Same 😊 I came home from pre school in 93 and my parents went we got something. I was like cool... What is it? And I was a gamer ever since hehehe 🧜🏻♀️👾
Technically the very first video game I ever played was I believe the All-Stars port of Super Mario Bros. 3 when I was like... three years old or something like that, but the first console that I actually owned and had a solid collection of games for was my Wii. I love that thing so much 🤍
intellivision. i played tron with my grandpa. so yeah it is. my second was NES and my grandpa adopted it from me after i got the SNES so he could play mario 3 over and over XD. is it still special... just the memories of my grandpa. but thats about it.
SEGA Genesis for me and kinda? I definitely don't spend as much time playing those games as I probably should but it's a core memory for me and those are still special. Being 3-4 years old and holding a controller for the first time playing Sonic 2
Atari 2600, the one with 6 switches and the fake teak panel.
Hours and hours spend playing all the different games in Combat. Who could forget "invisible tank"!
Nintendo 64. It was my introduction to gaming on the TV, and games like the Zelda games, Mario 64, Pokemon Snap and Starfox 64 turned me into a life long Nintendo fan.
Its my comfort console too, as i always reach for it when I’m feeling down.
mine was the NES, don't have a lot of memories of it but I remember having so much fun playing the first Mario Bros game with my parents telling me how to play. Good times
PS1. I’m so glad Sony brought back the original start up screen. I cried the first time I restarted my PS5 and it came up. It brought back so many memories 🥹
The first consoles I played were the GameCube and PS2 at a daycare and the first console my family owned was the Wii. They are still especially special to me as they formulated my earliest gaming memories.
I was given a Gameboy Color with Pokémon Yellow & Crystal when I was about 5. I've got Crystal in a shadow box now, and I'm thinking of doing the same to the Gameboy. Sadly lost Yellow about 15 years ago..
SNES. It is still special, especially the color palettes, sound fonts, Mode 7, and the controller having exactly as many buttons as you really need. I like to play Spelunky 2 with a USB SNES pad and pretend it was really for that system.
The 1st one I played on was Atari. But the 1st one I owned was this old generic called Subor. It had Super Mario bros, Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers. And for years it was the best thing belonging to me.
Mine was the NES. I got it as a hand me down from my brother and I've been hooked on gaming ever since! And it absolutely is still special to me cause I'm finding new fantastic games on that system all the time
My Aunt and Uncle had one and whenever I’d visit them they would let me play it.
They had Space Invaders, Combat, Breakout, Casino, and Warlords.
Good times! 😌
Sega Megadrive, and no not really to be honest. Was awesome as a kid but going back to nostalgic things often ruins the illusion. I leave it as a pleasant memory
The Sega Genesis! Played on that bad boy when I was 2 back in 1995 and I've played many a game on it! Still some games on there I haven't beaten to this this day. I'm lookin at you Beavis & Butthead.
First I ever played was Genesis 3.
First I personally owned is GameBoy Pocket and then GameCube as my first home console.
First system I played at a friend's house was Playstation 1.
All of the above have a special place in my heart. 💚
I grew up primarily on PC during those ages, but first home console I ended up getting was the N64, which of course was very important to my growth with Super Smash Bros and Pokemon Stadium.
I think the first one I played was the Wii, but the first one I owned was an Xbox 360. Both remain very special to this day, and I still use both semi actively
Sega Master System II but the console I loved the most when I was a kid was the PS1. The games had great soundtracks and loved the movie clips. That startup sound too gave me chills every time.
Game boy colour.
It was the first console I owned, and I have many fond memories of hiding under the bedsheets to play when I should have been sleeping, or trying to see by streetlights being driven back from visiting grandparents.
The torch attachment was a good investment 😂
Mega Drive and yea it's still special. I think the selection of games I might have had weren't the best, but it was mine and it was fun. I do think gaming has improved, being able to save progress so you weren't restarting every session is generally a good thing.
That was the Wii. I still have it and have since homebrewed it, although I haven't played it in a while cause a need to repair one of the wiimotes and just haven't yet.
PSone will always be special to me! Getting new games for Birhdays and Xmas , the Multi tap was wild! 4 of us playing Speed Freaks or WWF for hours was so much fun!
When i was off for most of the year at school when I was 13, I ended up on it all day just playing Final Fantasy !
The Atari 2600 was my first console and I played everything on it from Mrs. Pac-Man to E.T. (E.T. Was surprisingly awful). It was special to me at the time, but I do have a hard time going back and playing many of those games for that system.
First one I played was probably SNES or NES, first one that was mine was GBA (which I miss - white, from launch day), and first one I bought was a used OG Xbox which started me on my now 20 years of primarily Xbox gaming (on PC now tho technically). They're all special in their own ways.
But the first console I ever "owned" and was the one that I felt was truly mine, was my PS1. I may have not had a lot of games for it but it was mine and no one could take that away from me.
I have VERY fond memories of my PS1 and PS2 and without em I might not be here today.
Intellivision, Atari’s lesser-known cousin. All I remember playing on this was Battle Tanks but I loved how you could slide different cards onto the controller for different games. It’s not as special to me as my original Playstation but it will always have a special place in my heart ❤️
PS2, and NFSU. Completed the “story” in a weekend and was a bit disappointed it was over already. I did replay it several times but after not too long I somehow convinced my parents to get me GTA:SA. I played that game probably for many hundreds, if not thousands of hours.
I don’t use it much these days but I still have a PS2 (sadly not my original one but the same fat model), and let me tell you booting that thing up with NFSU is a huge hit of nostalgia
My first console was the PS1 but originally what got me into playing video games was the Nintendo GameCube and from this day it’s still my favorite. It holds way too many memories.
Atari 2600 for me. Is it special to me? Not really, other than in the sense it got me into gaming I suppose. Here I am pushing on 50 still with my head in a game every day 💪🏻
My Amiga 500 holds a special place mind, that’s where the gaming started to come alive for me.
In terms of what i actually owned at the time, the PS2.
I still have it in my closet, but unfortunately, most of my games are either lost or ruined, and I'm missing a particular part that plugs into it. Still never gave it up, though.
I got the Master System for Christmas 1992. It will always have a special place in my Heart. Not Tazmania though, that Game can **** all the way off! 😆
The PS3/360 is really the only console wars I was actively aware of. I started gaming with the PS1, and it and the PS2 far outperformed its competition so there wasn't really a console war to speak of.
PS1 slimline
I was a little old when it came out but my parents weren’t well off and picked it up second hand. One of the controllers had stick drift and the disc cover had to be blue tacked down, but I loved it 😁
First console I played was Atari 2600 and I loved it. But my "first love" system was NES. Parents got it for my big bro and I, and I was hooked. Mario Bros, Track and Field, Duck Hunt, Punch oh man!
My first ever was a hand-me-down Atari 2600 as a kiddo. But the first where I was old enough to feel a sense of ownership and that it was something special was my PlayStation.
As luck would have it when I got into PS1 collecting in 2019, it was still up in my parents' attic. Very happy reunion. 💜
I feel this. Ps1 isn’t the first console that I had ownership feeling of, but it’s the first I bought with my money. That was a big deal to me then. It’s why I connect with ps1 and not their other consoles so much.
I played other consoles long before it but the first one my parents actually allowed in our house was the Wii (I was 14). It was such an exciting and momentus day when we brought it home, my brother and I played on it for hours without fighting which was huge for us 😂
Atari was first I played, but NES was first I owned. The games and the aesthetic are special to me, but god are the games shitty to play sometimes with ridiculous difficulty levels. I do not have that same kind of focus and patience to finish those games anymore.
PS1. It originally belonged to my uncle, who used it briefly to play sports games, but ultimately gave up using it shortly after getting it. So my dad bought me some educational games to play on it so it'd get some use.
My time with the PS1 alone was brief though, I got a PS2 not too long after.
I’m not sure which was my first tbh my uncles had the N64, ps2, and Xbox all at the same time and I remember falling in love with silent hill and donkey Kong 64
The first my family owned in my lifetime that I remember: Super Nintendo. The first that I personally owned: Nintendo DS, given to me when I had cancer so that I'd have something to do in the hospital (along with the Zune). The original bulky one, not Lite.
The NES and yes it's still special, started with SMB/Duck Hunt, then lost all of it in a house fire in 03, but now I have a top loading one and a good collection in my retro room
Another NES here. It’s still special to me; absolutely no feeling in this world like putting a cart in, pushing it down and hoping it will load first time
Nintendo 64 I honestly never really showed an interest in gaming and neither did my father but he actually waited outside Walmart to get it out of layway for Christmas for me
I got to play on an Atari of some sort (had a wooden panel) and a Comadore 64 but the first that was truly mine was a NES.
So many amazing games and memories!
I actually played one at PAXAU this year that had Battletoads set up and got all the way to the Dark Queens Tower.
First console I played was the Sega Genesis. My parents bought it from a friend of there’s and it included Sonic 1-3 and Sonic & Knuckles. 5 year old me had no idea that moment would be life changing.
Xbox! From the bulky controller to the long cords is very nostalgic to me. I have the latest Series X that’s like a sleek Wi-Fi modem now but still a my favorite!
NES is my very first and is indeed very special to me as it introduced me to two of my favorite franchises, Zelda and Castlevania. Castlevania 1 was my very first video game experience.
Hours and hours spend playing all the different games in Combat. Who could forget "invisible tank"!
Its my comfort console too, as i always reach for it when I’m feeling down.
Those consoles were quite something for their time period.
First console was the wii.
A lot of great memories playing games on this console as a kid.
They had Space Invaders, Combat, Breakout, Casino, and Warlords.
Good times! 😌
First I personally owned is GameBoy Pocket and then GameCube as my first home console.
First system I played at a friend's house was Playstation 1.
All of the above have a special place in my heart. 💚
It was the first console I owned, and I have many fond memories of hiding under the bedsheets to play when I should have been sleeping, or trying to see by streetlights being driven back from visiting grandparents.
The torch attachment was a good investment 😂
When i was off for most of the year at school when I was 13, I ended up on it all day just playing Final Fantasy !
I still have that sound midi embedded in my brain.
Still remember playing that dumb game on it in a half built house with no insulation and exposed particle board flooring.
I have VERY fond memories of my PS1 and PS2 and without em I might not be here today.
But this is ultimately where it all began for me.
Much fond memories indeed
good ol' times
It’s that console that sparked my love for video games. And was my gateway into the gameboy.
My Amiga 500 holds a special place mind, that’s where the gaming started to come alive for me.
The SNES as it was the first I experienced,
And the PS1, as it was the first I owned
I still have it in my closet, but unfortunately, most of my games are either lost or ruined, and I'm missing a particular part that plugs into it. Still never gave it up, though.
First console I chose to own was the Sega Master System and THAT system holds a special place in my heart.
But my most found memories are that of Og Nintendo and Sega Genisis
1st I ever owned was NES and hell yeah it's still very special to me.
I was a little old when it came out but my parents weren’t well off and picked it up second hand. One of the controllers had stick drift and the disc cover had to be blue tacked down, but I loved it 😁
I miss it, but I played very few games on it outright.
As luck would have it when I got into PS1 collecting in 2019, it was still up in my parents' attic. Very happy reunion. 💜
My time with the PS1 alone was brief though, I got a PS2 not too long after.
I was definitely a Treasure Cove, Commander Keen, and Dinosaur Safari kid though.
First to own SNES
I still don't think many 2D platformers and top down RPGs come close to some of the offerings on the the SNES
It's the GOAT system!!!
So many amazing games and memories!
I actually played one at PAXAU this year that had Battletoads set up and got all the way to the Dark Queens Tower.