As a (very nerdy) kid I was torn between physics and infectious diseases and I went with the latter b/c if its not "a little gooey" it just doesn't feel real.
Fun fact re the mouseover text: Back in the 1990s, Cambridge University's Institute of Astronomy had a resident cat named Muon. And yes, she was very cute.
I think... if the outermost layers of electrons were bound with roughly the same potential energy as the outermost electrons in water molecules... *might* manage to trip the same neurological sensors?
The bot always posts the first reply with a link to their xkcd explainer page, which includes both an explanation, for lay people who don't have enough science background to get the joke, and also what they call a "transcript" of the drawing, which describes it very well.
There was a time when I used to binge read explainxkcd, because there were (still are) quite a few comics I didn't understand. I used to think that was because I lack the science background, but turned out I didn't understand quite a lot because I'm simply not American.
Interesting—I didn't realize there was so much American culture embedded in it since it just seems natural to me. May I ask where you are?
I always read explainxkcd because I can't "mouse over" the note with my iPad to see the alt text caption. But I'll admit I usually need the explanation too!
I've been using this avatar since the election. So far, I *think* I'm still safe using it, but I don't know for how much longer. Sincere question: would you be safe using the equivalent one? Or would you worry about a knock at the door some night? I'm honestly wondering how this is going to go.
I just..I don't want to see my stupid bluesky joke reply on a conspiracy blog in like..a year
"SEE, MY BRETHREN, THE MASSES (showing one comment) AGREE!! THERE IS HOPE FOR THE SIDE OF TRUTH!" this is my nightmare
yeah..I mean, I love biology and all its fruits (weird way to put iit I know, but life does does include fruit so! lol) but, at the end of the day we're all particles and waves or strings or some other nonliving matter given the gift of being able to recognize that.
And this is why physics is cool.
Btw this is not a Transphobic thing, TERFs can fuck right off!
This is strictly me thinking it would be cool if infinitesimally small particles turned out to be somehow alive, akin to eldritch "cells", something horribly organic that shouldn't be impossible, Body Horror not Bigotry
this seems like how a lot of science is. scientists set out to find something and spend the next x amount of time playing around with it like a group of high school boys to learn more about it
You think that's bad, well imagine the horror of our local cult when they finally summoned one of the Elder Ones and the first question it asked was "So did you make those charity donations I told you to?"
Comments *might* manage to trip the same neurological sensors?
-- Stuart Moore's "symbiosis"
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
I always read explainxkcd because I can't "mouse over" the note with my iPad to see the alt text caption. But I'll admit I usually need the explanation too!
That way I can filter it, repost and be sure the alt-text comes with it.
But thanks for the tip.
They're icky.
(This is not true. This is a joke Please. Do not. Take this. Out of context.)
"SEE, MY BRETHREN, THE MASSES (showing one comment) AGREE!! THERE IS HOPE FOR THE SIDE OF TRUTH!" this is my nightmare
And this is why physics is cool.
This is strictly me thinking it would be cool if infinitesimally small particles turned out to be somehow alive, akin to eldritch "cells", something horribly organic that shouldn't be impossible, Body Horror not Bigotry
Alt text: