"[R]ecent polling found 45% of Dems wanted the party to become more moderate, while 29% felt it should become more liberal, and 22% wanted it to stay the same." This is the problem. I'm not sure what you can do about it and activate that potential "new energy." But there's time for things to change.
Not sure how this helps them? Why does everyone in their particular demographic always think every other one is the same? Or if not the same, not cognizant or caring of any possible differences.
IMHO democrats need to focus on every day American issues as top priorities. You can’t change anything if you’re not elected. That probably translates to a more moderate approach. Democratic leadership needs to be wiped clean, put people in who are engaged and connected to average people.
I'm a Democrat and I'm not angry with democrats, but I am with repubs & maga sycophants, taking down our democracy, our allegiance to the rule of law and to other Nations' sovereignty. Slava Ukraine. So these stupid headlines are editors and ceos looking for foder for their bottom lines.
No protest votes and no staying home! The Democratic Party clearly needs reform and younger people (like Jason Crow, IMO). But it takes time to rebrand and reconnect with the base and with those we have lost over the last 30 years
Mainstream dems are hamstrung by the fact that they’re beholden to the billionaire class. They can’t start talking about the actual problem without talking about their own selves. Bernie and AOC and other dems who remain pro-regular person will need to take over leadership.
If DOGE actually wants to cut costs, then all of Congress should have minimal financial incentive to serve. But they are all set for life once they win an election so, yeah. They don’t give a fuck.
If Politico wants to convince the Democratic party to lie down and die, let them. It's time for a new party to be born and be boldly progressive, not letting themselves be bullied and redefined by the nonsense from the far right.
I pray it's true. Because republicans get up & shower & get dressed on election day with the intent of voting. Democrats vote if they have time at the end of the day. We vote if things are really motivating.
Imagine, a party so breathtakingly ineffective that even a man who incited a riot, is extorting Ukraine, alienating allies,botched the economy, is STILL polling higher in popularity!
This is not a thriller, not a comedy—just a slow, stumbling walk into the Twilight Zone of political incompetence.
Yes. Because they have failed to move the ball in our favor for 3 administrations. The last pandering to Republican voters so hard they alienated a coalition that swept them in in a landslide with control.
You can’t campaign on the existential threat of a fascist Donald Trump and then once he takes office pretend like he’s not a fascistic existential threat. Of course dem voters are pissed.
I will vote for younger, more progressive candidates in future elections. Unfortunately, our current older democratic reps are not up to the challenges of today.
I agree there needs to be younger people elected, but we disagree as to those elected to be more progressive. Unless it is a solid blue state/ district very progressive candidates will not do well. IMHO. I know they don’t in my state. Get elected first then change from within
It is time to replace the Dems with an Alliance that will be for an America where we the people can flourish, and that will fight the fascist Axis holding power in this nation today.
Traditional institutions in business, academia, religion, and politics have all failed us.
It is time to clean house.
Yes! We have to live & react to the real world to reconnect & regain voters. We have to start by believing most people are good, don't want others to suffer, & are reasonable. We have to speak to everyone. We have to enforce laws & we have stand up for all free speech. Opinions do not make us moral.
Existing leadership should be afraid. And maybe Politico should look beyond its literal Rolodex of Democratic politicians. If you can only remember 5 names, it’s no small wonder villains like Cuomo keep getting resurrected in the political press, like this is some daytime soap opera
Politico is a right wing rag now. The purpose of these headlines and polls is to influence people to think certain ways. The reason it works is the same reason companies pay millions of dollars for superbowl ads - people are easily influenced and fundementally stupid
The democrats' ceiling is far higher than Trump's or the Republicans'. Once they start to get an organized opposition going - and they will - those numbers are going to tick up quickly.
...because they go "woke" and support men's rights to violate women's single sex spaces AFTER the right wing took away women's right to have an abortion.
Transwomen are men. They VIOLATE women's rights.
Yes they should be scared. I am a democratic voter in Illinois and my congressman has ignored my requests for a town hall and done nothing. I will not vote for them next election we need to get young demo blood in Congress. Quigley and Durbin better do much better or I will not vote for them.
Dear Progressives: If you’re not pissed off, you’re clueless. It’s a long story, but it winds from Humphrey to Carter to Clinton (“triangulation”) to Schumer today. Few real progressives in the senate & the best one isn’t even a Democrat. We need to split our 2 Goliath parties into 4 smaller ones.
Most likely said to Lincoln when working on freeing slaves, too.
Must change with the times. Current system sets up binary choice and limits the power of the people.
Ugg, this kind of stupid story makes me want to scream. The goddamn election is literally 20 months away and people are only beginning to see the unfolding Republican catastrophe.
The fatal flaw with paying so much attention to polls, in my opinion, is that it encourages people to focus only on ideas that have already been thought of. True political leaders can shift things in ways we haven't imagined yet!
Like Bernie advocated, we should have people running as Independents on grass roots donations for every seat in the country. Both parties have failed. Let's stop acting like we need them
I'm working on a wine-mom style t-shirt design that says "Imagine Saving Democracy!" (The Cricut font is called "Annie Leu.") If my prototype turns out well, I may send shirts to some members of Congress as inspo.
We are angry Democrats. The party needs to find itself and align it to what Americans want. We need less bureaucracy in government. We need affordable housing that can be quickly built and has energy savings. Create mini communities with meeting places. An affordable clean energy infrastructure.
They are either trying to appeal to a republican readership or making an attempt to "lead from behind" but not understanding the concept. Either way they are not longer relevant and should be ignored. Not much journalistic style there, anyway.
I think I’m at the point where if the only Dem option I have is a candidate 60 or older, I just won’t vote. These octogenarians just keep proving that they are hopelessly out of touch and unprepared for the moment. The majority of congressional Dems should be primaried.
A gentle reminder that members of Congress cannot be arrested while Congress is in session. Be creative with civil disobedience. It just might win votes.
From 2016 to 2020 I was mostly not a fan of Pelosi though I admired her grit. I do think she threw kerosene on the fire for not even coming to the table , and she did too much performative politics. She turned off independents and moderate swing vote republicans. However, she had Trump’s number
I remember her not wanting to bring forth bills to be voted on or have discussions with republicans at times. Can’t give you an example off my head but I remember her obstinacy. Granted, the bills and dialogue with republicans were probably nutty. But this was one reason the jan6 crazies hated her
You are right , but she also angered a lot of independents and swing vote mod republicans I know. She represented the “ elitist” democrats who were perceived to not listen to republican’s concerns. She pretty much rubbed them the wrong way and they also thought she was corrupted.
Institutional Democrats think they can win by being GOP-lite. They are misreading the room because they are afraid of losing their big donors and afraid of the wrath of AIPAC.
All r talking abt how they'll vote in the future. Who says we'll be voting in the future. Who's guaranteeing this since an un-elected illegal is deciding wht our country will be. Oligarchy anyone?
I'm old I don't care wht age a person is I just need ppl running for office who understand our Constitution, separation of powers & is willing to fight to uphold the oaths they take
Politico is trying to create a lane by wearing a cloak of “left-leaning” but consistently attacking the Democratic Party or progressives. Kind of a Bill Maher play. Soon they will have “woke” in every headline. This story is obvious since the Demos have not crystallized their “resistance” play.
All of this crap about democrats having low poll numbers isn’t because people aren’t progressive or they’ve turned MAGA. It’s because people like Schumer, Hakem, and Pelosi are feckless and need to leave
Yes turncoat Dems like Fetterman should be very afraid. How many more years do we have to endure this traitor? Maybe he will resign. Boy were we played.
Let's keep the Republicans thinking we are disillusioned, disorganized, and discontented...and suprise them every cycle with 🌱🌱🌱grass-root, brushfires🔥🔥🔥! #stillwoke
Imperfect Dems get too much blame. Spineless Republican politicians who know better are most at fault. Next are voters lacking skill in critical thinking or any sense of empathy/community responsibility. And, let’s remember SCOTUS’s Citizens United decision.
So sick of these weak Dems. Just let AOC and Jasmine lead. Get the facts out. Grift, Grift, Grift. Hate, hate, hate. People are sick of talk without action.
Maybe we should start a new grassroots party. Now is the time. Call it the Proletariat Party or something to make it very menacing to the Dems and especially the GOP.
What 🇺🇸 really needs is Good Quality Independent Candidates, to Break the 2 Party System. Nobody seems to have the Guts to start new Political Parties like other Democratic countries do.
We will never vote Republican but we ARE hoping new leaders will emerge who aren't afraid to speak out and take risks (looking at you Maxwell Frost! 🙂).
This is not a thriller, not a comedy—just a slow, stumbling walk into the Twilight Zone of political incompetence.
Traditional institutions in business, academia, religion, and politics have all failed us.
It is time to clean house.
The answer seems obvious.
Vote for the same Dems, slow the downward spiral, and then wait for the Reps to get back in the saddle and pick up where they left off?
Who’s the crazy one here?
Useless SOBs
Transwomen are men. They VIOLATE women's rights.
Like, does this still work on Twitter or something, bc you can fuck right off to hell, nazi maga freak
Bot account I can report.
Gotta keep BlueSky human over AI.
Must change with the times. Current system sets up binary choice and limits the power of the people.
Any anti-Trump person who opts out of voting in 2026 or votes 3rd party on “principle” is voting for Project 2025.
no, we're fed up with the feckless old ppl running the party right now...new blood. new energy.
You are right , but she also angered a lot of independents and swing vote mod republicans I know. She represented the “ elitist” democrats who were perceived to not listen to republican’s concerns. She pretty much rubbed them the wrong way and they also thought she was corrupted.
Unhappy people are willing to see things with new eyes.