Just gotta remind myself that the people who continue saying "heat pumps don't work" are actively ignoring progress in the industry.
If they actually cared about being up-to-date and having correct information, they'd be looking for information in good-faith.
But they aren't.
If they actually cared about being up-to-date and having correct information, they'd be looking for information in good-faith.
But they aren't.
Love your videos
Keep up the stellar work.
( ☞˙ᵕ˙)☞
I'm on track to spend 1/3 the heating costs of last year because the house had a 20 yo oil furnace when I moved in
It's depressing.
Carrier makes *some* high-end equipment of their own but it's a small part of their market.
The other domestic makes are no better. It's embarrassing, especially because the typical US form factor could allow for some stellar heat pumps designs.
my parents looked into having one installed but it makes no financial sense while the gas kWh is three times cheaper than the electric kWh :/
Grocery store refrigeration systems are the real monsters, here. Those systems have hundreds of pounds refrigerant and an absurd amount of potential leak points. Chronic leaks there are so much worse than any home system.
I got Mitsubishis that work great at -15F, that would’ve been unheard of a decade ago
Wholesale they're like $500 more than a furnace and AC combo.
They're just miking those who don't know.
I paid $17k for my system but fuck, I love it so much
*we do not love it
they're pretty efficient to run, especially if you have rooftop solar panels (as 40% of households here do)
they’re wrong and they’re gonna get their asses handed to them by the market
If they're smart, they'll adapt right now and be the disruption the industry needs.
If they're not, they'll die. Either that or become MAGAHVAC
it made me weirdly hopeful, lol
not sure why they think that
Same AC can cool the older house when it's 115 outside but suddenly can't heat a house when it's 35 outside with the same tech
they didn't have an answer
You see the same thing among people proclaiming that renewables don't work and never will.
But I don'T think it hurts if I send it again
What specific newer brands/models do people suggest that can handle down to 0F?
The name “heat pump” could use some rebranding lol.
That, I dare say, is the most dangerous sentence that anyone can speak, about anything.
I already have some issue with "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"...
We used to get excited about new things in this country. About ingenuity, applied science, craftsmanship.
Now a solid chunk of folks think efficiency is a dirty word and progress is a scam.
Right. Go away. I have no patience fools.
Cold-climate heat pumps keep their full rated output down to 5°F. They also incorporate pan heaters to keep ice from building up inside them.
And if installers are smart, they elevated them on a stand to prevent issues with snow.
Cold-climate air-source heat pumps produce their full rated output at 5 degrees F. My mom and dad's Bryant heat pump was their sole source of heat until the outdoor temps hit -12. Only then was supplemental heat required.
last winter we had a very long night of -13F
my cold climate air source Mitsubishis got me through with the house losing just a couple degrees overnight, which it regained in the morning
if it gets down to -30F I’ll worry
-40 (which, fun trivia, is where Fahrenheit and Celsius equal out) is a temperature that happens here at times. That changes the evaluation.
Yeah, they do work pretty good in those weather conditions, when you pair it with good insulation.
Heat pumps not working well in edge cases isn't a reason to dismiss them outright. And I'll bet you have plenty of days in a year where they'd work just fine anyway.
Certainly they're a great thing where they work - but that doesn't make heating without carbon generation a solved problem by any measure.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but this post was about making sure people are looking out for new information and not just assuming what's in their head is still correct.
But over the course of the year? They were used for 4-6 hours total.
I mean, sure - I do, in fact, want us to stop burning fossil fuels and am working to educate on ways we can do that.
But it takes an agenda to deliberately ignore reality.
I talk to folks in my tiny little upstate NY town all the time about my heat pumps, and I have rednecks in rusty pickup trucks stopping in the street to ask me how they’re doing
oh, i haven't got an agenda, i strictly float around the world on pure vibes
"1. It won't be, I mean look at gasoline. 2. You're paying in externalities you're not even aware of."
How quickly some forget just a few years ago when gas prices were insanely high.
Simply put, gas does 4 things for you. Electricity does all the others.
The *minute* electricity becomes cheaper than gas, having gas makes no sense at all.
They're putting out commercials to try and AstroTurf opposition
the 100 foot rule is a ballbuster
People think that if their furnace is gas it will magically keep running in a power outage
I don't know how that compares, but this is in the largest town in Wyoming. (~60,000 people)
The best part is the variable speed fans and compressors are dead-silent compared to the bang-on/bang-off system I replaced.
(a type of Heat Pump)
have been popular, and unquestionably effective, for over a Century.
The idea that 'heat pumps don't work' was ALWAYS a politically-convenient fiction...!
That’s insane.
But that's more a mix of not being 100% up-to-date and realizing that supplemental electric heat might be the solution.
Ducking autocorrect