columbia could tell the administration to fuck off and then dip into its absurd endowment, and fund everything the government has cut. they won’t, because they’re led by worms and cowards, but they could.
Exactly! This is why the rainy day fund exists. The forecast is pretty bad, but rather than use the umbrella in their hand, they’d rather get wet while continuing to show off how untouched it is to other major R1s.
I've been working towards a graduate entomology degree this last year while working fulltime. I'm supposed to transfer from the certificate to the masters soon but I'm struggling to feel a point. All the jobs and funding no longer exist. I just wanted to conserve native pollinators and plants.
Have you considered emigrating? Plenty of countries would love your known and enthusiasm, and one day, the USA will realise that it should have listened to you.
I think as a parent of kids this age this is why i am filled with such profound grief and dread. It feels like someone shot out the sun right when they were starting to grow. A whole generation of energetic young minds shut down, on a handful of idiots whims. We need to stop it.
These are kids who have done every single thing asked of them, dedicated themselves to excellence, played by all the rules, given up a lot of the easy going fun times their friends were enjoying over long hours of work...and the world's richest man says "not good enough".
Obviously it applies to EVERYONE, the whole economy is going to sht bc everyone is so uncertain about
..well everything.
But there's something specific about these guys demanding 100% dedication to work and then punishing those most meeting their supposed ideals that eats at me.
It's a message cant do right, you cant protect yourself, no one is safe written in the clearest action.
And the press treats them as legitimate.
My greatest sorrow and dread is what kind of country will be here for today's children. Will there be good education, gainful employment, affordable housing, good medical care? And a huge chunk of the population has no clue of what's going on.
We need to protect the children. We need to educate them and provide the path to correct this madness in their lifetime because it won’t be done in mine!
What Columbia doesn't realize is how this will impact their enrollment and finances. Top tier candidates will choose other unis to study at. They think they are obeying and will be safe. They're seriously misguided.
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(1) The Trump govt is full of great replacement theory proponents. That's an antisemitic idea.
(2) It's re-branded anti-Science attack. The cancelled scientists have no role in how Columbia does or doesn't protect Jewish students (I think there is serious debate on that inc from Jewish students).
Bobby Jindal warned the GOP that they would become the Party of Stupid.
They are determined to make us the Nation of Stupid.
Europe, Canada and others will add fuel to thier educational systems and rocket past us in all regards.
Then whose rockets will fly over us?
Zelynskyy warned Trump.
We will lose our best and brightest. To lose this experience, even with new people coming on the horizon, will take decades to rebuild. It’s a benefit to nations who want them.
This! This right here will have lasting effects on US healthcare system. This should be reported nightly. The healthcare crisis, NIH cuts, medical school program cuts, doctor shortages, burnouts all while big insurance & pharma all make billions.
I can’t emphasize enough how detrimental this is
That's the point: a functioning healthcare system keeps people alive, mostly people that the eugenicists running our government find weak and unproductive. Bobby and all the rest *want* disease to rip through the population, leaving only the "genetically superior" in its wake.
Too bad the media refuses. They can articulate clearly; they just don’t want to. Our MSM is owned by racist, right-wing, white supremacists. I am suprised Maddow, Hayes, and O’Donnell are not off the air already!
He's uneducated and he wants us to be uneducated. This will affect my daughter. We may have to send our daughter to a university outside this country. This is so messed up. HELP!
Son is pursuing his PhD in Chemistry at an R1 institution and wants to go on to do research at a national lab, so you can imagine my disgust with Trump and his narrow-minded dolts.
I feel the same. My daughter is doing a MD/PhD at an R1. Fortunately (so far) her funding hasn’t been impacted and the dean has said the university will guarantee her funding.
My husband, our two young teens and myself are leaving on a business trip to Europe tomorrow. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind for us to somehow stay and never return.
This trip is going to be a culture shock unlike it's ever been before.
Apparently, his grand plan is to wait until Trump's approval rating hits 40%, after which the Republicans will be tripping overthemselves to work with Democrats.
Kennedy and Oz will say research $ needs to go into vitamins and other suppliments as reasoning #1 for destroying Western Medicine's blockade of research. That is just a hunch.
Israel continues to be an excellent cautionary tale for us, as in many ways they are a bit further along in their descent into religious nationalist fascism than we are.
The American brain drain is coming, and if other nations make the proper investments, it is going to come *fast.*
this should be grounds for exile for all techbros and VCs excited by this. They've demonstrated an inability to be trusted with anything more complex than a spork.
Because disease is associated with anti-Semitism? This makes no sense, other than as a general punishment for anyone associated with Columbia University.
You know that thing us liberals do in any discussion about politics when we self censor "I can't mention Nazis...I can't go 1930's Germany...that's too extreme"?
Columbia has a great med school but they have an equally great anti-Semitic program. It's been a stubborn problem for a decade or two now. Of the elite universities they are the most in need of a house cleaning of unchecked anti-Jewish bigotry.
Could have been your reporting, but these cuts to research funding will cause many scientists to leave the U.S. (brain drain). France is heavily recruiting scientists to relocate, I'm sure other countries are, too.
This will be difficult if not impossible to recover from.
America is a totally fascist country now. There is no coherent opposition. In fact, it looks like the main opposition party has thrown up their hands in surrender to fascism. 90 years of progress wiped out in 90 days. America is gone forever. It's never coming back.
Last week I wouldn’t have agreed. Sadly, this week my views have changed.
What a difference a day (or 90 days) make. They told us in Project2025, it wasn’t a secret.
The administration is lobotomizing, shackling, and gutting America. Won't be long until they skip the metaphor and just start literally doing so to Americans.
Let the Great American Brain Drain begin! All PhD candidates should apply for acceptance to EU and UK schools, as America has nothing to offer. Goodbye and Goodnight, American Exceptionalism!
Fucking Newt Gingrich (May his grave never be free of the stench of piss) shut the government down in 1995. I was a grad student with research funding from the Army Corps of Engineers, and they had to kill my project. Derailed my life. Turned out okay, and I’m still real mad.
The termination reads as NIH canceling the project grant due to the research being at Columbia. It is a cancellation of the university. The specific study and PhD candidate were unfortunately located.
This is what $400M in cancelled grants looks like.
The most openly anti semitic administration in history is getting a twofer. They are trying to shut down the US system of higher education and blame that on Jews.
Yeah get those scare quotes of genocide. Literally, all she had to do was say that she would enforce the Leahy law once the ICC warrants dropped, and there’s a good chance she’d be in the white hour right now.
Because under trump there will be far more genocide, you fucking dingus. We are already seeing it happening right now. Oh yeah, and the SAME genocide is still happening!
Certain buzzwords are being used to justify these actions w/o evidence-DEI, antisemitism. My daughter is a student at UGA in the Wildlife Sciences Major. Some grants have been rescinded because the word "female" appears citing DEI. The word male also appears bc it's related to the study of birds.
It is pathetic that the Trump is justifying all this to protect Jewish students. Anti-semitism is abhorrent and some Colombia protesters crossed the line but punishing totally unrelated projects and students is terrible
Australian here. As far as I can tell, treatment of POC is decidedly mixed. Better than USA but not better enough. In lots of places, you will be totally fine. Also don’t forget, no daft gun freedoms here, random shootings do not happen.
I’m not sure what you mean. We have had many Asian immigrants for years. They’re treated just like Australian citizens apart from a few Neanderthals. General society sees them as part of our culture because they’ve literally been here since the 1800’s.
It’s disrespectful to use “antisemitism” as a catch all excuse to cancel scientific research that ultimately results in the public benefit . The people behind these cancellations couldn’t care less about Jewish ppl which is why they’ll eventually pivot directly into anti Jewish language soon enough.
I draw no distinction between sects of the mentally ill. Until prisons are overflowing with Christians resisting Trumps fascism, there is no functional difference.
Columbia has a much higher percentage of Jewish students than any Ivy League institution. And it also has a Joint Program between the School of General Studies of Columbia University and List College of The Jewish Theological Seminary. Attcking Columbia hurts Jewish students.
We better start printing up those H1B visa right now, because in 5 years when we discover we have no scientists in the US we're going to have to import them all.
Foreign students & workers are already the heart of our technology and research institutions. And that's good.
I was gonna say most of our graduate students are already foreign, then thought to check the student in question. Her undergrad degree is from Univ. of British Columbia.
I hold a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry and I did not sail through my program back in the day. Few do. My heart breaks for this young scientist.
Oh how I wish BlueSky had more responses than the heart, bc this infuriates me!!! When will they start revoking birthdays? When I was a kid, they used to say that was the only thing they couldn’t take away…
They are weaponizing race and identity to close out any programs they want. All of it is a lie, but, they are getting away with it. They will continue until the majority decide to educate themselves and fight the lies. Meanwhile, they are erasing my people’s accomplishments from all data bases…
…so they can support their lies that we are incompetent. They want people to believe we are “DEI” and without value. As long as the majority doesn’t act, we all will hurt. Black people are the bellwether in the US. As we suffer, so shall you all. That’s my two cents…
Krasnov Shitler just wants to destroy everything. He’s going to burn it all down unless we stop him. At this point I don’t really care HOW he’s stopped. Vance and Johnson need to be expunged one way or the other too. Rubio can be turned.
Attacking education has been a Republican Party strategy since forever. Kicking the younger generation in the head while destroying social security and Medicare. Compassionate conservatives eh?
Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution, patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in a defined population, and application of this knowledge to prevent diseases.
I’m sure trump and musk think none of this education stuff is needed americans can just work “the trades.” we don’t have to spent money on this “useless nonsense that f education.”
Fed gov is sabbotaging talented hard working young people from establishing their careers by stopping PhD candidates from being accepted into PhD programs by cutting or freezing NIH and NSF funding of research grants to all universities! Our kids’ futures are being destroyed intentionally by fotus…
Not only our kids’ futures but the future of our country as a world technology leader. We’re gonna wind up like Russia. A huge country with no innovation, no real allies, and an aging infrastructure, ruled by a few oligarchs.
Remember all the scientific advancements we made in WW2 when we accepted refugees from Europe....set us on a trajectory to lead the world in scientific advancement.....this is what it looks like in reverse
Chris, would u pass along.
Representative Jamie Raskin has given us a legal form to use to ask DOGE for all things pertaining to our individual privacy.
Type in DOGE Privacy Act Request and it will bring up Jamie Raskin's site from which you can download the form.
They are targeting scientists because the evangelists believe that nonbelievers deserve their suffering. And if people prayed harder, they would be spared. This is ALL project 2025. ALL Heritage Foundation. Cruelty and punishment.
The damage this administration is doing to science research is unforgivable. Being a leader in science and technology has been a cornerstone of economic growth for decades. The Convicted Felon and The Dipshit co-presidents will destroy all of our gains. Why do they hate science so much?
Speaking of epidemiology, there's no evidence of any increase in antisemitism. There is an increase in anti-Israel sentiment, which is a completely empirically based necessary moral position. That said, since authoritarianism is irrational, evidence, reasoning and scholarship is anathema to it.
This is a massive exagguration. The internet brought so much to light but none of that matters so long as we can be negative and cynical on social media.
Indeed, but without all the experts in their various fields, the whole country will be impoverished. Quality of life/environment will impact everyone, rich and poor
The really rich have no country. They go wherever life suits them. They make money in whatever country offers the most opportunity. They will look to make money out of natural disasters.
And since EU doesnt have the kind of funding we do many of these highly trained and brilliamt people won't go "somewhere else" they just won't have a career field.
EU wide research funding is as big if not bigger than the US (esp. if you count the UK), and EU research positions are just as desirable. But funding is spread out among more than two dozen countries and language contexts.
The US has the benefit of one language and one giant national funding regime. This helped make it a research superpower. Researchers will start looking to Europe, but that will just get even more competitive. If EU funders are smart they will increase funding to scoop up US talent.
Oh it's frigging horrible. But there really isn't an "escape valve." Lives and livelihoods are being destroyed, and the US and the world is much worse off for it.
The only place I can think of that's really focusing a lot on science right now is China, which a lot of American academics will want to avoid for obvious reasons.
It actually is. They're already committing massive spending towards defense, and theyre going to be happy to look for the scientists and engineers to support that.
Isn't it pretty established by now that schooling and higher educations are just advanced indoctrinations already?
They are clearly not being educated.
Theyre being misinformed and fed lies to keep them from the truths because then they could cure shit and no longer profit from treating illnesses.
Trumps dad paid for his education with bribes and 'donations'.
He never did get educated. and it shows now because he is such a flop at economics and business, he clearly never learned a THING there.
Bonus fact: His dad did it so he's stay the fuck out of HIS business affairs.
So…you think bc there are shitty legacy and rich-people ways to secure academic credentials in business, marketing and ‘communications’ there dont exist a pipeline for effectively training scientists, engineers and doctors anywhere in the US? Or the world? Cool story bro.
Oh there's so much more.
But that is neither here nor there.
Your problem is the dopey shit that runs your country. the one with a so called economic business education.
look at him.
So yeah, plenty of dumb people coming from American schools.
Wanna see?
It always needs to be asked: Did this person vote for Trump or ask if they even voted at all. If they voted for Trump or didn't vote at all, oh well.....welcome to the consequences of choices.
Correlation between women hitting 50% of college enrollment and demonization of college degrees by fragile men who become the unwitting tools of the Kochs and the Heritage Foundation.
Well, trump is targeting major collegs as well. Any good institutions or federal agencies to help Americans, he's gutting or completely getting rid of.
People haven't caught on that their belief structure is to allow diseases to eridicate "the weak" in society. They want pandemics. They want fighting. They want to torch our economy because it will give them ever larger slices of the resource pie.
Endowments aren't savings accounts or piggy banks for universities. The money was given for and is required to be used for specific purposes.
The Trump administration knows that, they just choose to lie about it to defend their fuckery. "They already have so much money" etc.
a) they want us dead
b) they don't want to be blamed for our deaths
We need to stop this.
..well everything.
But there's something specific about these guys demanding 100% dedication to work and then punishing those most meeting their supposed ideals that eats at me.
And the press treats them as legitimate.
Im going to lose my last bit of mind.
(2) It's re-branded anti-Science attack. The cancelled scientists have no role in how Columbia does or doesn't protect Jewish students (I think there is serious debate on that inc from Jewish students).
Which is why it's absolutely insane that our supposedly liberal institutions can't even be better than them on this topic.
your second point is irrelevant.
They are determined to make us the Nation of Stupid.
Europe, Canada and others will add fuel to thier educational systems and rocket past us in all regards.
Then whose rockets will fly over us?
Zelynskyy warned Trump.
I can’t emphasize enough how detrimental this is
Come see a rare sight:
A maga Republican in the wild
The goal here appears to be to shift the blame to Jewish people and their feelings rather than the fascist impulse to destroy academia.
They are trying to scapegoat Jews for their actions.
This trip is going to be a culture shock unlike it's ever been before.
The anti-science quacks will continue to set us back years.
The American brain drain is coming, and if other nations make the proper investments, it is going to come *fast.*
Although a cause for celebration for Putin.
This will be difficult if not impossible to recover from.
What a difference a day (or 90 days) make. They told us in Project2025, it wasn’t a secret.
And not voting has consequences
Seriously, trump hates jews except "to count money" instead of "the blacks."
This is what $400M in cancelled grants looks like.
Not sure where that research will lead but that’s the best way to figure it out.
If only their cult could think critically they’d see right through it.
Of course if that were the case we wouldn’t be here…
I was gonna say most of our graduate students are already foreign, then thought to check the student in question. Her undergrad degree is from Univ. of British Columbia.
Same thing with nazi-"adjacent" right-wingers using anti-semitism as an excuse and a weapon against dissent.
Like anyone believes these assholes are invested in the equality of Judaism and not just using a cynical excuse to punish the libs.
(Idiocracy reference)
Representative Jamie Raskin has given us a legal form to use to ask DOGE for all things pertaining to our individual privacy.
Type in DOGE Privacy Act Request and it will bring up Jamie Raskin's site from which you can download the form.
1. No one studies epidemics
2. When we inevitably have one, no one will be able to recognize it
3. If no one recognizes it he won't get blamed
It's asinine, cynical, and antiscientific.
So it's completely on brand.
It's sad that the US seems to be on the verge of finding out how difficult it is to rebuild research groups, once they are gone.
When you lose a senior scientist, you break a chain of knowledge that takes DECADES to rebuild. You can't just replace one.
Trump and Musk are Russian assets.
We're collapsing in on ourselves.
It's gonna be a rough couple years, bud.
They are clearly not being educated.
Theyre being misinformed and fed lies to keep them from the truths because then they could cure shit and no longer profit from treating illnesses.
He never did get educated. and it shows now because he is such a flop at economics and business, he clearly never learned a THING there.
Bonus fact: His dad did it so he's stay the fuck out of HIS business affairs.
its VERY established.
But that is neither here nor there.
Your problem is the dopey shit that runs your country. the one with a so called economic business education.
look at him.
So yeah, plenty of dumb people coming from American schools.
Wanna see?
Dumb people think theyre smart.
But Israel says jump we jump, amirite? Gotta keep silencing anyone talking about genocide.
Stop mixing up your treatments!
/s obviously