Part of me appreciates this, but another part of me thinks the Dems know they're going to lose support after what the Senate did today. Therefore, they're trying to motivate us as if we have any power to act to make us feel better. MSNBC is really good at false hope.
It’s really sad that I could probably find a random 45 people off the street who could do a better job than the current senate Democrats. How are so many people oblivious to what’s going on before their very eyes?
As much as a lot of us can appreciate the sentiment in this video - every misstep and missed opportunity, like this CR, will embolden and empower the miscreants tenfold. How does one virtuously resist if the means for such non-violent resistance are outlawed by the time the people awaken?
Too late, we now have a king, he needs to be defeated and removed.
Constitutional crisis came and went already. We are living in a Post-Constitutional America.
This would be an excellent time for "we the people" to elect real Democrats, willing to fight for the working and middle class, instead of these recruited Republicans to run as Democrats, who are supposedly "center-right" "third-way" etc. I am 75 I have seen a booming middle class.
62 United States Senators including 9 Democrats enabled an unconstitutional Continuing Resolution. Sleep on that. They all swore to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Think about that.
I am looking at the glass half full… one can look at Schumer’s action as his buying the Dems some time to get strategies tight and together. Let’s not waste too much time and energy on disappointment and worry.
You were a little too generous by still calling Schumer "leader". I suspect most of your audience would appreciate you no longer using that term, as many of your colleagues have stopped using president in front of Trump
Start calling out & for their being MIA during all of this. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY? Why aren't they in the middle of the opposition? Why aren't they holding House & Senate feet to the fire to defend the Constitution? The silence is absolutely unacceptable.
Could you image if President Obama had brought his unelected African friend to cut things like Musk and how the Republicans would be throwing a fit. And these Dems like Schumer wont even stand up for their nation and cave.
There are many months remaining in the Orange Goblin's term, and I worry he may be devising a strategy to install himself (or a person of his liking) as divine leader.
Yet the senate Dems made it easier for one to pretend he is. The outcome will be the same regardless of a CR or not. It'll just be a slow painful closure as opposed to a fast one where the Repub would be forced to govern under a spotlight and on their own.
If only a mad king. I fear he is reconstituting American versions of the Wehrmacht, Gestapo, Schutzstaffel and the Einsatzgruppen. This really is existential and I fear the Loyal Opposition has no clue.
Gov services should prioritize serving Americans. However, Trump's team, under the guise of ending the DC swamp, appears to be catering to kleptocracy rather than regular citizens.
Musk and DOGE's in many ways, proves to be worse than the DC swamp they aim to replace.
Thank you for calling out the insanity Chris, "No kings. Not ever." is going on a sign for tomorrow's protest in Walnut Creek CA tomorrow. PS, Bronx kid also, E241st & White Plains Rd. Sincerest appreciation for what you are doing.
My first thought:
In this post industrial age, what would a revolution look like, when income disparity is worse than French feuadlusm at its height?
It will start with boycotts, then protests, then arson, then worse.
When you take away everything a person has, you leave them with nothing to lose.
My second thought:
By classifying protest as terrorism, you turn desperate people into enemies of the state.
You turn them into terrorists.
And if the state has already denied them, then the balance of civility they'll feel they owe the state may evaporate.
You will create terrorists.
My third thought:
War can be a boon to an economy based on war. And the US makes so many weapons of war.
Will they trigger a war to obfuscate the incredibly poor economic situation they've built for themselves?
We need someone to organize. It is time to protest big. They think we are too old to cause a stink. FAFO!!
My mobility scooter will be blocking traffic on the freeway.
Imagine trying to arrest a bunch of seniors. They can't hold our medications from us. Meds are not dope. It would be a clusterfuck. I’m all for grassroots resistance, it’s necessary, I’m part of it, but when do you think that our elected Democratic officials realise that the game & the rules have changed? When do you think they’ll get on the same page with a concerted & coordinated effort to fight back?
And those who can’t take the anxiety to act, support by endorsing and congratulating the resistance. Make sure your friends and neighbors know you agree with it. Don’t complain about protesters inconveniencing you.
The lesson every Democrat should learn from this clusterfuck is this, there are no perfect candidates. We MUST always think about the big picture. If a Democrat is running against a monster, choose the Democrat. Lastly, shoutout to everyone who supported Harris and tried to stop this shitshow.
Hey, man. Thank you again for trying to get Schumer to wake the hell up. Clearly, your logic and reason did not penetrate his wall of delusion. But you tried...really, really hard. We all saw it.
Thank you,
I already have a 50hr week job that pays less than Congress. Still I'm out there waving a sign since too many members of Congress are complicit in this Administration's BS.
Shakespeare wrote in Henry IV: "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." Trump is not a king, but he must be made to feel uneasy when he rules like one. His power threatens the independence of the congressional branch and the checks and balances.
Catherine Cortez Masto - NV
Dick Durbin - IL
John Fetterman - PA
Kirsten Gillibrand - NY
Maggie Hassan - NH
Angus King - ME
Gary Peters - MI
Brian Schatz - HI
Chuck Schumer - NY
Jeanna Shaheen - NH
I write a local blog that's supporting our efforts to fight against Felon 47. If you're from east Polk County, Florida, check it out at
It's actually not hard to outshine lawmakers, considering the Senate Democrats and their response today. If that king eventuates, we can thank those oh so helpful ten in the Senate.
Yeah, it's too bad over the last 50 years, the Democratic party has done it's damnedest to make sure they don't have to listen to the grass roots. Literally built the party structure so it can be their personal plaything.
What democrats NEED is to quit bagging on each other and MAKE THE GOP OWN EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS, It is ALL ON THEM NOW. They got their budget and EVERYTHING is on them now. Dems NEED to shove it in their faces and down their throats.
I have never believed in conspiracy theories until I saw this video. Do we really stand a chance fighting on multiple fronts?People can handle the truth.
Please report what is the catalyst behind our current dire circumstances.
Tough call for the Dems. Can America and democracy survive til the mid-terms? That's a long way off. If you shut down the government, you turn the heat up on ordinary people. How long can't they survive it? Or play for time, and let the trump gang keep shooting their supporters in the streets?
Thank You for having the courage as a journalist to include yourself in the fight and to declare it with the words "'s us." and "we're important " these times that speaks volumes about your belief in free speech and your integrity. We fight with you. Resistance United.
I hope the slogan isn't "no kings not ever" that only sounds melodramatic to Republicans. Keep Your Hands Out of My stuff or Stop Stealing Our Money would get right to the point. Maybe Good Guys Don't Have to Hide.
Well, it is certainly looking like we have a king trump and the goddamn Dem leaders are doing zip. Thank God for the ACLU, and the few brave judges trying to stop the anti-democratic madness.
Have you noticed how all those gun-toting, Gadsden flag-waving "Patriots" who were always screeching about protecting our freedom have suddenly disappeared now that the threat of tyranny is actually upon us?
I make this point twice before breakfast most days. History is replete with gov overreach and never has gun culture confronted it apart from siding with the overreach against people being oppressed. The tyranny vanguard thing is just gun culture dogma. #gunownervalues
it's been fascinating to watch the normie liberal voters slowly figure out in real time that, as the carlin quote goes, "it's a small club, and you ain't in it"
Chris is absolutely right. "It's just everyday folks who are fed up and want their voices heard". It's so inspiring and encouraging that so many, many ppl are speaking up to be heard!
I think people will rally more when spring weather comes For tax bill known evil with trump is better than unknown with more power.
Love your show You're my favorite host.
Chris - I think it's GREAT that MSNBC lets you post the entire show here. We did a Vet's March/Rally at New Mexico's Statehouse today - got a couple hundred in 48 hours notice - folks are indeed waking up.
THIS.Thank you for being plain and clear about what we are up against. This is big. It is global.We cannot wait for courts and lawmakers. It is up to we-the-people to oppose this now until there is opportunity to make a change. Just like any other country that has had to stave off an authoritarian. plz report on the #14thNow movement, calling for Trump to be removed from office per #14thAmendmentSection3. See for more info. #StopTheCoup #3E
Great segment. One note... Stop qualifying generic calls to action with the "nonviolent" disclaimer. Forgoing that proviso is not tantamount to incitement. Peaceful assembly is the default setting. If "politics by other means" proves necessary, the enemy must know we do not unilaterally rule it out.
On second thoughts maybe it’s the quality of people you elect rather than the system. Why not try compulsory voting rather than the left over rigged civil war tenants of voting rights. I’ll keep thinking!
Might be worth a look though. A constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system would definitely work better than the dogs breakfast the founding fathers left.
Let us know when this group comes to IDAHO. I’m ashamed of the state I live in, but dammit don’t forget us here there’s Democrats and there’s independence and there are some Republicans that don’t agree with what’s happened to IDAHO or the nation.
I thought some grassroots could also jump high and become trees to help rest of us grow and fight...but today I learned that some of them chose to cave instead!
Well Chris. They held the power in 2016, 2024 .
What finally motivated them? He's the same fascist Trump, same revolting background.
So now they discovered their power? As our global allies left us, our Constitutiom & Bill of Rights are shredded, Putin is in our White House, & democracy is dead.
Thank you Chris, you’re for real. The destruction of our country’s fundamental principles and disregard for we citizens has gone on long enough. Time to stand and take it back. LET’S GO #resist #standup #fdt #bythepeopleforthepeople #removethem #notaxationwithoutrepresentation Could you please cover some of the work is doing. They have found some undeniable evidence of election interference and vote manipulation. The American people really need to hear about this. 🙏🏻
I find it odd that so many of Trump's followers also identify as what they call the 1%ers who fought in the Revolution. Have they forgotten what the Founders rebelled against? It wasn't pronouns it was oligarchy and monarchy (and yes, taxation but the key there was no representation).
I find questions like this weird since it always neglects the big elephant in the room: Religion. It IS about pronouns, because they want to create a (white) theocracy.
In the 1970s I protested against the war in Nam, for vet rights. In the 1980s I protested against Aparthied and for the environment. In the 1990s I protested for lesbian and gay rights and for abortion rights.
In just 53 days, Trump, GOP, Musk, Sen Dems have reversed it all.
Lord and master
Dear Leader
Herr Furher
It doesn't matter what you call him.
Constitutional crisis came and went already. We are living in a Post-Constitutional America.
The people ARE the party.
Except for maybe JD Vance,
The Sofa King.
Because he is Sofa King ignorant.
Trump is NEVER leaving office.
The democrats just capitulated.
All that's left is the eventual round ups, the pain, and the sadness.
See you in the concentration camps, buddy!
Musk and DOGE's in many ways, proves to be worse than the DC swamp they aim to replace.
Shut down govt - fed. courts closed, dt does whatever he wants for as along as he wants.
Be mad at dt, DOGE, GOP.
No Kings
Not Ever
it'll give you millionaire TV hosts much needed Street Creds
while 78,000,000 families worry about their Grocery bill this week
The declaration of independence has a lot to say about how we treat kings.
In this post industrial age, what would a revolution look like, when income disparity is worse than French feuadlusm at its height?
It will start with boycotts, then protests, then arson, then worse.
When you take away everything a person has, you leave them with nothing to lose.
By classifying protest as terrorism, you turn desperate people into enemies of the state.
You turn them into terrorists.
And if the state has already denied them, then the balance of civility they'll feel they owe the state may evaporate.
You will create terrorists.
War can be a boon to an economy based on war. And the US makes so many weapons of war.
Will they trigger a war to obfuscate the incredibly poor economic situation they've built for themselves?
My mobility scooter will be blocking traffic on the freeway.
Imagine trying to arrest a bunch of seniors. They can't hold our medications from us. Meds are not dope. It would be a clusterfuck.
Idaho veterans rally
America has no king.
America needs no king.
Thank you,
No kings. Not now. Not ever.
We must demand audits.
Go to
Do you really want his AI to run your federal government?
That what he's doing in your government as we speak.
Just sayin'
Catherine Cortez Masto - NV
Dick Durbin - IL
John Fetterman - PA
Kirsten Gillibrand - NY
Maggie Hassan - NH
Angus King - ME
Gary Peters - MI
Brian Schatz - HI
Chuck Schumer - NY
Jeanna Shaheen - NH
Primary them all.
How’d that turn out?
So we're doing it.
Please report what is the catalyst behind our current dire circumstances.
King Donald I ?
Love your show You're my favorite host.
What finally motivated them? He's the same fascist Trump, same revolting background.
So now they discovered their power? As our global allies left us, our Constitutiom & Bill of Rights are shredded, Putin is in our White House, & democracy is dead.
Now is a damn good time to react.
In just 53 days, Trump, GOP, Musk, Sen Dems have reversed it all.
I'm so fucking tired.