Smart dictators are Putin 🤬
Idiots like this should be easy to dethrone. I'm not understanding where's that famous American land of the free and home of the brave? 🤔😳
I was in Ukraine this week. I wrote on Substack about how we can stop talking about Ukraine like it's an economic asset. Join the conversation on Substack!
Mike Johnson’s gone too far. He’s not a captured condoner now but a willful, active traitor, conspirator, auto-coupist supporting the end of the American republic hoping for privilege in neo-fascist America (AKA Kremlin Cordyceps zombie-ant hive led by Krasnov). We will remember you Mike. 😾
Umm... the illegitimate must resign ASAP! NOW!
That is, if America actually comes first you little twits... and we know it doesn't to the treason twit party.
Reminiscent of the patriot act, where patriotism illegally searches and seizes personal information.
Little Mikey thinks if he kisses the russian marks that he too will get some greenbacks and Jesus points.
He will not be considered for any position, but for a window toss. When you’re too stupid to know who your real enemies are in a high level of stupid.
Though we left the US for Europe, we of course follow the happenings as they have global implications. I am nauseated reading such drivel coming out of the White House. As an immigrant in EU, I hesitate to say I am from the US now; I never thought I would live to see that day. My country is lost.
It’s not lost the technocrat run it.
Of course most of these men can make a sandwich or not pay for love.
Haven’t been out of there basements till they made it big. But they say it time for a change !
Ah yes, speaker Moses must have been talking to the heavens again. I am pretty sure Zel has a very low opinion of speaker Moses and his response would be obscene at best!
I don’t think they are prepared for the martyr they will create if they force Zelenskyy to resign. They couldn’t even do a reality TV Vance and Trump episode with Zelenskyy without having it blow up spectacularly in their face.
puppet. On Meet the Press this morning he tried to say that zelensky was the one interrupting and yelling. When clearly we all saw that he was just trying to get a word in edgewise. Thanks Mike but you don't need to tell me what I saw
Oh no speaker Johnson it’s time for you to resign you and all your MAGA white male Christian toxicity that’s going to kill so many Americans, you need to go! And frankly, I’d like it to be the hard way.
So we sow, so shall we reap mr. I’ve got a pray away the radical Democrats!
So Putin can pollute another election in Ukraine and get one of his puppets installed. Putin talking point #96. Mike Johnson, you earned your badge for passing Putin puppetry intro class.
Zelensky did nothing wrong. They beat up on him and then like the battered wife or the battered husband, he didn’t respond like they wanted him to. And now he’s the one who has to apologize? BS.
UA is a sovereign country. They’ll decide what they’re going to do or not going to do. This flesh colored shitstain doesn’t dictate what better men than him do within their own countries.
Ukraine is wasting it's time. Time to move on and work with the democracies of the world. Not these jokers in Washington. Biden is gone and Trump supports Russia.
And I feel that the new proposal for peace in Europe being worked on now should not be "presented to the USA". Straight to negotiation with Putin and bypass the puppet.
Why is it that everything that comes out of a Republican's mouth these days is actually something that they have done or should do? Some God level hypocrisy there.
Those minions around trump attempt to out do each other on a daily basis to impress the boss. They know who he is, what he is and we know in order to serve under him they have foregone any dignity they ever had.
Dear , I am a moderately intelligent and educated person.... and yet could not understand the meaning and the grammar of your comment...
American's felt the same way about Trump in HIS first term.. and he didn't and I ll bet Zelensky's approval ratings are higher than Trump's among his own people!
We showed up and voted while many didn't listen to our voices of concerns. We have been America foot solders. So we are waiting for others to get off their asses for a change.
The least experienced speaker in history isn’t just philosophically unprepared to lead the people’s house but he doesn’t have the physical constitution to do it. He’s a religious zealot being led around by the nose.
I think that it's members of the Republican party (like him) who need to resign. When a party aligns with an dark adversary instead of our tried and true allies the alarm bells are ringing. Shame on each and every one of these cowards.
The ones who need to resign are any Republicans backing Trump and Musk. Remember, you will be held to account for your actions. And I just followed orders will not be accepted as a defense.
Why is it they always talk as if Ukraine belongs to them? Ukraine doesn't have to listen to anything they say or do anything they want. Ukraine could want to fight Putin until everyone and everything is dust, and that is their decision.
Everything Trump and Musk are doing could be stopped tomorrow and this picture of Mike looking like he is doing something, is instead a picture of a man doing nothing. He is the reason all this crap continues. It starts and stops with this traitor
I cannot watch JD Vance run his little media Fox News Style banter. What a jerk. It's just like professional wrestling. I'm surprised a folding chair wasn't used as a logic
Making Zelensky the ‘problem’ has been so obviously and clumsily staged… and Trump’s toadies are lining up to reinforce the strategy… obviously, switching Zelensky out for a more ‘sympathetic’ Ukrainian leader, was right at the top of the wish list Vlad gave to Donny.
he's a literal "mouthpiece" for Agent Orange. maybe he should stick to slavishly vomiting AO's verbiage and keep his nose out of other country's affairs.
"Putin needs to come to his senses or step down." Those are the words that should be coming out of the mouth of this fake Christian who supposedly abhors communism.
Creepy little Bible thumper Johnson telling Hero and Patriot Zelensky, who has fought for 3 years against Putin’s invasion of his country to ‘resign’
Actually no. The Man without suit offered to the manless suits to step down in exchange for NATO membership. The suits’ bluff was called before they bluffed.
His business is being Trump’s lackey, so unfortunately, this is about as much “business” as we can expect from the Republicans. They are part of a co-equal branch of government but have accepted being Trump’s bitches in exchange for money and not getting challenged. Pa-thetic.
Why are we telling the leader of another country what he has to do? We have no authority over his citizens who elected him. These clowns can’t even handle this country.
I always hear the incredulity in your guy's voice and I wonder why you expected better. Wanted better? Yeah sure, of course. But you always sound so surprised.
I’m not surprised by anything this administration does. It was all telegraphed. I’m surprised almost half this country didn’t see what they’d get with his second term. A Russian agent in the WH, a cabinet bent on destroying the government from within and brazen GOP gaslighting. The hubris is insane.
I mean it didn't begin with this administration is the point I was trying to make. I was born in '82. By that time the US had already backed two genocides in Indonesia, dropped napalm all over Vietnam, and was about to unleash hell on Central America under Reagan. Libs can't see this. GOP likes it.
Johnson is nothing but a pawn in Trump’s sick & twisted games. Can guarantee that the first time he fails to get the psycho’s agenda pushed forward that he’ll be the next pariah of the GOP.
You know, we think the same think about Speaker Johnson. If he took his Oath of Office seriously (the one about protecting & defending the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic), he would either do that, or get out of the way for someone who would (clearly not in the GOP).
Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don't know what tomorrow will bring🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Mike Johnson may need to resign,since he’s a spineless, insurrectionist loving, traitor, that can’t accept his own self, much less be a decent and generous human.
You go first MAGA MIKE
Idiots like this should be easy to dethrone. I'm not understanding where's that famous American land of the free and home of the brave? 🤔😳
Putin and Trump want’s Zelenskyy gone. Not going to happen lol
That is, if America actually comes first you little twits... and we know it doesn't to the treason twit party.
Reminiscent of the patriot act, where patriotism illegally searches and seizes personal information.
And glasses.
He will not be considered for any position, but for a window toss. When you’re too stupid to know who your real enemies are in a high level of stupid.
Of course most of these men can make a sandwich or not pay for love.
Haven’t been out of there basements till they made it big. But they say it time for a change !
So we sow, so shall we reap mr. I’ve got a pray away the radical Democrats!
Mike drop.
Perhaps tRumpy should.
The only thing he knows how to do is kiss trump, musk, and putin’s fascist asses
They’ll suck and swallow anything.
Salt is too good for him.
and hides behind his MOCK
Wondering how many people would support a do-over about now...
Snap election?
Vote of no-confidence?
Fuck you!