He can’t get it through his head that the dogettes misread a code as a birthdate, making people 350 years old. This is ridiculous. How can anyone be so dense?
Well that's a big severer. I do think he needs his head examined and while that is going on the Republicans that won't stand up for the people should be the next ones to get examined as well. I also think Rubio was squirming around a bit after being called out.
Trump lied about SS fraud. It isn’t true. The CATO institute, SS IGs all debunked this. If there was fraud then the GOP are seriously to blame as they controlled the budget and accountability for 24 of the last 25 and never once mentioned fraud.
Trump lies about everything That's a given. Names in the complete data base are not all active accounts that recieve checks. That SS is doomed is also a lie. If they're really concerned they could raise the cap.
Let's be honest....everyone, he has opened his mouth, lies ooze while his gutless minions sit in support of. The pathological liar knows nothing of truth!!!
Listened to your analogy last night on this subject. Profound insight on how similar it is to the lead up to Jan. 6. I want to use my cane and point it in the direction of those going after the $ I worked over 50 years to save. Maybe cripple a few!
He constantly & blatantly lies. So why is it people believe him? Is gross stupidity simply an aspect of a particular species of human that multiplies like mold? Did this species truly believe he would do the right thing to win their vote?
If the dead are getting benefits, publish the names and addresses of the dead recipients. Privacy law doesn’t apply to dead people, I don’t think. Doesn’t matter anyway, my privacy has been unlawfully violated.
When is @MSNBC going to pull this. I'm sick of the lies! Pissed only ONE MADE "GOOD TROUBLE" As soon as his lies started, basically he opened his mouth, all Dems should have left, held their own conference outside
I think & I could be wrong... he voted 3x & they let him off for cooperating w/ the GA RICO case, that apparently went/is going nowhere.
Unlike, the TX lady who mistakenly thought she was allowed to vote ONCE & was imprisoned (Later released). I can't white put my finger on why he got off so easy🤔
but no one wants to talk about the 1.7 trillion drained from Social Security for other govt expense like tax cuts for the rich and wars in the Iraq/Afghan since Reagan's first dip into the fund in 1981. The first time it began to happen.
Yeah sure is. And what’s even more incredible is his base believes him. This is Hitlers philosophy. If you tell a lie tell it over and over again until it becomes truth. Look at how that worked out in the end for Germany.
The age issue may be bad data input but it does raise question on accuracy. EVERYONE who registered to receive their benefits have verification of their work history, but their birth date was primary for calculations of benefits. I would like to know how can this many errors can be on the system?
No. 25 years of being a therapist,working many of those years with abused women and children. Met many malignant narcissists. They lose track of the lies. They lie to cover up the lies. Blame victims when caught in their own lies. Frankly, they don’t care who they harm with their lies.
Chris, if you want a great segment on Social Security, you have got to get Dr. Ed Weir - former head of huge SSA office (retired). He can answer any Question re SS. Has a YT channel and does a daily live. He needs to be heard by everyone that cares about SS Retirement, SSI, SSDI, Medicare, Medicaid.
This is all some eff-ing bad TV reality show to him, a clown show. He is vile, an absolute horror of a human, and those self-righteous morons behind him...Jesus would slap the shit out them.
And the debunking doesn’t matter if it’s not promulgated at the equivalent volume, by the equivalent means, for an equivalent time by an equivalent actor. The Dems don’t have that and can’t do that. Someone needs to step up to become the shadow president. I nominate Barack Obama.
Part of the confusion comes from Social Security's software system based on the COBOL programming language, Created in 1959, which has a lack of date type. This means that some entries with missing or incomplete birth dates will default to a reference point of more than 150 years ago.
If they try to cut Social Security, that is permission to start verbally and physically assaulting people responsible. Picketing their homes, leering at their daughters, shaving their dogs, urinating on their rhododendrons
No fucking joke, this is the third rail of politics for a fucking reason.
The numbers are there. Are they all receiving checks? No How many are getting checks? Do you know how big the fraud problem is? Let's find out. Do you have a problem with that?
It’s already well documented and you can find all this with a simple google search. So unfortunately due to the fact ppl die daily it’s impossible to solve overpayments so clawbacks will always happen, post office delivery issues will always happen, bank mishaps etc. but it wouldn’t make SS solvent
Elonolds 19 year old “wiz kids” don’t know COBOL, the language the system was written in. The entire Y2K panic was based on COBOL not being able to comprehend 4 digit years for dates.
They don’t know how to query or interpret results or records.
That means doggy is a scam.
Why would they need to know a common business oriented language? That was relevant with punched cards 40 years ago. You don't need to know Grace Hopper to see a scam
You have it a little wrong, it defaults 2 digit years to 1900 for the century per the IBM website. So a mix of 2 and 4 digit years will result in 23 being 1923 not 2023. But yes it’s just like with y2k and the 2 digit year causing problems.
When you watch the "presidential" speech tonight and take a close look at each side of the aisle. One side is filled with white men and women, black men and women, brown men and women, gay people, and transgender people. The other is filled with white, evangelical, racist, homophobic, bigots.
He knows that there isn’t fraudulent 150 year olds getting SSD/I checks. Its how dates are programmed in their system. It’s to sell a narrative of distrust in the system so people won’t fight so hard when they gut it.
Improper payments make up less than 1% of payments and when discovered are pursued for recoupment. This is a blatant attempt to sow distrust in the system, so it can be removed due to a false narrative of “massive amounts of fraud.”
Trump and his followers may have a measure of sadism. His followers support torture or torment of people who are in need of government aid. What good has Trump done thus far and how is America benefitting from any of his actions?
So where did he find the falsehoods he cites? Stop those people, and you can stop his misinformation. But then this is what happen when you treat all information as valid, in the name of absolute free speech...
It was the double platinum live performance of alternative facts greatest hits. He really despises his base. Such contempt. I guess they love the abuse though. Being lied to while watching the plane crashing into the mountain right in front of them.
Trump’s famous for repeating a few stock lies and just tweaks them to fit whatever bull narrative he’s spewing at that time. Who says idiots don’t make effective criminals???
Has anyone commented on 🍊🤡 statements about bringing in foreign workers. Nothing against worker visas, only wonder how many Americans will remain unemployed as jobs are filled with lower cost labor.
Given current trends, this is going to be very bad for American white and blue collar jobs.
There are so many educated people who believe anything that orange felon says. So gullible and so lazy to not fact check. So hard not to just yell at them “HE’S LYING, Y’all”.
Just a reminder, Social Security wasn’t established until 1935. Black people did not start receiving this benefit until 1954. So who is receiving social security at the age of 350?
It's a COBOL error code - '1875' is a COBOL error code. When musk's baby techs were trying to understand old Social Security computer records they didn't realise that the records are programmed in COBOL. They saw what looked like a date and decided it was a birth year - and told musk so.
I literally work for SS and can confirm that he is 1000% full of it about this. People in office today: "You hear what this asshole said about ages of people on SS?" Never heard so much open dissention in this building before.
Yeah, I assume ignorance is a factor, but I'm assuming at this point they're aware of their ignorance but are just using the false information as a talking point.
You can bring anything up to them. The centenarian project in gn 02602.500, numident procedure in gn 03325.025, or the payment records procedure which I think is rs 02803.045? And they will still argue that rip van Winkle is collecting rib.
And at least 40% of US voters have bought into it.
Disinformation/gaslighting/outright lies are Donald J Trump's main political currency. They have brought him this far. Trump is certain that they can take him even further.
Having a yes/no indicator whether a person is alive or not is a basic system tripwire as to whether that person's credentials can be use for other fraud.
It's all distraction. The Orange Cancer is trying to destabilize the dollar, via a depression, so that the Treasury will be transfered to crypto. Then, ANYONE, Putin, Musk, Krasnov, ANYONE with a password can withdraw funds. These people are criminals. Follow the money.
My mother was was born in 1910. She died in 1988. If you had access to the Social Security master benefit record you would find her there.She last received benefits in July,1988.
He has Elon raiding every Institution WE have, to protect and serve us, searching for the 3 million imaginary illegal voters, that gave Hillary the WIN in 2016. RIGGING the EC wasn’t enough for the fucking 🍊TRAITOR! He will NEVER stop trying to whitewash the fact the he’s NEVER going to be LEGIT!
I'm seriously beginning to think these tarrifs are due to some sort of insider trading, particularly pump and dump crypto schemes. The United States will be completely broken if this goes on for 4 years.
Trump, please do give us the names of all the LIVING people receiving the checks meant for the 100-300 year old SS beneficiaries. If SS is actually sending money to a 300 year old beneficiary, tell us exactly who is receiving it? Not gonna arrest them? Just gonna shut the whole thing down instead?
Yes exactly. He's droning on and on about all of the fraud with zero proof, and zero action! Why aren't we seeing these fraudsters being arrested by the hundreds? People just swallow his lies without question. It's disgusting.
Trump has always been a liar...Even when I met him for business ages ago, it took two hours for a one hour meeting. He was endless and said nothing. After the meeting we new he was full of crap. He is still the same as always. A full crock of sh!t.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
They already know that Musk’s misfits didn’t realize wrong birthday entries were used to flag an unresolved (probably a system) problem. This is not uncommon with old systems. It’s easier to pull a report on BD field date to escalate correction than get a new system or even a patch.
I understand that all politicians lie to justify their actions but this one is a real whopper.
The fact that it’s not only been debunked but explained so even a dumbass like me can understand it and Trump is STILL spouting it as truth, at the State of the Union no less, is unforgivable.
Funeral home directors have verified that they notify Social Sec of someone’s death. Family members have confirmed needing to return checks if one arrives after death. There are zero 150 year olds receiving money because the system has a default shut off at 115. Sick of the genius who knows zero
it’s the external people cheating the govt. committing the waste & fraud from corrupt entities overcharging or with false claims. Also
refusing to see how billions of dollars in govt contracts is a serious conflict of interest for musk because it’s him & his cronies who have something to benefit
I wish more people thought logically and could hold elected officials to a standard. MAGA is incapable of admitting when Trump lies. It’s so weird to me! Like what is wrong with them?
It’s just crazy to me that they don’t even believe anything BUT Trumps truth social. That’s not a reputable source of information lol it’s weird. Like I’m gonna be looking at real facts like I dk the actual budget bill, things directly from Congress’s website.
I agree but I think it’s complex and has been percolating for quite sometime - people feeling forgotten, grasping for causes and some sense of stability. I think Trump is a student of what happened in Germany…..
Isn’t there a whole “the bigger the lie, the more it gets told, the more people believe it” thing? Might’ve been a chap named Goebbels said something like that?
Isn't it about time reporters demand source documentation for these (nonsensical) claims, and explore how the Trumpistas manage to avoid ever fact checking anything they repeat for partisan dogmatic purpose.
Chris, he lies about everything. People forget that he idolized none other than Adolf Hitler when he was younger. And, Adolf learned from Joseph Goebbels the following:
Trump is hurting so many people. I could not listen to his lies and crap tonight. I am disappointed MSNBC chose to cover this clown show. When I hear his voice and my anxiety is triggered.
Chris, how do the Dems just sit there and NOT walk out? The BS that he’s throwing out there is just embarrassing. I’m texting with a Canadian friend who told me, “I am embarrassed for you and your country.” He called Vance a boot licker. This is a disgrace to the office.
Almost immediately after my mom passed, I received a letter from SS informing me her last payment which coincided with her death was being deducted from her account and returned to SS. I received the notice because I was her legal guardian.
Same with my mother & my brother. Social Security was on the money with their retrieval of benefits. I have much trust in SS. I have no trust in a lying president.
Enlighten me
Unlike, the TX lady who mistakenly thought she was allowed to vote ONCE & was imprisoned (Later released). I can't white put my finger on why he got off so easy🤔
500,000 people in every
state over 150
Adderall is a cruel master
He Lies??!
No fucking joke, this is the third rail of politics for a fucking reason.
Elonolds 19 year old “wiz kids” don’t know COBOL, the language the system was written in. The entire Y2K panic was based on COBOL not being able to comprehend 4 digit years for dates.
They don’t know how to query or interpret results or records.
That means doggy is a scam.
I have this horrible headache and I am having a hard time comprehending people who don’t have any investment in objective reality and facts.
It’s reverse Dunning Krueger, the smart people think everyone is intellectually capable of understanding reality. 🤷🏻♀️
This is a perpetuation of a part of the American psyche that no American seems to want to admit to...
What does it mean, there are lots of opinions on it.
Given current trends, this is going to be very bad for American white and blue collar jobs.
Nobody said a he's a good one.
Just that he always
it's as if he can't or doesn't care.
You deserve better.
The world deserves
law fears anyone else?
Then what?
Gonna have to leave some MAGATS in ditches….
Disinformation/gaslighting/outright lies are Donald J Trump's main political currency. They have brought him this far. Trump is certain that they can take him even further.
If he's not talking he's thinking up more lies to spew
Just 3 years and 46 more weeks and this nightmare will be over.
Heard you with Tim Miller not too long ago. Keep at it.
Only thing I want to say is vote vote vote.
Album cover aside, all of those within Congress that's opposed to Trump and Musk's BS are acting way too submissive!!
Their silent treatment and auction paddles isn't doing jack shit! Do something dammit! Al Green had the right idea
Krasnov said Elmo is a genious
Pump and Dump genious
I'm already nauseated
The fact that it’s not only been debunked but explained so even a dumbass like me can understand it and Trump is STILL spouting it as truth, at the State of the Union no less, is unforgivable.
Ask former FL governor Rick Scott
Also if you raise the contribution cap on social security above $167k taxable, social security is solvent forever
refusing to see how billions of dollars in govt contracts is a serious conflict of interest for musk because it’s him & his cronies who have something to benefit
Musk is going to get a wild section in the history books of the future
Or at least the perception of winning.
Like it’s all found money.
I was wondering what rating his speech made lastnight?
Who says that?