Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Secret of Mana (original, not the stupid remix for the stupid 3D remake)
Final Fantasy VIII/IX/X
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Intro to Gran Turismo 4
Intro to Soul Calibur 2
I worked at Pizza Hut with a young guy like this. He loved Ninja Sex Party. Years later at my current job, I met a guy who was giving me major "Pizza Hut guy" vibes so I asked if he liked NSP and he told me it's his favorite band. So I must ask. Do you like Ninja Sex Party?
One time I met Dan in a rehearsal space in Toronto where he was rehearsing with TWRP. He was very nice. Not my favourite music in the world, but I laughed quite a lot to "let's get this terrible party started"
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Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Secret of Mana (original, not the stupid remix for the stupid 3D remake)
Final Fantasy VIII/IX/X
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Intro to Gran Turismo 4
Intro to Soul Calibur 2
Although, I suspect that they are really looking into our respective online histories to see if we are in fact irrepairably evil people.
Gotta be honest, not feeling very confident on this part.
Also, their opener did covers of video game songs acoustically, which was a vibe to start a rock show.