More bullshit.
Donald Trump, you can’t shut down the Dept. of Education — and you know it. Fox News even knows it. So stop it.
We know you’re just trying to wear us out. But for the record, I am not overwhelmed. My zone isn’t flooded.
I will fight your illegal behavior until the cows come home.
Donald Trump, you can’t shut down the Dept. of Education — and you know it. Fox News even knows it. So stop it.
We know you’re just trying to wear us out. But for the record, I am not overwhelmed. My zone isn’t flooded.
I will fight your illegal behavior until the cows come home.
And if they value their jobs and lives over their beliefs, they probably would.
1. Trump signs an EO his dumbass base will love.
2. The EO is illegal and unconstitutional.
3. The courts shoot down the EO.
4. Trump saves face by saying he tried and that “lunatic left” courts are thwarting him.
5. Repeat…
1. b) DOGErs frantically dismantle everything they can, from signage to offices, even pictures on the wall.
1. c) DOGErs hack computers.
1. d) Great damage is done before injunctive relief can be sought in court.
Strongly worded posts on social media?
Q: What else has Tina et al done?
Takes like this are nonsense
Have a great day!
-a new yorker
Thank you for fighting this illegal attempt to destroy our democracy! How can we the citizens help you?
It all flies out in a bunch of different directions and something has to hit. Right?
I am praying more Senators will start to stand up to this craziness; especially those that are from Red states
Ready to fight along side you. Not overwhelmed, only angry
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
So I & many others are glad to hear you say it out loud. Enough cow shiz, more resistance.
No, you're not beaten down...
You Congressional and Senatorial members do a FANTASTIC job posting on social media…
But you don’t ever do jack shit beyond that
So either just shut the ever-living fuck up
Thank you again for voting NO on Cloture and CR!
Your weenie fellow democrats could learn a few things about their duty to constituents and the rule of law.
Fighting in court isn't going to work. Not with him/them. Not sure what will, but the courts won't. He's now a dictator.
He CAN shut down the DOE. He just DID.
He makes me ill.
If DOGE showed up at the DOE tomorrow and locked the doors, y'all would just shrug your shoulders and post about it.
Love with fighting spirit❗️
Actually it's hard for you to fight when you're not on recess because you are a coward like the rest of your colleagues.
Hoovervilles were shanty towns built during the Great Depression by the homeless in the United States.
They were named after Herbert Hoover, who was President of the United States during the onset of the Depression
Cantor Fitzgerald (Lutnick's firm) upgraded its rating on TSLA stock today and Lutnick went on FOX tonight to ask people to buy TSLA. Wildly illegal stock manipulation.
Thank you for fighting!
He doesn’t respect the law.
He doesn’t respect the courts.
He doesn’t respect the Constitution.
He’s not going to stop doing illegal shit until someone *makes* him stop.
#WTAF ‼️💥
Smart Dems would make a deal with Johnson & the Senate to get this done. Johnson can be the hero saving us from the evil chaos. We can bide our time to the midterms and 2028.
Do it! 🔥
Here, I'll start it off to make it easier: "In order to put a stop to this illegitimate president's illegal actions, I am/have been..."
Local Office #: (651) 221-1016
DC Office #: (202) 224-5641
Office Website:
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here:
I'm in it till we get back to normal and democracy stands.
More like this!
Thank you Senator.
Congress has given him the purse strings and he'll just defund it. Not even leaving the lights one.
Congress is no longer doing their jobs. We should fire them all who refuse to stand up to Trump!!
You know this is coming, you know this.
Stop the Trump an musk.
Stop what till the who comes home?
I'm waiting for RT channel to be the next FOX. 3D tRump. Deny. Distract. Deflect.