This guy is in one of the worst prisons in the world with no way out and may spend the rest of his life there because, it appears, he has an autism awareness tattoo in honor of his little brother.
Not that it'd be better if he were here illegally or anything but I'm just curious cause obviously it'd be that much more of a violation of civil liberties if he were a citizen or green card holder.
I hope they make it out alive.
Money is the roof of all evil. And evil reigns in the WH!
Trump's a symptom. We're the disease.
End up there or gitmo
Not one with a little rainbow ribbon.
The cruelty is the point.
Bring all of them back.
We can not stand by, and say look at this atrocity Mr Hayes and do nothing.
Even reporters who report on this level of inhumanity need to stand up
Help register voters
Help voters to the polls
Write/call office holders
Volunteer/contribute to good candidates
Patronize good companies (like Costco)
Boycott bad companies
Do at least one thing every day
you might cause a ruckus.
one too many,
Musk only asked for five.
( correction)
Tell others what happened.
Being a nation of GOODWILL and good standing with benefits. Too much money spent on wars and fighting, peace is cheaper.
There has been zero due process, so not one of them has been proven guilty 9f anything, but like WWII Germany, we sent them to foreign death camps.
In the US Trump got almost half of the votes and that is after the US electorate had already seen Trump/GOP in power once.
Perhaps grounds for dereliction of duty.
The US reputation will never recover from electing fascism…twice.
I’m not saying things aren’t beyond fucked, but I think most Americans are either unaware or too tired. Certainly too tired to get beaten to shit or shot at.
Also, as much as the 2A folks saber rattled, they did nothing the past few times they felt we had a “tyrannical president”.
It's too late for protests. Nothing can stop what's coming now. America has decided to learn the hardest of ways.
It's a dangerous myth that chanting and waving signs is going to make a fascist regime just give up and quit. It lulls us into complacency.
This is only going to end one way.
2) They should have due process, regardless of anything else.
3) Shame on all of us if any of them are indeed innocent.
That leaves the pro-democracy camp as a relatively small minority.
None of our people in Congress will listen, and our voters and local leaders applaud Trump’s actions.
I can’t afford to travel to protest. There is no viable Democratic Party in my state.
There's no time to vomit. You still have a short time left to prepare. But hurry.
Everyone keep getting more people onto Bluesky, take action and collaborate with as well. Brainstorm together then do consistently!!
We FUCKING BEGGED YOU to try and avoid this.
Emphasis on the proof part.
People who knew the drill phonebanked, door knocked, postcarded and registered voters. I know I did.
Now people want a revolution?
Jesus Christ.
Second, get involved with local political groups fighting this administration.
Tesla Takedown, for instance, is something directly from the LATAM anti-dictatorship playbook. Now, the US need labour movement.
If you want him to burn in hell someone will have to provide it.
Tita turn out was only 69% of all who could have voted. NOT a mandate as he claims.
Trump FLIPPED 6 states to win the Electoral College: Arizona Georgia Michigan Nevada Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.Every other state voted in 2024 as it did in 2020
Damned Odd.
Hope on FB. Every article about green card residents being deported illegally has comments supporting the deportation
MAYBE (and that’s a huge maybe) the ignorant can learn from it
I have the clips linked in my timeline and can repost.
But they won’t
Cuz they’re in a cult and don’t even know or believe that it’s happening.
Plus… tr💩mp said loud and clear on September 19,2024 that he was going to deport LEGAL Haitian immigrants and they still chose him…
Criminals and traitors do not go free just because they release a couple victims after the fact - you need to try and publicly execute every last Trumpist in office (and many of those not in office too)
They’ll use any reason to break the law to dismiss those they don’t want in “their” country.
Are you Americans ok with that?
Repugs are!!!👹🤬They are an evil, cruel bunch of people. Prestige and fear of the big, fat, immoral punk idiot!!!👹🤬
action plan for him?
Brought to you by christian fundamentalists. Explains why the overwhelming majority of our domestic terrorists were raised by zealous Jebus goons in an equally goony community.
Americans really need to stop posting lol.
yeah. and you don't seem to realize how lucky you are not to live in a country that has been ravaged by unchecked corporatism and propaganda. you're really gonna act like it's bc of some inherent flaw all americans have, rather than
This situation has already crossed all lines, and it seems like it's just beginning.
If US people don't resolve this immediately, we'll have to start focusing solely and exclusively on preparing for when they come. And we'll go and pick up what's left of them after Trump games.
An anxious world breathes a sigh of relief that Americans are gonna save themselves from America 👊 🔥 🇺🇸
In Europe, the US people's lack of resolve is being used to undo all the social progress achieved so far. It's just beginning; news is coming from the UK.
Are you sure the US people will win before Canada and Europe become the next Gaza and Abu Ghraib?
US people still don't know what a nazi is. And that's going to kill us all, the nazis too.
It happened here, it can happen there.
Look up the name: Roger Stone & learn about his impact in Canadian politics
maybe 70 million MAGA, Nazi's, KKK and general morons;
so far maybe 300 thousand marching in the streets or attending rallies;
that leave 250+ million American too stupid, uncaring or afraid to fix what is happening.
All I did was warn people abt this stooge
No I can only protest and make calls
I'm a proud Democrat and will always be 🇺🇸💙
100 yrs ago
This WH is so inhumane! Hell must be anxiously awaiting their arrival with gates open. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
What could the people possibly do to an enemy of the people to stop them doing things... 🤔
If you think really hard about it, maybe it'll come to you.
Musk paid to get Trump elected. Musk is now the acting president, destroying the Nation while Trump feeds his hate. Trump should watch his back; Musk & Putin are good friends..
How TF can these freaks get away with this shit?!
Can't believe it. 😠 😡 😤
They Are Lawless Criminals And American Traitors!!
Are Criminals, Illegally In U.S. Your Freedom Next Or Submission!!
I would also love to see her without all the Botox and fillers. It’s pretty extreme
The American Dream turned into the American Nightmare.
3-4 per classroom (bullies)
And I pointed and laughed
Because I thought they got what they deserved
- The updated poem, 2029
And I would love to do anything about it. I'm not going to go to El Salvador to live in a gulag but may I suggest you do that. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
But that tattoo is so nice
Just more reasons why our government is so corrupt...
find an event near you
Is this the point where people general strike or riot? Or does it have to become *even* worse than people being snatched off the street?
we must do this for everyone whose name we can find
When will that be?
send him to El Salvador!!!
You see the problem, no?
Democracy relies on honour & respect for rule of law.
Due process applies to both federal and state actions”
Otherwise, you can’t go wrong—wanting the best for Everyone! 💖🤗
I’d just like to wake up in the morning—without homicidal thoughts!😡
(It will take more than, "impeachment".)
It's like wapo and nyt being run by billionaires but pretending to be left wing.
Ultimately, democracy is in our hands.
People took the door that was open.
It's comments like yours that remind me that maybe, just maybe, I'm not losing my mind after all, and that there are at least some people out there who appreciate that the dems do seem more keen on rights than the other people.
Yes, how could we forget?
The 37 felony convictions, the decent, hard-working people whose livelihoods were crippled by his 5 bankruptcies, the lives ruined, the lives lost — they mean nothing compared to her emails. #hillaryclinton #benghazi #emails
I'm not remotely surprised that the same level of evil and cruelty from her is also extended to humans.
Thankfully, we're not at that stage yet.
And I defended the Republicans for years 🙄
Or find they it a burden,
as Trump does
Except GW Bush, who doesn’t seem to have the courage to say much
The same thing happens when you go the other way from socialism to Stalinism.
Trump is the Republican party, just without caring about appearances.
Hope that helps, it’ll be in your country soon.
Don’t hate us all- most of us are not stupid mindless fucks who voted for this monster. It was less than half. The poison spewed by Fox & other media convinced low IQ voters that this asshole would make their lives better & they believed it.
The other 74,999,166 voters
She has 4 daughters & 11 granddaughters. All are young adults now. She, like most her octogenarian friends, have FOX Propaganda on all 3 of her TVs ALL day. Been that way since 1992.🙃🤬
It's a giant...ABSENCE.
Don't feel hopeless. It's not a done deal yet. Please watch each of these videos and give them a sub.
There's stuff going on. And it's working.