For the first time, scientists say, they have evidence that using a biologic drug to remove sticky beta amyloid plaques from the brains of people destined to develop Alzheimer’s dementia can delay the disease.
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God I'm sick of this clickbait
Take charge of your own health and well-being. Read Dale Bredesen's book.
Maybe would've been a good idea to speak truth to power all these decades, eh CNN? Instead of all that false equivalence and forced/fake neutrality bias, huh?
No reason. 😜
Is there an aerosolized version we can spray into the White House? I think our government’s brain is suffering from a version of this disease where it’s forgetting who it is
CNN is a large enough organization that it should be easy for you.
Heck, you can hire me to do it!
Cures or improvements is not what they want. They want more dying, bleeding out in Texas parking lots.
Do better.
1. Is this biologic drug alive?
2. If it is, will it either die or eat something else when the plaque runs out?
3. If it dies, will the body be able to remove the "corpses"?
3. If it eats something else, WHAT will it eat?
Science on, people.
Previously a “failed” drug, the benefit of gantenerumab to the longest study cohort - 22 people over 8 yrs- was statistically significant v those not treated. For those treated long term, the drug cut their risk of dementia symptoms by almost half
Easier to shuffle him off to the golf act. Maybe give him a trophy a month so he stays happy & doesn't ask questions
They've already been tracking people on various statins over long periods and who age into the dementia range when people generally start showing symptoms, and tracking whether people on statins or not on statins, are more prone to develop symptoms.