Thank you for hope. I just texted my family to let them know so we can all call. My youngest sister and her significant other both are on Medicaid because of their health. We will be calling. Thank you again.
The technicalities don’t mean anything when dealing with craziness.
They’ll change the rules by making up new ones and repeating them until they become the rules.
Thank you for this amazing thread. I was literally asking myself what happens now? And there was your thread. This is incredible. Will be sharing widely. Looking forward to learning more from you.
Every time - at least since that piece of shit, ronald reagan - the christian fascists have power: the poor, the sick, the disabled, women & children, veterans, and especially the non-whites, suffer.
And always, the christian fascists' excuse is: "god will help you."
Fuck them & fuck their god!!
I sure hope every single soul that needs all these services are making phone calls. WE need to be relentless. We need to push hard. Thank you for all that info, Bobby.
This is exactly what we want to know. Any chance you can summarize in a substack or something so we can pass along info? Very much appreciate your effort on this. Thank you!
I hope people realize that SNAP and Medicaid cuts are also the test balloons for Social Security, Medicare, ACA, and VA cuts. If the Republicans get those through, they will go after the next four next.
They don't realize, when Medicaid is cut, the health care system collapses. Mass closure of hospitals, doctor's offices, nursing homes, and the like. All going to be gone.
right, but then that will rebound to the hospitals in the city, as they will get more and more people going to ER who won't be able to pay, leading to many of them collapsing as well
They are already cutting at the VA. Maybe not benefits yet but people and programs.
Killing Medicaid is a bigger deal than you think. We won't have to wait for them to move onto Medicare.. killing medical coverage nearly 25% of the country will be more than enough to kill the healthcare system
I thought this was a provision of the ACA when it was 1st passed. When did congress decide they needed better healthcare than the people who pay their salary?
It was, and that part of the law is still active. All members of congress can only get healthcare through ACA unless they get something through their spouse or buy private insurance on their own. But lots of people believe the Facebook posts and memes claiming otherwise
It also just plain holds up our hospitals, esp in rural areas. And 40%+ of US births are on Medicaid. You wanna combine that cut with abortion bans? It’s very bleak.
Thanks for the knowledge.
The creation of Public Law that creates a Public Money to serve The Public
They’ll change the rules by making up new ones and repeating them until they become the rules.
And for making the calls, please use this 5 Calls app! It made it so easy to call, and I made it my rule to call every day:
And always, the christian fascists' excuse is: "god will help you."
Fuck them & fuck their god!!
Killing Medicaid is a bigger deal than you think. We won't have to wait for them to move onto Medicare.. killing medical coverage nearly 25% of the country will be more than enough to kill the healthcare system
They can go on ACA.
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