I find it absurd we're having this "Biden is as bad as Trump" discourse when Biden is not openly giggling about the plans for all of the oppression and murder he'd commit in his second term.
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I am actually genuinely concerned about a lot of the chatter about just abstaining or voting 3rd party. It’s extremely accelerationist AND short sighted.
And I say this as someone who is in a deep blue state and probably won’t vote Biden because I can afford to.
Wanted to add that I saw a counterpoint that did make sense to me. We're a year out, so being vocal about withholding your vote from dems who are drifting rightward or, you know, supporting genocides, is a perfectly valid tactic to pull them back in line.
I'm in the opposite situation as someone in the reddest of red states, but even then. Half the time the only third party on our ballot is the LP, and with them in mises caucus control? Fuck no.
The past month has really energized the very trumpy end of the brainworms left. The group that 100% did not vote for Biden, but are really loud about how they won't vote for him in 2024.
Those chucklefucks don't care about people/results. They just want to feel like resist da bad guyz protagonist.
“In my graphic novel, I show that not voting against trmp would accelerate the glorious revolution, if only those shitlibs would see the light and allow it to happen. In editions One thru Nineteen, my thesis defense will…”
But that would be the result, and that's a vote for right-wing military dictatoship (just see what he and MAGA are saying) unless you are in a deep red state. I am, so I had the luxury of voting for Sanders. No way I would have done that in a swing state. No sexual predators for me, for starters.
Well, if you are down to being criminalized or disappeared for being a Lefty, then I guess it's okay. Just look at the rhetoric Trump is spewing: "the former president vowed to “root out” his liberal opponents...." Add that to his promise to expel immigrants and exterminate trans people...& more.
And it’s never black or Latino people saying this. It’s always white people who look like they hate their law firm partner dad for not indefinitely subsidizing their music career.
It’s all about shitty takes on the Israel/Palestine conflict. If Trump wins, or is declared winner by the SCOTUS/Electoral College/Republican Congress, it will be our last free election, so enjoy while it lasts.
The best way to put it to people who think that it’s fine to vote 3rd party or not vote at all, is to remind them that if Trump wins, they won’t have the ability to vote ever again. And keep reminding them of that fact.
I can't help but feel that core of the anti-Biden stuff from the left is the premise that voting for a presidential candidate means approving of *everything* they do.
You can vote for a candidate *and* still think they're shit. But only one of them wants to arrest you for saying so.
in fact, saying and telling that candidate or president that they're shitty about whatever is what the 1st amendment *actually protects*! so vote foe the least bad option available and then heckle the shit out of them when they do shitty things! it's literally your right!
That’s the gist I have gotten. Most of the conversations I have suggest that they cannot imagine voting for someone and then continuing the work of liberation.
I was at a party with some conservative friends yesterday. Presidential politics came up (we rarely talk politics because I'm progressive). One of the ladies said, flat out, "Trump is bad but Biden is much worse."
I *really* want to do a follow up with her but not sure it's worth the time.
Nothing absurd about it. Biden and the Democrats have squealed for years about how horrible and disasterous Trump is, and then when Biden took office he continued or amplified much of Trump's policy, esp FP, but not only. *That* is absurd. That Trump is even viable is also absurd. Why is that?
Elections have always been a sliding scale of worst harm but on one end you have a guy who actually believes in climate change and is redefining cancer care, and on the other is a guy who wants to murder my friends a few short steps before he works his way down the socialist vermin list to me.
yep. hell, i can just point them to my state's lege and what they have outright said about the voters overwhelmingly approving issue 1. and still! still! they try and diacount it.
like, no, dipshit, *this is what they want to do and they fucking will*.
Which is genuinely upsetting. My dad participated in the March on Washington. He fought for my right to vote. I don’t understand how people can give it up so easily, and call me evil if I don’t.
these guy 1 vs guy 2 descriptions are free of any mention of the large-scale slaughter biden is actively aiding right this minute. i don't care about his lip service toward climate change. he's showing us exactly who he is by refusing to demand ceasefire AND writing israel a blank check
Yeah, I’m a cis, white, middle class, “passing” gay guy. I’m not first against the wall, but I’m still in line.
Also, it’s kinda sickening that I’m worried that if Trump/the RW take the presidency, then they’ll use lists of gay marriages as a shortcut to make their lists of undesirables.
Who killed them? Pretty sure it wasn't any US politician. And only one has announced that he wants to put all Palestinians in the US, citizen or not, into camps before reaching his Final Solution.
Absolutely mind-blowing that we saw Biden be MUCH BETTER and further left than advertised, but then we welcomed back the world’s greatest unsolvable reoccurring nightmare in Israel vs Palestine — suddenly, nothing else counts, Biden is an evil one-man genocide machine, might as well go full fascist.
I'm also a bit annoyed about so much focus on Biden when it's Congress who's doing the voting to send money and support to Israel, and Congress who's refusing to listen to their constituents.
This country is doomed to stagnation as long as we buy into the idea that president is most important.
I made the horrific mistake of suggesting no one in the US would be able to do anything for Palestine if they were being thrown in camps, prisons or mass graves last night, and you’d have thought I was advocating a full surrender.
This, like I get it. No one is the perfect or ideal candidate and they're all going to have their issues. The "well he's also bad, so fuck everyone, I'm going to vote for someone who doesn't have a snowflake's chance in hell winning the presidency" mindset is partly how we got Trump the first time.
As much as I like Jill Stein--I've even worked on her campaigns & donated to her before--she, too, would preside over suffering & make debatable decisons. Can't "save" everyone. Tough choices trying to represent everyone, address competing needs. Pres. can't change/do everything single-handedly.
I agree, additionally... it won't all happen at once? It's naive to think that by just not voting for one or the other SURE candidates, you're doing anything but creating an atmosphere ripe for backwards momentum. Incremental change is often all we can hope for, and it's still forward momentum.
We got Trump because the white male political establishment couldn't tolerate a woman following a Black man into the Presidency. Citizen Trump publicly bullied that Black President into producing his birth certificate, which turned him into a cult hero -- why they DGAF what else he does.
Well, beyond that, Hilary was a stiff and uncharismatic candidate whose campaign in the final weeks focused on entirely the wrong parts of the country. How do you lose popular votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania?
Very true, I'd blocked it out. Honestly I did not love that the email thing happened, but who knew how little regard the next guy would have for Actual Laws, let alone good sense.
Appreciate the candor.
The answer to "who knew how little regard the next guy would have" is Hillary Clinton. She told us.
There's an undeniable whiff of misogyny in reflexively naming Hllary's "stiff and uncharasmatic" bearing to blame -- for any of this.
And I say this as someone who is in a deep blue state and probably won’t vote Biden because I can afford to.
Those chucklefucks don't care about people/results. They just want to feel like resist da bad guyz protagonist.
It's a podcast, not a graphic novel.
I thought we were leftists because we understood there was nuance outside of black and white morality.
Biden sucks, but another term with him will do *substantially* less damage to the country and world at large.
You can vote for a candidate *and* still think they're shit. But only one of them wants to arrest you for saying so.
I *really* want to do a follow up with her but not sure it's worth the time.
mate, most of my family would be killed, and all of my friends.
I can’t believe we have to argue with The Left™️ about this AGAIN
ISTFG, arguing with these overgrown babies is no different than dealing w my MAGA customers 🤦🏻♀️
like, no, dipshit, *this is what they want to do and they fucking will*.
"So you're saying you support evil"
Also, it’s kinda sickening that I’m worried that if Trump/the RW take the presidency, then they’ll use lists of gay marriages as a shortcut to make their lists of undesirables.
You really need at least two huge wins in a row to guarantee majorities in the Senate and you still need everyone in the party to agree.
This country is doomed to stagnation as long as we buy into the idea that president is most important.
The answer to "who knew how little regard the next guy would have" is Hillary Clinton. She told us.
There's an undeniable whiff of misogyny in reflexively naming Hllary's "stiff and uncharasmatic" bearing to blame -- for any of this.