my comics collection organized, and almost everything else I’m actually in control of, with every space in my office *for* something. Perhaps fortunately, my son insures that whole swathes of the house are kept disorganized, despite all my efforts.
I actually find it impossible to have ANYTHING organized - including my comics. I think that the MOST organized place is my kitchen, but those objects for the most part don’t leave that room. I’m never like “where the f- are all of my pots?”
(Laughs) Not sure I’m known for anything really. I’m a web cartoonist. That’s far from famous. I guess there are shows I liked as a kid that I’m embarrassed about liking now, but some I can nostalgically look back on with a goofy fondness for keeping me entertained. Hope that’s a decent answer. :)
I mean “known for” can be on a small scale. I used to write poems for each member of my family on Thanksgiving and then one year I just stopped. I felt a weird pressure around it and it still comes up. What were your childhood shows that you're embarrassed of now?
(Laughs) Most of my family don’t know I’m an artist. They weren’t all that supportive, so I don’t clue them in anymore. I actually used to be known for my promising wrestling skills, but a shoulder injury ended that. I do still keep up with pro wrestling though.
@sidewalksiren.bsky.social As far as the childhood shows I’m embarrassed about now? Pretty much any DIC show. The animation was so terrible, even by 80’s standards! Wish Kid is probably be tops as far as most embarrassing. We were big Macaulay Culkin marks back then, so we watched all his stuff! XD
Can you rank these from most desirous to happen to least desirous to happen to you:
1.) Be brought on stage in a magic show
2.) Be crowd worked by a stand up
3.) Have a Falcon land on your arm in a bird show
4.) Be on a Jumbotron with your beloved and be encouraged to kiss
Feel like the Cable telekenesis-but only-while-touching-it is a cool constraint that gets glossed over as silly when he’s holding an impossibly big gun so it’s underratedly creative.
You HAVE to meet a room full of strangers - would you rather take part in a cheesy round of ice breaker activities or would you rather be given a set about of time to mingle and introduce yourself around?
I would rather curl into a ball in the corner but I know that is not in the spirit of the game.
I would go with the cheesy ice breaker activities because if left to my own devices I don't think I could introduce myself to everyone in a timely manner. The introvert in me hates mingling.
Of all of the Olympic sports (winter and summer) which do you think you could TODAY do the best at. I'm not talking winning a medal - you're not qualifying for the team or anything. But if you gave it a go, you’d fail the least at it.
Interesting! I had to look up a list of Olympic sports to see if there was anything that involves sitting down. But I couldn’t find anything. The Olympic sport I have participated in most recently would have to be skateboarding so I’m gonna pick that one.
What’s the longest route do you think you could walk with your eyes closed (with someone assist so you don’t walk off a cliff or into traffic or anything)?
Good question! hmmm I could probably walk from my house to my mom’s with my eyes closed which is a little over a mile away. Chicago is a grid system so it would be easier to navigate if I couldn’t see.
Ah, I had one of those yesterday! I was watching my son play the new Dragonball fighting game, and it dawned on me that Vegeta is NOT the green one, because vegetable. I am very Dragonball/Pokemon illiterate.
Right? It would be so cool and fun whenever you see a piano somewhere to just sit down and whip out a tune effortlessly. It would really be a boon to songwriting, too.
One of my favorite micro subplots of Groundhog Day is the one with the piano teacher - he got to have his first lesson an infinite number of times, so he could appear the most talented
What’s something you’d like to devour in a flight (as in a sample plate)? As an example, here is a flight of beer. Does not have to be beverage/alcohol related!
I like the variety. Owning books and comics from different genres, art and posters by artists with wildly varying styles, or eating foods from multiple cultures allows me choices. I am never sure what my mood might enjoy in the moment. So experiencing just the right thing brings… contentment.
I think I am a variety person especially with media - comics, books, movies - and also food, but I do get stuck in fixations where I will eat one food or listen to one song and nothing else will do until I burn out on it.
I have similar mini fixations, almost always driven by my emotional state. If I’ve had a bad day, I will more than likely be listening to Queen or Blink 182 exclusively. If I’ve had a bad week (or month) I’m probably bingeing Ted Lasso.
Food not so much… except shrimp. I can eat that anytime. 😆
You’ve been elected to school board and you’ve been given SO MUCH POWER! You get to assign all of 9th grade one book/movie/music album to prepare them to be better people. What do you pick, and what should their essay topic be?
What is something you feel for you personally is more trouble than it’s worth? Like, it may float other people’s boat, or you may like it if it didn’t take so much effort, but you’ve learned from experience it’s too much effort for you.
A. Answer honestly because in your heart you DO have a favorite color
B. Have a pat answer that you don't feel strongly about it
C. Say no because you don't
D. Want to discuss it further with the person
My tendency was to have a running to-do list, both of chore stuff & creative pursuits. I viewed downtime as clearing I earned once I ticked enough off of the list.
Relaxation was destination I had to get to.
So more the former, but …
So now, I still always have a hearty mental list, but downtime is built in, & all my self-imposed deadlines have lost their rigidity.
I’m thriving more than I ever have as a result.
It’s been a mental slugfest to get here, but my battle has been about not sacrificing the enjoyment of the moment I’m in out of some misplaced hope of future reward.
Im learning it’s all mine to choose, & letting my body,mind, & spirit each have equal say in that.
5 Depache Mode
4 The Jam
2 David Bowie
1 The Police
What’s something you prefer FANCY, something you prefer COMFORTING, and something you prefer SIMPLE?
This made me think and reflect for a while. Thank you for that!
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done that has little to no witnesses?
Still not sure I have a great answer. The little to no witnesses part is the rub...
It can't possibly be throwing a perfect game in one of the Wii MLB 2Ks, can it? 😭
One of the things that keeps me up at night as a parent is remembereing stuff I did that could EASILY have ended up very, very badly, but I didn't think anything of at the moment
Do you have a favorite fictional dwelling or house? Like, you read it in a book or saw it in movie and was like “I’d love to live in that!”
BUT! You have to freeze them first, then let them thaw out in the refrigerator, and then microwave them just enough to warm them up.
I don't know what happens as a result of that process, but they're so much better that way.
But then when it came time to eat some more I didn't want to fully nuke them - because of the sour cream - so I experimented and hit on that method.
Have you ever had a really good had a really good hiding spot? Either for objects or for yourself.
I'll come back to you on that
But to answer your question directly and seriously, I can corkscrew my right leg to make it look like my foot is facing a full 180 degrees backwards.
Came in handy in a stage combat class I took, but not anywhere else…
Got lots of “HOLY SHIT” reactions from some very seasoned pros out of that…
How do you feel about traditions around gifting? Do you a personal feeling/philosophy about gift giving/receiving?
In non-holiday scenarios - much like with compliments - I'm awkward being a recipient. Feels like it creates some sort of psychological imbalance. Easier to give.
I can listen to an audiobook and play threes on my phone for HOURS
-feats of memory
-actually funny improv team
-child that fits in really well with adults
-super palate (can detect flavors blindfolded)
-close up magic
Do you have a story where you were the hero (can be a big or small thing)?
Lunch: Corned beef on rye ( historically the first sandwich, still the best
Dinner: Curry Chicken ( spicier the better)
In order: Curry Chicken>Full English> Corned beef on Rye
What’s the most specific place you could identify purely by smell?
Can you rank these experiences:
- Cancelling plans
- Returning a gift for store credit
- Getting a compliment for something easy to do
- Accidentally taking a pen and it’s a pretty good pen
- Getting a compliment for something easy to do
- Accidentally taking a pen and it’s a pretty good pen
- Returning a gift for store credit
- Cancelling plans
I tend to overpack, so I guess I would go with the super heavy backpack.
Don't ask any follow up questions.
1.) Be brought on stage in a magic show
2.) Be crowd worked by a stand up
3.) Have a Falcon land on your arm in a bird show
4.) Be on a Jumbotron with your beloved and be encouraged to kiss
I would go with the cheesy ice breaker activities because if left to my own devices I don't think I could introduce myself to everyone in a timely manner. The introvert in me hates mingling.
H. Gregor McSnout
Of all of the Olympic sports (winter and summer) which do you think you could TODAY do the best at. I'm not talking winning a medal - you're not qualifying for the team or anything. But if you gave it a go, you’d fail the least at it.
I play piano, but my primary instrument is voice. Piano takes SO MUCH EFFORT and focus to look effortless and be impressive, it’s not worth it for me.
What’s something you’d like to devour in a flight (as in a sample plate)? As an example, here is a flight of beer. Does not have to be beverage/alcohol related!
Food not so much… except shrimp. I can eat that anytime. 😆