November 15, 2021. A new dwarf planet has been discovered in our solar neighbourhood. It was given the provisional name Xipe Totec.
It has gone unnoticed due to its small size and complex orbit, but it recently passed close enough for this first image to be captured.
It has gone unnoticed due to its small size and complex orbit, but it recently passed close enough for this first image to be captured.
Saying oh no. Just cause we are dwarfs doesn’t mean that together we are not a planet!!!!
Reinstate Pluto now!!!!!
Plenty “The last of us” greatness and equally, Ew.
i mean they can just check his profile, yeah? the one that says he's a photoshop artist
Bro can't come up with their own insults
#XipeTotecLives #CubesHaveMoreFun #Youwillbeassimilated
Authorities are warning not to approach the falling debris that was torn from the planet by Earth's gravity.
Seeds that fell during our close encounter with living planetoid Xipe Totec are fusing and consuming everything around them.
Large swaths of the ocean floor being covered in flesh may lead to ecological disaster.
Though the measure is proving ineffective at curbing the spread, it may buy Earth some time.
Leaders warn “worst is yet to come” as large populations crowd the increasingly shrinking habitable surface of our planet.
Wonderfully weird, creepy, and _not_ the last thing I want to see before calling it a day and go to bed.
Fight fire with fire.
Devour the great devourer.
Eat god.
There is no possible way it could go wrong.
Senshi from Dungeon Meshi, suddenly a part of real life: “I eated it all…”
We should've eaten it before it ate us
We have much worse things to worry about.
Damn good story
Eye see you what you did there. Keep that shit up.