The tech bro's betrayed the left because they didn't get everyone bending over backwards to make them richer....heaven forbid it wasn't all about their wallets and egos
Feels like someone being upset because someone on the far left was mean to them so then they decided to turn around and embrace burning down the tenets of the Republic over hurt feelings. Sorry you didn’t get the Biden invite Elon but did your hurt ego justify you embracing radical destruction?
I am sometimes nostalgic for the previous generation of technologist. My favourite from that time was Bill Joy. I still follow Bryan Cantrill who is still making stuff. Marketing won this round, but the engineers are biding their time to strike back.
The tech oligarchs were lucky to be born in a moment when what had been a liability, autism & resultant social isolation, was an asset as it drove them to solitary pursuits - computers/coding- right as the digital revolution arrived.
But they are still lonely and angry at heart, ie "dicks."
This is insightful. Perhaps there is a parallel between alcoholism and tech rockstars (and other celebrities). You can end up arrested in a certain life stage at the onset of the illness and never mature beyond it. Many of us have behaved badly as young adults, but they are stuck in that stage.
Yeah, Andreesen never struck me as *not* a dick. Musk was a power hungry obsessive who for a limited period obsessed about good things (climate tech, rebooting space travel). Google's "golden goose" of ad revenue enabled owners to be generous at no cost to them. It's now clear this was transient.
They were dicks at the beginning when no one understood the massive potential of what they were doing. They are dicks now when we finally understand the potential and how they are enshittefying it
The dem progressives became a source of revenue, opportunities and fame from 1986 thru 2000 via government programs. Marc got his start indirectly from NSF money to Larry Smarr's project.
Marc absconded to the Valley with Larry's NCSA Mosaic IPR until he was stopped by a lawsuit threat. Mosaic Corp became Netscape. NCSA subsequently sold the IPR to Microsoft. I can't remember Marc ever at Netscape or involved. But his gratuitous dick cars were there.
The dem progressives have lots of baggage here as well. Lukasik kept trying to warn them that the technologies had a dark, dangerous side - even doing a DTRA paper for Andy Marshall on FSB weaponization. No one cared.
Your construction seems the most accurate. What is being described as tech industry also seems simplistic. The dicks were also the best bullshitters who networked among themselves and sources of revenue as Valley Vultures. Their gambits, no surprise, generally failed or caused societal harm.
Tech bros have always been modern-day colonizers, with the mindset of move fast and break things, and ask for forgiveness later. They saw the free and open land of the internet and wanted to own it, manifest destiny. Now the richest man wants to colonize Mars.
They’re all Naomi Wolfe: when denied the leadership positions and honors they felt qualified for they ran to the other side, aired grievances, and showed their whole asses as ordinary, unlearned dopes.
The more wealth that is accumulated the more one fears its loss (for most). Policies and issues aren't relevant, really nothing is. Just the need to cling to wealth. If you look at these people this way, it's a lot less confusing. They are simply children in adult bodies.
Tech needs product liability like with any other products, specifically social and digital media platforms, then Zuck, Musk and others will eat a bit of humble pie.
The left insult people then they wonder why we don't watch their shows, play their games or vote for them. And it's never their fault, everybody an idiot but them.
clap clap clap
Just think - all that money, and only a small group of people will ask how high when told to jump by these oligarchs. Jump onto the faux populist MAGA train and now they can "rule the world."
100% A nation of adolescent boys parented by video games and chat rooms, has shed its residual shame and emerged as a grotesquerie of fear, ignorance, self-loathing, greed and sadism.
Wasn't a fan of Bill Gates & Warren Buffet until The Giving Pledge for billionaires to quietly give their money to address real world problems. I don't think any of these tech bros participate. Selfish pricks.
No, their thing is to fuck and date STUPID & PRETTY Models in their 20s, esp since most of them were socially awkward Super 💻 Geeks who couldn’t get pretty girls when they were younger and *BEFORE* they got wealthy!
All Musk, Thiel and their ilk realized, is what even a fucking moron like Don Trump realized. The US is filled with vicious racists and idiots. The easy road is to appeal to them. And they have.
Absolutely! Worked for startups in Bay Area and Seattle. The biggest dicks male and female also searched out the worst seed money humans to create a toxic environment.
I tell people to remember these guys were “nerds,” social outcasts through their youth. They found money and celebrity in their 20s being lauded as denizens of the future. Public dissatisfaction with their products made them feel those old feelings of unpopularity and power makes them vengeful.
Do you think the likes of Andreessen actually believe that the regulatory deep state was trying to destroy American innovation, or is this just about billionaires wanting their taxes as low as possible?
The tech bros are the Robber Barons of the 21st century - and they're acting EXACTLY the same as the Robber Barons did: breaking unions, establishing monopolies, corrupting politics, and trying to erode the power of the workers.
When will we wake up and realize capitalism is the problem?
Thiel grew up in a uranium mine in an apartheid state and while still a young man, wouldn't renounce apartheid because it worked economically. He was a piece of shit from the jump.
But they are still lonely and angry at heart, ie "dicks."
They even dress the part: boorish teenagers wearing rumpled tee shirts, looking like they need a bath.
yeah it's all our fault
clap clap clap
But, starting after the Netscape IPO, Wall Street started the rush West and eventually ate SV 1.0. Now, Silicon Valley 2.0 is just Wall Street West.
When will we wake up and realize capitalism is the problem?