“You have been selected for a Special Mission. A Special Secret Mission. Meet behind Coach’s tool shed at 01:00 hours. Tell no one. Your gear will be waiting for you.”
Why are you getting oiled up and ripping off your trousers Chief? Did the music activate that hypnotic suggestion @coachgowron.com put on you to turn into Magic Miles as soon as you hear the music?
I warned him. You can't simply let the computer wholesale save anything with Channing Tatum, Pedro Pascal or Sam Rockwell in it. At least not without heavy partioning. We had this exact problem cripple the Oberth-class ships last month. ~LtCmdr GG
Well…. You’re not wrong. There’s Quark’s new hologram, that one time Nu’Daq went on a bender, that time you had to rush home out of your kayaking program because school let out early… Leeta and I during the Romulan Ale incident…
::retrieves key, opens box::
There’s a note….
“You have been selected for a Special Mission. A Special Secret Mission. Meet behind Coach’s tool shed at 01:00 hours. Tell no one. Your gear will be waiting for you.”
Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. You know, that suggestion box was a real testament to this community!
🤭 it said something about it, anyway. *takes a swig of her drink*
I mean, so do I, but that’s for completely different reasons
I made 3 bars of latinum off his “tea bag” emote last week alone
He’s got quite a bit of energy, but then again, hologram.
Yknow Chief, I think we should just let this one play out. Could be fun!
Maybe time travel is fun…
None of us is perfect.
By the way, how’s the family?