It is. And I hate to sound conspiracy-ish. But kind of feels like what happens in other countries. No one will ever "really" know the truth of what happened.
This IS worrying, but we have nothing to go on. No evidence, and given the state of law enforcement and media coverage, how can we know what we are told isn't just more lies? 🙄
100% this happens on the regular to russians who speak out against their Goc or their murdering leader. felon 47 would blow what tiny wad he may be able to produce to carry out dirty deeds like his mentor. #Fuck47 and I smell him all over this. Keep this going do not let it fade.
I almost feel like it was gonna happen to someone prominent like a judge or attorney under this corrupt 🍊💩 administration. I hope it's not true. She was so young leaving this Earth. RIP 😞.
There is nothing saying a cause of death so stop turning into MEGA idiots and starting conspiracy’s. WTF is wrong with people??? It’s very disrespectful to her family and friends. Be better people
I’ve read several pieces about her death from reputable news sources and not a one says it was foul play. Yet folks on this thread are engaging in the wildest unsubstantiated speculation. Shame on you all (and y’all sound just like MAGA conspiracists).
I concur. I never met Jessica Aber, but she seems the sort who would be appalled at our unbiased conclusions. She was a woman of wisdom and reason. We soil her memory and legacy by not responding in kind. Evidence!
It actually is crazy when there isn’t a single reported fact that even says her death is the result of foul play, much less connected in any way to Trump.
Yes, Trump seems capable of anything - and no, there is no reason or evidence to think she was killed by the Nutzis. Hurling evidence-free accusations and conspiracy theories is what the Right has done for years (Vince Foster?) and what people here criticize when not doing it themselves.
Is it a Crime to hypothesize or consider possibilities the MAGAt USA now? Wouldn't be surprised, the USA is like 1930s Germany these days. On the eve on invading Mexico or Canada.
Because he's filed lawsuits against all of these firms..and threatened many. But yes..its quite possible she had something wrong that caused her death. So sorry for her and her loved ones!
It’s pretty easy. Go read reports from the news in that area. I haven’t seen anything reporting a cause of death (as of last night, I haven’t looked this morning). This thread is full of folks making wild accusations based on “feelings”. Which, unfortunately, is one of the problems w social media.
According to NBC News, "Police did not indicate whether they believed the death was suspicious and said the medical examiner’s office would determine the cause and manner of death."
At least the Administration is saying the right thing: AG Pam Bondi called her loss “deeply tragic.”
Just wondering. Would those news sources be relying on information from the same sources that failed to pick up on all the sex crimes and molestation by law enforcement officials that her investigations uncovered? It's a valid enquiry.
And so it starts. It's becoming more and more like Russia North Korea and China under the Putin puppet inept incompetent ignorant infantile immoral imbecile convicted FELON RAPIST PEDOPHILE and SEXUAL ABUSER Epsteins wingman donOLD tRUMP. People will soon start falling out of 10th story windows
In fact, I just had a close family friend of hers respond to my comment on another post just like this with utterly callous comments. She’s devastated and thinks it’s horrible. Stop it people. And show this young woman respect.
Her family could be reading all of these comments. Is this what you’d want to read about your daughter, wife or sibling who just died? Have some compassion. Why would you let that POS man cast a pall on her with rampant speculation and no facts. Just don’t.
12/6/23: U.S. Attorney/Eastern District of VA Jessica Aber @ press conference @ U.S. DOJ announced today that 4 Russian military personnel have been indicted for war crimes committed against a U.S. national living in Ukraine, the 1st of such charges ever to be brought under U.S. war crimes statute.
Now that makes sense..Russian shit...get rid of orange man and the drunken rapist supposedly running the pentagon. Is anyone surprised that true patriots are tripping the plan up...KEEP IT UP
Again, I posted this on other same news:
She resigned after the thuginchief came back. She probably 'knew something' that the mob boss decided to get rid of her. Unless it's other motives, I think this is political execution. Too young. Smart. Bright future.
I can appreciate everyone’s unease about this but it’s an unknown at this point. Couldn’t an aneurysm have caused her death? I have as much evidence to postulate that as any other reason for her death. Let’s focus on the known. Let’s not Vince Foster this
I think some can and some can not. I am speculating that people have a working knowledge of correlation, which does not necessarily mean cause and effect.
I’m fairly certain she was discovered by her partner or spouse, so it seems pretty unlikely a Russian assassin or pedo cop or Trumpian ninja killed her without anyone noticing.
Well, I would not doubt that it has something to do with this administration… That’s because they always accuse the Clintons of murdering people… And they always are doing what they accuse other people are doing…
Very worrying. I can only imagine how her family must feel right now, especially if there weren’t an obvious cause of death. My condolences to the family.
The orange shitgibbon just overplayed his hand. This is a mess that a lot of people have direct knowledge and receipts on. She had a lot of people who worked with her on cases that the shitgibbon does not want to see the light of day. Amplify, amplify, amplify.
This is from She was the attorney for this case: “Four Russia-Affiliated Military Personnel Charged with War Crimes in Connection with Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”
Just wait until the first American is mysteriously poisoned or pushed out of the 10th floor window.
Oh, it’s coming…just wait!
Hopefully the truth will be known
I've been wondering when people will mysteriously fall out of windows.
And if it WERE an inside-job cover up, you'd read nothing about it in MSM anyway.
I'm not saying it did go down like that...
What I'm saying is that we will never be sure it didn't. Not with this admin.
At least the Administration is saying the right thing: AG Pam Bondi called her loss “deeply tragic.”
Fuck republicans
My sincere condolences to her family.
MY speculation, which I DIDN'T post is that Russia did it.
Judges and The US Marshalls should.
I think there is reason for concern
This is how the real dictatorship begins.
She resigned after the thuginchief came back. She probably 'knew something' that the mob boss decided to get rid of her. Unless it's other motives, I think this is political execution. Too young. Smart. Bright future.
of pedophiles. So yes, interesting timing.
Except for the one I want it for most..
That would be cause for a period and an exclamation point!!!
How many millions this time?
Or poison.
Our executive branch is run by a felon. *shrug*
Allegedly she was involved in taking pedo law enforcement down. So MAGA cops.
I am trying to get some more information on this and her cases. If anyone knows anything, please post it.
This investigation will get buried.
If it's foul play, there won't be an autopsy report.
He’s is giving a permission slip for political violence
But people are realizing that it isn’t R vs D
It’s the 99% vs the 1%
We outnumber the proud boys
I hope she's not the 1st one to develop an allergy to fall out of windows
The puck just dropped.
RIP Jessica