This is why due process matters.
If the government says someone is a dangerous gang member, we just can't take their word for it.
If the government says someone is a dangerous gang member, we just can't take their word for it.
Reposted from
Amanda Katz
Based on this fast and excellent WaPo reporting, these four guys are not gang members, just Venezuelan dads who came to the US to work. They’re now being paraded in shackles in El Salvador
There are absolutely Americans who refuse to pay the slightest bit of attention to news & current events. I'm not sure how to slip information into their obliviousness, short of getting sports announcers or reality show participants to sneak it into their scripts.
Seems like something we are only going after one specific group for.
Somewhat different to "Even though I was caught hiding top secret documents, doesn't mean I'm guilty of anything."
Dehumanizing treatment, separation from social contacts, isolation, deprivation of rights, etc. are the absolute surest way to radicalize men who didn't start out dangerous.