Does kind of make you wonder what the job standards at the network are, I mean does the job require you to lie to the public? Does the news organization REALLY need any more Conservative voices? I can only imagine what that interview process must have been like....
It depends how the network positions her. Evil vs Good. white vs black. Devil’s Advocate. The Other Side. Hopefully not Othersideism. Let it play for now.
Michael Steele I can see, he’s rational. Ronna? She’s a lap dog for Trump. She doesn’t think for herself nor does she research facts. She’s not a journalist.
I'd watch news based on that premise.
If the journalist outright lies, BOOM, into the water.
Eventually piranhas are added.
Same for those who don't know how to ask follow-up questions in interviews.
And many, many, MANY of us support what you said. And I say that as an avid viewer of MSNBC. I will turn it off if she shows up in one of the shows I am diligent about watching. I sincerely hope that Nicolle Wallace, Rachel and Ari will not out her in their lineup.
I’m all for having ppl on NBC with different points of view but there are plenty of moderate non-Trumper republicans out there that would’ve been a better choice than that right wing liar
one would think they are trying to create a cancel culture headline? is cancel culture even still a thing? anyway, my mind gets away from me now and then. ;)
Thank you for speaking up.
Comcast rehabilitates conservatives, it doesn’t put them out to pasture
Just look at Joe Biden, who msnbc carried water for all through the 2020 primary
Splashsplashsplashsplash. Every time she speaks
If the journalist outright lies, BOOM, into the water.
Eventually piranhas are added.
Same for those who don't know how to ask follow-up questions in interviews.