I wonder if there’s an element of shame expressed as rage and PDA. They were supposed to the be the “antiestablishment/you can’t control me/we’re not going to take it” generation and they just turned out to be broken weak posers.
We grew up having it drilled in our heads that we don’t talk about wages and unions were criminal enterprises ( Jimmy Hoffa) there was definitely corruption in unions in the 80s.
You know what’s the absolute worst: People who over-generalize about whole generations of people. And genders. Those people miss out on a lot of good people.
Also, The Police (the band) rule, Ween sucks, Dukakis shoulda won, and unions are our last defense against the encroaching oligarchy.
you are correct, and may I offer some context:
men my age - 56 - remember the 90's recession and how many we saw of this age laid off that never worked again.
It's simply fear.
As a Gen X white man, I've never had an opportunity to be part of a union but would have joined efforts to help organize a union if given the chance. Good luck in your efforts.
I can only imagine because they are the hardest to work with in my job. I had an instance where I asked for a client call with me so we could put something together. He never sets up the call and is upset with me because I don't have something built for him.
The other data point I have is a guy who sent an enraged email to his building rep after I talked to him for literally one minute. He asked to be put on a “do not disturb list” for organizing
This reminds me of a dude - he frankly looked like he coulda been one of the J6 attackers - who got SUPER mad that I was canvassing in his apartment complex a few years ago. He threatened to call the building manager on me if I didn't leave immediately.
A third guy reassured me that he was SUPER pro-union and appreciates everything the union is doing… but that stops at the water’s edge of actually joining his union
They don’t think they need to because meritocracy-blah-blah - they truly believe they *are* the best and brightest. No way they are going to risk that to join unions, which they’ve been told by their Boomer white male mentors are “ways to advance the mediocre.” I’ve actually heard this.
That said , wish you the best organizing.
Solidarity for all!
I'd be that person who constantly reminds them - and everyone else - how against it they were.
Blame gen X women, they like to organise.
It's one of the universe's little jokes.
Also, The Police (the band) rule, Ween sucks, Dukakis shoulda won, and unions are our last defense against the encroaching oligarchy.
men my age - 56 - remember the 90's recession and how many we saw of this age laid off that never worked again.
It's simply fear.
Then again, I am an extrovert. Meeting people and talking is my jam.
They make it so easy.