Third Way exists to give Politico and Axios the quotes for rarebit articles, and Politico and Axios exist to give Third Way an unearned sense of relevance.
Just ignore them all, and don't fall for their effort to make Third Way the secret voice of actual Democrats
Just ignore them all, and don't fall for their effort to make Third Way the secret voice of actual Democrats
Reposted from
Kevin M. Kruse
I’m asking “Denocratic strategists” who are advocating this warmed over loser shit to state their names on the record so we can all ignore them from now on.
I went to U. of C, so Mayor Daley's '68 Police riot still
So, yeah, funny you read it the way you did. We dems have made a mess of things in some of our cities
Since I've nothing but unbridled contempt for current Dem leadership, I'm willing to find truth wherever it exists. Schumer put us in this mess. I'm not ever going to
Axios is still redeemable, but they need to get their act together ... 😉
On behalf of their billionaire owner and son of the Birchers founding spokesman.
ddim yn siarad yn wael am y Gymraeg
For 45 years the CHANCE of convincing MORE than 10 -30% of Americans is almost nil. Media is on their side.
Bluesky is serving as Helms Deep for progressives, but no army is coming to save them.
Which was enjoyable.
An organization that wil help primary these milquetoast fucks. I’ll be in.
Oligarchy News = collaborators!
Eleitores americanos ora sentam no colo dos Democratas, ora sentam no colo dos Republicanos...
Max a piça é a mesma!
TERRORISMO no cu dos eleitores AMERICANOS!
Radical Republicans took over the Republican Party. Moderate Republicans have taken over the Democrats. Think that was not a plan?
Keep giving them money. 🙄