Sorry but this whole thing is a farce! This woman plainly does not run the organization, THE GUY WHO CAME UP WITH THE NAME AND WHO THE PRESIDENT SAYS RUNS IT RUNS IT
Reposted from
Kyle Cheney
JUST IN: In new sworn declaration, DOGE administrator Amy Gleason says DOGE has 89 employees and no “formal front office or organizational chart.”
Thievery of the public infrastructure and dollars, by OWNED MAGA legislators.
Assets built and maintained for 100 years.
Like soon
Some sort of contempt charge
I don't fucken care
Cops arrest ppl every fucken day
Make this bitches life hell
She had a nice vacation
Now she pays rt?
Break her
She looks soft
They thought so, too
A little dumb maybe?
Totally underestimated the outrage?
Not really hard to “follow the money” on this one.
We’re going to have to learn to live with it if we don’t reverse this soon.
It's wasted breath.
& hoping beyond hope to find corrupt or stroke-inflicted judges to agree with their comically bogus contentions, I think.
Now going through Americas most guarded operating systems. You fukin people don't see what's going on here.
If you're still on the air.
That's the game. If you're starting to think it's time for some direct action, that was a few weeks ago.
Menace will manage to bankrupt Musk and the USA. The financial fall has started. is finishing up with #Pennsylvania #verifythevote
“But sources told ProPublica that longtime Musk lieutenant Steve Davis, a former executive of Musk’s Boring Company and SpaceX, appears to be administering day-to-day operations.”
I'm #unsurprised
So he’s obviously the power broker. Amy is a glorified assistant.
We know she was paid off - or threatened (?) - but she’s clearly not the actual person pulling the strings or Elon wouldn’t be in front of the damn cameras 24/7
He’d be at Tesla
I hope you know when the shit hits the fan you are going to be blamed for everything. Just a heads up you might wanna get a new job before you go to jail for what they did.
Signed a concerned, citizen
When the richest man in the world asked me for a favor, how could I refuse? And since his useful idiot mate will give me a pardon for any laws I break - why should I worry?
Signed, Amy Gleason
Don’t forget you’re probably breaking state laws too. If Louisiana can claim a doctor in New York is violating Louisiana law, surely some of the financial fuckery DOGE has been doing with bank accounts falls under NY jurisdiction.
Sincerely, Interim Acting Director, Dept. of FAFO
His useful idiot friend will leave the richest man holding the bag. The trail of friends and lawyers that received jail time or lost everything is perfect example. Don’t be a Patsy.
Concerned citizen
Trump is the despot.
And fascist tactics: flagrant lying drives the opposition mad trying to prove that 2+2 still equals 4, and wastes their time with nonsense
where are its offices located?
what is its charter?
who are its officers?
where can i find its bylaws, policies, and procedures?
by what authority does it act?
to whom is it accountable?
to what oversight is it subject?
just asking questions"
Sam Brody
“You can’t sue us bro, we’re decentralized!”
Civil War
Hopefully she was asked who she reports to. Who hired her and who she will debrief with after the meeting.
Musk’s FAKE officials are rushing to cause maximum damage before the midterm elections decimate the GOP. Why are Republicans along for the ride on this kamikaze mission? Is there a big Musk payday for GOP traitors after they’re thrown out of Congress?
That works out to 17 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Unless they sleep at the office, it is impossible for them to get more than 6 hours of sleep a night.
Ugh! No wonder he chose such young serfs. Even so, their cast iron stomachs can’t last long term on that.
His energy tells me Elon makes serfs of ppl & asks for (and expects) the impossible. And when they fail he naturally blames them and not his own expectations.
Can’t say #CORRUPT any better!
Muskrat doesn't wanna be Zorg anymore.
DOJ Vs v. v. Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (1989)
Stop. Lying!
Run by Musk, the original administrator.
Is she a true believer? Being paid off? Being blackmailed or threatened? What did she know going in?
-when it comes to doge, I wouldn’t be worried about doge’s employees.
for their base.
in mass.
People feared for their jobs from Musk's tweets...
For that matter Musk is there giving orders...
89 people are destroying our institutions?
89 people are responsible for millions who are either losing their jobs, healthcare, services, and lives.
Fanfuckingtastic. 🤬