What a change.
For so many political generations --- promoting cuts to the US Dept of Veterans Affairs was viewed as political kryptonite
For so many political generations --- promoting cuts to the US Dept of Veterans Affairs was viewed as political kryptonite
(Yes I’m still bitter about the election. Haven’t moved on yet.)
Psychopaths do NOT make good leaders. This is a myth promulgated by psychopaths for psychopaths.
Question; will the military back him?
Dems need to go to rural GOP districts and tell them what that means: the collapse of hospitals, no doctors. NO HELP.
When Floridas pols want to start actually informing their constituents, they need to do that
They plan to NEVER leave
You know, a fascist coup
It’s underway right now
It's amazing what you can do when your cult of personality takes over all branches of the government and is backed by an unfathomably wealthy oligarch who is actively undermining election security.
I hate trump. i hate Elon musk.
We kept the faith.
We expect the same in return.
tell the military to protest.
the uneducated, brainwashed military still supporting trump need to learn what trump thinks of them.
He has done so many criminal, unethical, immoral and treasonous things and got away with it.
I see an amazing amount of laziness, waste and ignorance in the VA I go to. If it were done with intelligent care, I'd agree to it.
A host of easily mislead idiots voted for tRump.
To defend, what, exactly?
Unimaginable and despicable.
Trump got 67% of military veterans voting last November
So they are getting what they voted for 🤷🏾
This is why people who says voting does not matter will never make any sense to me
Now Trump is making $4T of policy each year while certain other people get to feel “right” about their nonparticipation
I guess!
All my sympathy is reserved for the workers who voted to keep our democracy.
The entire military world USMC USN USAF USARMY USCG ALL RESERVE BRANCHES. Enlisted. Commissioned. Retired. Serving. Mothers Fathers Brothers Sisters Families Loved ones. Heroes Sheroes. KIAs POWs Disabled Enabled Overseas Stateside War Peace
He endured Afghanistan too.
Our uncle is in a cemetery in North Africa after his plane blew up on way to fight Italian fascists. Dad had shrapnel from when he was shot down over China.
Everyone seems to have forgotten what happened the last time the government screwed over veterans: the Bonus Army and the D.C. riots in 1932.
All I can see down the road, as with all things when dealing with Republicans, is a privatized force, like Wagner, Blackwater. The rapist wants his own privatized force.
I can see that.
But the billionaires who own and control our government sure do.
And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you...
Musk wouldn't know this (nor would he care):
❗ >125,000 veterans have died by suicide since 2001
❗about 6,000 veterans take their own lives each year
And yet, how many of those foolish vets voted for him too?
Keep them dumb, lied to and manipulated.
No really, they shouldn't have.
I'm so sick of having my PTSD and disabilities treated with the best platitudes the administration can muster.
VA will be privatized, and so will Social Security.
We will not be having free and fair elections anymore. If we were, they wouldn't do this.
What authority does a entity, not authorized under Title I or Title II of the Constitution have to carry out any of these changes that directly affect readiness and stability of the force?
Fight FASCISM!!!! Impeach and Imprison FOTUS/Krasnov for LIFE!!!!!!
Arrest Muskrat!
I said what I said.
Until it's already GONE, they aren't going to fight.
And Democrats in Congress are incapable of it.
So that's that.
maga logic I guess.
This is why they continue to follow! 🙄
Re-education will be hard