Democrats need to be the party of ideas, not indignation. Our “Project 2028” series will address critical issues facing American society through a No Mercy / No Malice lens. We begin with housing.
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No, Democrats need to be the party of action. They supposedly have ideas, they are getting their asses handed to them on the action part. Despite the GQP having terrible ideas, they at least act. Democrats proved they’re incapable of action when Al Green left alone at the SOTU.
Young men want agency, purpose, and a way out of stagnation. To win them over, housing reform must feel like a fight for their future, not a policy memo. Frame it as a movement against the forces keeping them down—and for a future where they can afford to live, grow, and build.
They need to stop taking the bait of the right and giving oxygen to every micro "issue" that might actually affect >1% of the population. Concentrate on "basic human & civil rights" as a whole. And they *MUST* stop trying to preserve "norms" - normal is gooone. Don't fight "normal", fight to win.
Have you thought about running for office? Any office? A LOT OF PEOPLE get mad at me for asking hard questions to Democrats. They instantly associate it with me somehow being MAGA. But what I really want are new authentic voices to choose from. And as and Independent, I want them on both sides.
Ok, I read it, I agree with most. As a homeowner in a NIMBY area of CA, I understand the push back from owners on not wanting to disrupt the status quo. I don't agree with it but I also get that it seems like a make-up-for-lost time scenario. All the people at once vs what should have been natural.
Interesting article with many good points. With regard to zoning, I think another huge opportunity is to allow "Additional Dwelling Units" (ADUs) on existing properties. ADUs would be more desirable to many people than high density housing, would slow urban sprawl, and benefit owners and renters.
Trump and the Republicans are at war with Democracy right now. Bombing the shit out of it really. They plunder. They don't really build or create. We do.
Once they are beaten, we will have to rebuild a lot of legal and gov't function. We will "build back better" and by God they will pay for it!
The party is broken. Imagine 713 superdelegates mostly old, wealthy and completely out of touch superdelegates putting their fingers on the scales repeatedly. The prototypical DNC pick is dull. And running from the ACA after passing it was a shitty way to treat Obama who was charismatic.
I think Jake Auchincloss talks about de-commodification of housing. Also for Project 2028 - MMT, National Service and Andrew Yang’s ideas on paying us for our bits and bytes😊
Add Universal Healthcare for all the people that already have a home and that’ll win you some elections. Sprinkle some billionaires are getting richer off tax dollars.
It is still unconscionable that the millionaire and billionaire class gets massive taxpayer giveaways on the nation’s credit card with money we do not have as our cities crumble.
Respectfully, you might want to start with dropping the "No Mercy / No Malice" title. It's off-putting (double negative? what's with the / ?, etc.) and makes no obvious sense.
I‘d like to believe that. But I don‘t believe the electorate is swayed by ideas anymore. Trump offered NO real policies or ideas. It was all 100% emotion. In fact, I think offering actual ideas might be counterproductive. Intellectual proposals don‘t give that dopamine hit that rage-baiting does.
Indignation is a good way to put it, because a book I read talked about how men fear one thing the most - shame. Boys are brought up with shame, and yet, that’s what Democrats have been doing for a very long time. And here we are…a shameless man leading shamed men and he looks like a hero to them.
Limits on campaign donations to 20,000. Senators and congress get off of Railroad retirement sweetheart deal and back to SSA. One man one vote. Recusal from stock market. Stack the court.
Aye, they prattle of table manners whilst the feast-hall is ablaze! “Mind thy napkin!” they cry, as the rafters crash down in a pyre of folly! Would that they had half the fire in their bellies as licks at their door—then might they douse the flames ere all is cinders!
I am very saddened by a person of color losing against Trump (the most sleaziest person ever to swim in Politics). Given that, I am hesitant to roll the dice for a person of color for POTUS in 2028 (though he is male). I watched the video. I liked him. What I would say: Josh Shapiro / Wes Moore.
For those who don't subscribe to Bloomberg, here it is on YouTube. Absolutely worth the 30 mins to see the best #2028 candidate-even if he says "not running' bc he's gotta nail re-election in 2026-which he will land slide again.
The more I read about Kamala’s campaign the more I realize white men are extremely biased against women. Add color and those biases decreased a voting percentage among Dems. She was basically forked before she got started by the American Character
One benefit of low-cost housing nearby is the proximity of low-cost labor. Now, the working poor have an ante, about $10K/yr for a car to get to work. If they could walk/bike to work and we had universal healthcare, the minimum wage would go a lot further.
The first thing Dems should take on is fixing cities by focusing on improving transparency & accountability. They broke them, they own them. As soon as progress can be demonstrated start branching out to metropolitan areas, suburbs, and beyond.
This actually should be the singular and only focus. Without this, 2028 is a pipe dream. I am an independent voter. That said, I think the Independents, Progressives, Dems and perhaps even some non-MAGA old school R's need to all coalesce.
To increase housing inventory, we need to create cost effective building, which needs to include a fix to immigration and no tariffs on lumber & subsidies on creative building materials . Supply and demand works for labor and supply chain, just as it does for increasing inventory.
Bitching and moaning by the Democrats will not win any elections.
We need a real change in the Democratic Party and what it supports or 2028 will be Déjà vu.
Looking forward to your “Project 2028”
Maybe I am looking with rose colored glasses, but I don't think it is what you say. IMHO, with all due respect for all he did, Joe Biden needed to honor his word and step down after single term and let the normal Primary process go through the motions. The nation is not ready for a woman of color.
Under a 10%+ —real— inflation, housing becomes a speculative asset. Inflation, wage stagnation, and supply issues create a loop where prices outpace affordability. Without monetary stability, housing favours the wealthy or highly leveraged, leaving broad affordability out of reach.
ShadowStats estimates the real inflation rate in the U.S. to be significantly higher than official figures, often around 13.5%, based on older CPI methodologies from the 1980’s.
yes - ideas ... but even better Consolidation! Something that can be communicated via TikTok to the casual consumer so they know what the Dems stand for
Haven't listened yet, but market liquidity demands recognizing the role of climate change. The national debt has increased over 30 billion due to FEMA's failure to recognize climate change.
Agreed. This # is based on payouts under the national flood insurance program. There are bigger #'s out there. My point, ignoring the best available science has costs.
How about we start project 2025 first. I’m all over 2028, but I think we have dumpster fire, but if left on attended, will destroy any option related to having another free & fair election.
I don't care who runs in 2028, I will not vote for, or support, any candidate who associates themselves with the Democratic party. if it's a democrat vs literal fucking Satan, I simply won't vote
I'm tired of being held hostage by completely ineffective political parties that refuse to listen to us
Conversely, last year I was a strong supporter of “anyone with a pulse who isn’t Donald Trump.” I certainly would have preferred Harris over Trump. Do I correctly understand that you are saying you would rather Trump be elected than vote for a Democrat?
Next time, I'll vote for whoever earns my support. I absolutely will not be compelled to give it. If that means I don't vote against Eric Trump or whatever, then that's what's gonna happen.
Well, that is your right. It’s still a free country. At least for now.
But personally, I think that is the wrong move. I feel that the duty of a voter in a democracy to affirmatively choose the LEAST BAD candidate on the ballot. To do otherwise would feel to me like shirking my duty as a citizen.
A democracy that expects, as the norm, people to vote for the least-bad candidate instead of the most-good candidate, is a failed democracy.
I'd rather renounce my citizenship and move back to Europe than be coerced to participate in a failed democracy by voting for one broken leg instead of two.
This is so great!! I truly enjoy listening to and reading your insights about what is going on and your real-world solutions. I hope more young people get exposed to your work and learn as much aspossible, while older folks like me see how we can help the younger folks before it's too late.
Good stuff! Another idea to add onto the pre-manufactured homes is to get some of those same plans and layouts pre-approved by city planners. Have cities vet certain builders and plans. Cost and time savings both. And if a builder uses one then lower costs and faster times to get the project done.
You cannot focus only on the number of houses. That alone won’t do it unless they are built by habitat for humanity. WAGES have been stagnant for his knows how long. Wages must increase so that people can afford even to rent.
In my county the income needed to buy a home has gone from $150k to $350k in just 10 years. Wages ain't fixing that, though I agree that they've been stagnant
You’ve got to do both. All the new housing going up is market rate with a few token affordable. Developers aren’t going to “overbuild” so prices come down, they have no incentive to do so.
I feel this point about 'indignation' is probably the most pertinent point.
You don't convince anyone by laughing at their ignorance, or sneering at their prejudices.
You do it by offering them a vision they can see will benefit them first.
Convincing folk is how democracy works 👍
YES!!! Pay them more!!! Finally someone of importance who agrees with me!! All the money that is stuck at the top is because people aren't getting paid enough!!! I heard you say that you are going to move back to the US and support centrists. I hope we have a democracy left when you get here.
wrong...policy does not matter to the vast sea of poorly educated's performance, outrage and hate that sell in this reality tv country...witness trump...
If minimum wage increases, or wages broadly, should there be caps implemented to keep landlords (or banks) from jacking up rents or mortgages in response? Maybe I missed this in the article
You do not fully understand the cruelty and rigidity that has permeated half of America in the last 10 years. We could bring them Jesus Christ on a Macy's float and Democrats would be evil and Republicans always right. My vote is to address the propaganda machine first bc our ideas don't matter.
Great resource for solutions in the housing market is the advocacy organisation . Check out their recent guide for housing ready cities :) Very similar solutions to what You are writing about Prof:
. . . like MAGA has already bolted the est. GOP component of the MSM/est. GOP symbiosis.
Once Democrats start talking ideas, primaries, primaries based on ideas about free speech on economic issues, shill media will need to get jobs in the productive sector.
Hire people who have a imagination and are bold… in my experience people say that they want ideas outside of the box… But by the time they get a hold of those ideas and reshape them they fit right back into that same box…
Note to Congress flip a Repub!
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Good stuff. You are missing something about mobile homes. 20 million Americans live in them. A big percent live in homes they own on land they rent. It's a landowner scam who raise the rent, kick out the owners (mobile homes are not really mobile) and re-sell the same trailer again and again.
I'm very curious, will you be including some ideas from Gary's economics in there? Most of the current issues are coming from the biggest wealth gap that has ever existed. Do you plan to address that, or will late stage capitalism fix itself magically?
Totally agree. Just listened to Ezra Klein's latest podcast "There is a Liberal Answer to Elon Musk." He's come to the same conclusion. He sites California's epic failure to build high speed rail as a shining example of a failed political system that needs fixed.
Jk, relax lol
I like the idea. Will tune in and learn
I’m curious, almost excited.
-I’d better read it to find out more.
The problem is Republicans ability to lie and obfuscate the issues.
Once they are beaten, we will have to rebuild a lot of legal and gov't function. We will "build back better" and by God they will pay for it!
I think that's the most critical part of any plan to address this, but I haven't seen anyone ready to accept a "No Malice" platform.
That would be the biggest game changer in housing.
Because the most important question in housing is this.
Homes for whom?
No tax for Singapore citizens 1st home
20% on 2nd, 30% on 3rd
Foreigners 60%
Entities/Trustees 65%
Developers 40%
A Shapiro / Moore ticket would be a Grand Slam.
We need a real change in the Democratic Party and what it supports or 2028 will be Déjà vu.
Looking forward to your “Project 2028”
Calling all veterans!
Time to suit up, so they shut up!
I'm tired of being held hostage by completely ineffective political parties that refuse to listen to us
Next time, I'll vote for whoever earns my support. I absolutely will not be compelled to give it. If that means I don't vote against Eric Trump or whatever, then that's what's gonna happen.
But personally, I think that is the wrong move. I feel that the duty of a voter in a democracy to affirmatively choose the LEAST BAD candidate on the ballot. To do otherwise would feel to me like shirking my duty as a citizen.
I'd rather renounce my citizenship and move back to Europe than be coerced to participate in a failed democracy by voting for one broken leg instead of two.
No truer words can be said right now. Although you might add coordination.
Stop the cat herding whack a mole approach.
You don't convince anyone by laughing at their ignorance, or sneering at their prejudices.
You do it by offering them a vision they can see will benefit them first.
Convincing folk is how democracy works 👍
No more distractions or culture war activist 💩!
Ideas are the camel's nose that must be nipped in the bud by crony media.
Ideas would be a clear signal some Democrats are thinking about bolting the legacy media plantation like . .
Once Democrats start talking ideas, primaries, primaries based on ideas about free speech on economic issues, shill media will need to get jobs in the productive sector.
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
The plan they are trying to kill:
and listening to voters then acting on their interests might just be the key to prioritising this...
You know,
that listening that seemed entirely absent in the Hollywood and "values" bullshit that the DEMS tried with Harris.