fElon looks like he's coming down F A S T from whateverthe fuck he stuck up his nose,his ass ,swallowed or stuck in his vein .there's a personal train wreck coming soon.
maybe we'll see it live during some interview where tWump and his wunderkind get into a tussle
sadsong how bout a circus tune?
I live in Australia so it’s up to concerned people in your country. Have worked with many families who have similar problems. It’s never easy but most caring parents, with support, do the right thing for the sake of their children.
The mother has been begging him on twitter to keep the kid out of the public eye. He was ignoring her calls and texts so she resorted to calling him out publicly. She also complained recently about him not responding to her when there was a health concern with another of their kids.
That’s a good point. One of the ways he disgusts me is his over breeding, bc he can’t possibly be a true father to that many children…but I will keep that point in mind 🙂
Elon is also🇨🇦. No offense to Canadians but many of these white supremacists are coming from there. I personally think the global Western world ( & caste systems like India & Israel)set OUT to divide and conquer America but its temporary folding back on them. 47 is an agent https://youtu.be/iBDlNgd7JKk?feature=shared
Someone does need to get CPS involved. His mother may not be that bright being, that well she had his child, but anyone with eyes can see he’s using him as a human shield.
I think it's sweet she had hers enlarged so the Felon wouldn't have the biggest tits at family gatherings. Melania wouldn't do it- she doesn't care, and she'd rip up the back if her skin were any tighter.
I saw the platinum blonde in the right corner of the video demonstrating the white supremacy sign with her right hand and then the nazi sign with her left arm right after.🤬
Repost this far and wide.
Two special elections we must win come up for grabs. Bernie, Obama, Harris, Jeffries are all scrambling to raise as much money as possible, but NOW we need YOU to support these two candidates.
Trump looks like me. On his last legs.I hope he goes before me so I know the world has a chance. Once the cult leader is gone they will fall apart because it is trump MAGA worships.
*Hope both their hearts give out tonight, because why not both. Not that we will ever be that lucky anytime soon. And then there's Sergeant Mcscribbles McGee aka the CouchFucker. They all need to go.
Massive stroke in public where lives but can't do anything and he knows it, and everyone else knows it including his cult, and then he fades away into obscurity
Nice pants and walking like an old man. Couldn’t be more horrified at the Oval Office’s meeting Friday. You looked like a bully in chief, not the strong man you want to be. Putin was laughing his ass off.
I see a tiny and exploited child, being dragged into mass crowds, not getting age appropriate enrichment and is in serious danger. He is exposed to mass sickness by others in that crowd, he is tiny and can be lost, he can be overwhelmed and have no exit.. he is clearly a prop . that poor baby
It boggles my brain that he doesn’t realize that there will likely come a day when a parent, who’s lost their own child due to one of his heinous ideals, will no longer care that he’s toting around a toddler.
What about the lady in the front who has made the Nazi salute like three times, at first I thought maybe she was doing a thumbs up, but she does it with both arms cause she wants to make sure they know she’s giving the Nazi salute
That’s part of the deal you get for holding an event at mar a lago. What’s curious is that now you get Musk. I wonder if they have to pay extra for that.
One would almost believe that trump and musk are married, they way they are attached at the hip. Melania has not been seen with trump this many times in the last 10 years.
Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don't know what tomorrow will bring🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Not sure what I am supposed to notice?
But I do see and hear is these ferking brain dead cultists cheering the very traitors that are ripping the very fabric of our institutions in a federal coup to take over our country.
And these idiots are clueless!!
OT is a Traitor
Muskolini is a Traitor
You mean besides the fact that Trump now has the old age slump as well as listing forward? And the fact that musk looks like his 60+ son who is fighting a beer belly?
Look, observe, floor to ceiling, & song playing as the lawless FFOTUS, treasonous traitor to the 🇺🇸, 2 federal tax evaders. Us tax payers forced to pay for all those MAL golfing trips, w/SS entourage’s lodging, tabs there, back & forth for 2 terms. Attendees stuck on stupid
What a lonely pathetic man. No genuine emotion. Just a room full of opportunists that may think that being near him brings them a sense of security, power and influence.
Oh my god. If he is high on ketamine all the time while wielding chainsaws he shouldn’t have custody of that child. That’s so very fucked up. I feel so bad for Grimes.
He probably wears a back brace and girdle - could be one reason, other than that he has no senses of rhythm, why he “dances” like he does…a jerk jerking around
I’m waiting every day for the notice of the rapist/felon’s obituary. Joy in the streets all over the world!
I said “rapist/felon” the other day on fb and someone commented how i was delusional. I said, “funny. You knew exactly who i was referring to”. Who’s delusional?
I imagined a closed loop. trump at the front and musk at the back. When the loop is closed trump will attached to Musk's ass, thus eating his shit and everyone else's.
Man, I can't stand to look at these 2 for any length of time, especially if I'm like looking for a discrepancies or some shit !
So. I just go and read the feed back, so not to damage my retinas ! 🙂
Lack of diversity,
Botox bottle blondes, Frat boys, a child who should be playing with 1
His mother
children his own age
Two avaricious, mendacious, evil men who need constant approval and need to pay their fair share of taxes.
The audience is mostly white and young. I'm sure there mostly crypto sellers looking to make connections or line their pockets or perhaps there President Elon Musk backers that are looking for one thing, bringing down the safeguards in America so they can con and scam at will. Did I miss anything?
I dont think he even knows that, he thinks hes a leet gamer the shirt is from the game half-life. And now that I know the extremist have adopted it time to burn my shirt. Thank you.
It’s such a gaudy place. Gross. Just like everyone who goes there. Overblown, overdone wannabe’s who think they’re all way more impressive than they really are.
2 grossly overweight Nazis.
1 who barely made it on stage- prob dirty diaper
1 future Nazi who should be with his mother. Your odds are 1 in 3.
A room full of lilly white smooth brains willfully handing their $$ to a Felon.
I notice that Musk drags that poor little boy with him wherever he goes and most of the time the boy looks like he desperately needs a nap. Hey Elon, kids need to sleep.
And what kind of weirdness is it to drag a kid up on stage with all those lights flashing and all these hundreds of people squashed into a room and no kids around anywhere. It's just screwed up.
This is damn near close to child abuse. That poor child is not having a normal childhood by spending hours a day with adults and no nap time. Does he even have friends his age. How sad.
Remember Scarface. Pacino’s Scarface wouldn’t blow up a car that had a corrupt politician AND HIS KIDS. “I tole jou, no fucking kids. Now look at chou, joure fucking dead.”
Creepy fuck OLD man walking. Musk look confused and dim or high. Hall looks CHEAP as FUCK - ridiculous chandeliers/fake plaster ceilings. White-flat-ass-walls and generic tv screens. Too critical? Just creepy old man, creepy jerk pulling son behind. AND way too many bleach blondes try'n to impress.
Those are fast fold screens not monitors. The projectors are mounted on the truss which is covered with white cloth. Considering how he hates paying his bills, I would NOT recommend sitting beneath any of that shit.
HA - clearly I've not been - or anything approximating. Closest would be friend's nice neighborhood eatery with maybe 5 plasmas (if I've even got that right) in the extended bar section. Always sports. Always sound off.
I had half an inkling they could be real plaster, still I thought could be factory made tiles - but I was on a roll - lol - I'm become a lying liar! Thanks for keeping me honest. Wonder if the plaster craftsmen were paid as agreed.
THAT was tRump? He looks more like my grandfather just before he died. Musk looks like he gained a lot of weight, probably from joining tRump for quarter pounders with cheese and French fries.
I read he’s part of a contentious custody battle. His mother is no stellar human either. Foster care would probably be the solution, as shitty as foster care can be.
According to gun owners..the big tumbling bullet would have taken off half his head at least if it came close. My personal guess is he was hit with a tiny piece of the prompter when it broke from the one (?) bullet. WHERE ARE THE NEWS STORIES? Who was the guy? Motive? Investigation how he got there?
That looked like the departure show. You know, trump’s finished eating his cheeseburger and ice cream and wants to leave so the entire dining room has to stand up and clap until leaves the room. Naw, he ain’t a dictator in his own fucked up mind.
Musk is the president. Trump is just a cover. Also, meat shield or no, an experienced user of long;-range items, could Luigi him, without any damage to the shield.
WTF?? Musk is using taxpayers dollars, he’s not an elected official that using our nation’s resources for free! Musk is a parasite that leeches off the working people.
Pretty sure he's trying to emulate Genghis Kahn. He has at LEAST 14 children. But apparently he really likes IVF. I dunno. I'm sick of him. He's rapidly becoming as horrible as the barking yam.
His mother is a Nazi. She is a traitor to Canada. The family fled Canada after belonging to the Nazi party of Canada (fuck!) fled to South Africa during apartheid because they “felt a home with their people” (racists) She’s a fucking horrible piece of work. Disgusting 🤮. Off with her head.
Yeah. I'm aware. But thank you for helping put it 'out there' for others to see. I'm amazed by how many otherwise intelligent people think that Elon is a GOOD thing. I'm leaning in hard to try to help people understand what we are dealing with.
Nazi salutes for him and the yam at M-A-L yesterday. 🤬
His family makes Vance’s hillbilly family seem like intellectuals. 😂. Crazy anyone thinks Musk has any redeeming qualities!?! Me too-just keep spreading the word-we’re modern day missionaries! Keep up the good work!
I was having something notarized, and the NP was a very kind and intelligent person. But she said many of her friends think M got in there to 'foil' the Yam's plans. She didn't know ANYTHING about the truth of M. She DOES NOW! Ha! I'm counting on the butterfly effect, but it better FLAP FAST!
Honestly, they are all truly pathetic. If they weren't so ridiculously selfish, stupid, dangerous, and deserving of the intense misery they most certainly feel deep down, I could almost feel sorry for them.
A lumbering frail old fool with man boobs clapping for himself while being followed by a dip shit parading one of his 14 (that we know of) props while the brainless cult cheers
Everything, even if it is a comprised list of the obvious. I certainly wouldn’t be comfortable there. Even the music sucks, in my opinion. The FFOTUS is a treasonous traitor to our country.
Yes, the whole thing is horrendous - I wouldn't be able to enter that room for all the money you could pay me. I just get frustrated by that approach to getting clicks, "what do you notice" ... like, yeah, no fucking shit it's a mess.
A bizarre display of an old, unhappy, unwell looking white man, followed by an equally looking unhappy, out of place, insecure white man, who put his young son in a seemingly uncomfortable position (to be used as some sort of safety blanket), surrounded by white people hailing their cult leaders.
maybe we'll see it live during some interview where tWump and his wunderkind get into a tussle
sadsong how bout a circus tune?
Two special elections we must win come up for grabs. Bernie, Obama, Harris, Jeffries are all scrambling to raise as much money as possible, but NOW we need YOU to support these two candidates.
Doggie style.
https://bsky.app/profile/phoenix--rising.bsky.social/post/3ljh2lojpws2i <--- Well worth watching if you haven't seen it.
Elon looks confused and strung out per usual
But I do see and hear is these ferking brain dead cultists cheering the very traitors that are ripping the very fabric of our institutions in a federal coup to take over our country.
And these idiots are clueless!!
OT is a Traitor
Muskolini is a Traitor
Can't tell lies and then claim the truth.
The man eats like a king
Amusing how they keep twisting the whole presidential replacement narrative. Last year, Biden wasn’t real & trump was the one in charge.😂😂
I said “rapist/felon” the other day on fb and someone commented how i was delusional. I said, “funny. You knew exactly who i was referring to”. Who’s delusional?
Am I right?
Except Viv. He's estranged from Viv because she went to school one day and came home a different gender. The school did an operation.
So. I just go and read the feed back, so not to damage my retinas ! 🙂
Botox bottle blondes, Frat boys, a child who should be playing with 1
His mother
children his own age
Two avaricious, mendacious, evil men who need constant approval and need to pay their fair share of taxes.
That's how it looks to me.
1 who barely made it on stage- prob dirty diaper
1 future Nazi who should be with his mother. Your odds are 1 in 3.
A room full of lilly white smooth brains willfully handing their $$ to a Felon.
Pair of flabby entitled asshats.
The only way muck would pick the boy up, is if shots were fired
What a disgusting display of a president!
180 degrees different…Mainstream media is a total illusion.
maye musk is as nasty as her nazi son
Nazi salutes for him and the yam at M-A-L yesterday. 🤬
Honestly, they are all truly pathetic. If they weren't so ridiculously selfish, stupid, dangerous, and deserving of the intense misery they most certainly feel deep down, I could almost feel sorry for them.
White nursing home
*Not trying to be a jerk
picking his nose
several of them
Musk doesn't give a shit how many kids he kills
His kid is better than hundreds of thousands of kids dead
I choose his kid