Are they? Marie Osmond has a gay daughter and has come out in support of same sex marriage, kind of a big deal for a Mormon. As far as I can tell she's been pretty quiet politically for the past eight years.
She is supportive of LGBTQIA rights, but it looks like the rest of her brothers are not supportive, with Alan even hosting an anti-gay marriage event. They’re all Mormons but she’s by far the least conservative one
Just when I think there’s hope for the US I see shit like this 🤢 he’s a homophobic Republican & here’s Kara fawning over him cause he used to be a big deal
You can tell that the U.S is in a constitutional crisis by the way the rich social media 'leaders' are out in the streets leading protests, and not posting glamour shots of aging has been pop stars.
Want a fiddle?
I saw you both on The View, and your comments on the adult toddler Musk were insightful, but I put seeing Donny’s new nostalgic Vegas show on my bucket list!! 🤩
That’s awesome. My sister and I sure had a lot of photos of him straight out of Tiger Beat magazine up on our walls, along with David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman 😂
Omg...I haven't thought of David Cassidy or Bobby Sherman in ages. I had the biggest crush on Bobby Sherman at age 10...and then along came David Cassidy.
Oh! When I was about in 3rd grade, I got his album Too Young for my birthday and he was featured in Parade and I plastered the walls of my bedroom with those pictures.
LUCKY!!!! He was playing a lot in my home when I was a small child. I loved his rendition of “Let’s Stay Together.”
Great guy! Plus he should have won Masked Singer as the Peacock
I can remember when Osmond was just a wee lad on the Andy Williams Show and Williams liked to show the kid off and then do the old mormon trick and grab the kid on his tookas ...
Ugh wasn’t cool in 1973, isn’t cool now. The Osmonds and Donnie and Marie were the least creative music ever. A loaf of white bread wrapped in plastic.
Oh wow! Congratulations! That is so awesome. I just told my husband the other day (I think he was on the View) that if I was ever afforded the opportunity to meet a celebrity of my choice, it would be Donny. He seems so genuine.
When I was a kid Marie Osmond accidentally scratched my brother with her fake fingernails, and ever since it has been my mission to scratch her brother in retribution. Did he happen to mention his next location?
I was thinking either the camera angle was wrong, or that guy has a head the size of a fucking watermelon. And I don't mean the tiny ones you get at the grocery store, either. I mean a WATERMELON.
Esteemed journalist & journalism professor, Robert Scott Horton, was just banned by FB where he had 100s of 1000s of followers. Much content re: current events. Always a worthy read. Give him a follow & welcome him to Bluesky! We are the luckier to have him here:
I would die. Was just educating my 10 year old granddaughter on him, and even she agreed... he is so cute!!! Dec. 9th... fave color purple (socks? Was that me?) And they called it....Puppy Looooooveee
Want a fiddle?
That Donnie, he is still a dream beau, 😆 lol.
Great guy! Plus he should have won Masked Singer as the Peacock
i'm one of the poors.
Love that man. and his brothers.
Does he topple over often?