The President of Israel is making the same argument Hamas does: everyone residing in our enemy's territory is in some way culpable for allowing the enemy to exist there and thus they are all fair targets.
Hamas have no democratic mandate, and hasn't since they suspended elections almost twenty years ago. If Israel wants to talk about collective responsibility, the government of Israel which ordered these war-crimes *does* have a democratic mandate.
This is absolutely crap, the people in Gaza are basically trapped there, they have no where to go! Hamas is using them as a shield and the Zionists will kill them all to get at Hamas . Only the innocent will suffer and die, my heart breaks
Does it hurt your credibility when you claim to be the righteous party as you prepare to stoop right down to the same level as your enemy? What if you're about to commit the same crimes just on a MUCH larger scale and by using guys with uniforms?
frankly it's a more persuasive point to argue civilians in a democracy with universal mandatory military service bear a degree of responsibility for the actions of their military and political leadership than it is when the claim is applied to forcibly disarmed civilians under an unpopular junta.
It’s worth considering the fact that Bibi literally has helped increase Hamas’ influence in the region directly. And has literally gone on record as admitting as such.
This is also why although yes they talked about WMD the reason the unified establishment didn't care that Iraqis weren't responsible for 9/11 is that it was okay to make somebody pay, and it might as well be Iraqis.
It's really gross comparing the radio silence over this from the President of a sovereign nation with the downright Wagnerian pearl clutching over Ivy League college students mouthing off at modestly attended campus rallies.
It seems to me that Hamas and Israel’s government would both like to see the other wiped/driven out permanently & that this attack and the counterattack are going to be used by both as a justification for it.
As does Hamas. Which is why eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil lost us paradise. Atrocity becomes acceptable when done by the "good" guys against the "bad" guys.
Goddamn godbotherers always getting shit wrong, this has nothing to do with that fairytale except that both sides nominally believe in an incompatible version of it.
There's a religious component to it, but it's overemphasized by people who are working against a resolution to encourage thinking it's a problem that can't be solved, and by those biased against one or both religions.
Expecting a population that is 50% children existing under inhumane conditions to collectively rise up after a lifetime of violent oppression [from both sides] is ridiculous.