Senate Democrats watching scenes like this and thinking “how can we signal that we’re on the same side of this House Republican?”
Reposted from
News Eye
Rep. Chuck Edwards is getting torn apart at a town hall in Asheville, NC.
“I’m a veteran & you don’t give a fuck about me. You don’t get to do this to us!”
Edwards orders veteran to be thrown out.
We’re approaching a tipping point now. Anger across the country is going to boil over soon.
Rep. Chuck Edwards is getting torn apart at a town hall in Asheville, NC.
“I’m a veteran & you don’t give a fuck about me. You don’t get to do this to us!”
Edwards orders veteran to be thrown out.
We’re approaching a tipping point now. Anger across the country is going to boil over soon.
That's who I thought this was at first!
He said the people were pissed.
This what a “deep state” looks like. A corrupt party in power and a complicit opposition.
He is, therefore, a part of the coup now and will from here on be treated as such.
Them's the rules, Chuck.
“Do not go gentle into that good night,
rage, rage, against the members of your caucus that did the slightest bit of displaying disapproval of the aspirational tyrant during a joint address”
How hard is it right now to say to Americans-
Things are so bad under Trump and the maga party that we have no other choice but to use the only lever we have which is to stop this train.
I don’t understand this