Admitting you’re unqualified to do the one thing required for the job (the ability to understand/act on your constituents’ needs) is certainly an interesting social media strategy
Registered Dem in deep red state since I turned 18 in 2007. I deployed to Afg as a Dem during sequestration in 12-13. Switching to Ind today. Tom and Jeffries and all the other feckless Dems (except AOC, Greene, few others) are cowards. Unworthy of support. No bipartisanship with fascists.
Where has that gotten us? Nowhere. It’s time to take the gloves off and stop turning the other cheek. Every country in a democracy (yes there are different versions) had to fight for it!
Voting to censure Green was an obvious and pathetic unforced error. Focusing on norms and courtesy when dealing with the Musk Administration is like worrying about your bathing suit aesthetics during a shark attack.
laura gillen, a long island democrat like suozzi (who unseated a republican incumbent in november), is on IG proudly posting about her vote to censure al green. she, too, is getting lit the fuck up:
This administration deserves the respect it gives -which is none. Civility and decorum are lovely old fashioned ideals in the face of a coup by billionaires and authoritarians.
The hilarity is that none of the ten will lift a finger to protect social security, Medicaid, or Medicare. I bet $20 that some of them will leave the party after the next midterm.
I don't log into FB much anymore but I also checked out Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez's page tonight. She got the same treatment. Thousands of vociferous voices of disapproval and not a single message of support.
If the vote was really a waste of time, she could have just not shown up for that particular vote, which members do all the time. Or at the very least abstain.
These are not ordinary times and I’d strongly suggest her constituents may not believe decorum is required at the moment. Did she ask them? No. Did the other nine ask their constituents? No.
We need to clean house - Laura and Tom - get back to where everyone is violent and justifies public humiliation - The Dems are looking for your replacements.
Hi, Marisa! FWIW, I am far more accepting of Rep Gillen’s explanation than I am Rep Suozzi’s. Gillen came right out and said a standard must be equally applied. Suozzi buried the lede under a bunch of hogwash: nothing is getting done FOR any of us while the GOP is running the table.
So if Russia had rolled in here on tanks, would he have supported a don’t punch back strategy? The form may be different but we are under attack by a foreign entity (w/ lots of support from Krasnov and Nazi party). WTF
This is also the guy they presented as "validation" of the center-left strategy, as if eking out a win while underperforming relative to other dems is a mandate.
The privilege of a person who can’t see what is happening is beyond “both sides have to agree to disagree. Imagine living so free from self-preservation fears
Makes me sick to my stomach to think that he could say those things. Democrats like he are not part of our solution, but definitely part of the problem.
The only reason the counterpunch isn't working is because they keep pulling it. Or worse, they're too busy waiting for the ref to call the 400 lowblows that just landed to defend against the next one.
Look, kids, you can't just casually drop a boxing metaphor, you're gonna get smoked
Did he say the quiet things out loud like why are we even having a session?47 could've sent a manuscript or done TV from the oval office.He wanted a pep rally, the opportunity to diss Biden & Warren while making his frat jokes about our international relations & he needed a laugh track.Time to work.
Reading the comments over here at Bluesky has been therapeutic. Those assholes deserve the rating they’re getting for throwing Rep Green under the bus.
Honestly, the Simpsons does little to help with our current politcal climate. In fact, they are like just rubbing it into our faces. It's like, they don't want things to get better, they just want to see the entire country burn. They really want to establish America as an Autocracy and they know it.
Another coward. I bet you any single person in Long Island has more tenacity than this fucking wuss. I bet you the whole district has 80+ more qualified people than this shithead. What i'm saying is to rid these fucks is to run for office and get them the fuck away as controlled opposition.
These are extraordinary times, and these Democrats are woefully unequipped to meet this moment in history. Had they been in the original Continental Congress, we’d still be colonies of Britain.
Censures don’t fucking scare me. Can’t say what is the truth on the house floor? No probs I’ll bitch outside in front of cameras. They can’t take away his seat. Fuck ‘em. He did the right thing
"We're not talking enough about saving Medicare so I'm going to vote to rebuke a guy who got dragged out of the room for protesting cuts to Medicare because I represent Nassau County and I'm terrified of losing my cushy job."
"I'm focused on saving Medicaid instead of culture wars that's why I voted to censure the guy who yelled at Trump for cutting Medicaid while he was ranting about culture war issues."
Yeah this is what I am tired of with moderates saying to focus on kitchen-table issues. Why they all spending so much time talking about joining Republicans in their culture war if they want to focus on kitchen-table
in other words, "I am a DINOMAGAt and I like that sweet, sweet flow of 'donations'...and I don't want 'pantless malfunction' that happened in bathroom at LaGuardia to get in the news. 'k? thnx! bye!"
“Too many people are talking about [Rep Greene]” maybe bc he is the only one America sees standing up and confronting the wannabe Il Duce about those very thing Suozzi says we should focus on.
How is this guy so misreading the room?
the self-satisfaction and pride he obv has is repulsive
what kind of numbskull votes to censure your own party? either a fool or a turncoat, and neither should be a congressman
calling for decorum while the raging lunatics on the other side of the room are burning the bldg down is pointless
An idiot with no clues and/or principles, who says to respond to rampant illegality and threats to democracy by building bipartisan coalitions? STFU and move out the way!
Shame on him. What about fugly Margie yelling liar at Biden. Our gloves are on Tom Tom . We are trying to save this country not fold a dinner napkin! 🌵🌸😎
Bipartisanship works well when both parties have a common goal. Trump Party has one goal only and that is to vote for, and support, everything Trump is doing. While some of the former GOP may disagree with Trump policies and agenda, they fear Trump, MAGAs, & his revenge.
He sounds like a person who's convinced that giving Putin everything he wants in Ukraine will bring lasting peace. Or that Musk will soon have enough money to stop making decisions that kill people around the world. Or, indeed, that you can work together with Reichpublicans.
Wake the hell up fool!!You CAN’T work in bipartisan way with party that DOESN’T WANT to work in bipartisan way.Your vote for censure is/was not helpful.You might have fone more by showing some balls and protest against a wannabe dictator instead of rebuking someone eho actually took some sction
They didn't vote to censure the unhinged lunatics for their behavior at the last SOTU so what the hell is he even talking about. No-one is holding them to the same standards at all.
FFS they’re trying to eliminate the Department of Education and remove the authority of the ABA to accredit law schools, to say nothing of wrecking SS and Medicaid. There no “coalition” to be made.
They didn't do it to MTG or BoBo ... in fact, they didn't even throw them out. They also said nothing when MANY Republicans boo'd President Biden when he mentioned that they were trying to push for Social Security cuts.
I'd really rather not see either side do it, but hypocrisy is not tolerable.
The "punch, counterpunch" is not working especially because 1 side is not punching. Working out great for the Republican plans to destroy us all though.
I'm noticing that too many democrat representatives are voting for the wrong side on many bills and issues. It's alarming considering the current political climate. 40+ of them on the Laken Riley Act, to deport immigrants for any petty crime they can think of, without any rights or due process.
How can you building "bi-partisan" anything when one political party treats everyone else as being hostile...except they don't think of Russia as being hostile...I can't believe his stance...
The Republicans are not going to meet Suozzi in magical “let’s get back to normal” land. The punches… that’s because we’re at war, buddy. If you’re not “punching,” you will just be taking punches. As a rep you will effectively be allowing your constituents to get punched, while you sit there.
Fuck tom! Assholes like him are why Dems lose! The howler monkey Neanderthal Marjorie Taylor Green did worse in Biden's speech!! Did she get censored?? No!! Tom is an asshole that supports treating Repuglicans with kid gloves, but Democrats with an iron fist. This is why Dems lose!!🤨😡🤬
And if the democrats tried to censure them, no republican would ever vote for that. This is why the democratic brand is damaged. They look weak and feckless.
WTAF—Next he’ll suggest we should just try harder to work together with our friends across the aisle. Has he been in a coma for the past 10 years? Or even the past 10 months??
All these "Democrats" who censured Al Green are here in Bluesky
Suozzi an idiot to think bipartisanship will protect our democracy. The RNC is controlled by felonious traitors. The current DNC is allowing the RNC to dismantle our democracy. Grow a pair, Tom.
I guess he thinks he has to say this since in red district but dear god WTF. Rep Green should take the censure as a badge of honor bc he did the courageous thing. He stood up to a fascist psychopathic bully who wants to be a king and dictator! There is no bipartisanship possible!
And if we ARE cooked... then my personal feeling is that we're like pasta. If you cook that shit up and then dry it out, you can cook it all over again.
You would be horrified to see what we’ve done with your cuisine, overall.
(…veteran of horribly fried, *breaded* pizza served by the only pizza joint in my 1996 college podunk)
*whispers* look, everyone loves pasta. just let the notion roll, yeah?
... though... I am kind of tempted to try it out for myself, now. I mean, I saw a guy deep-fry pasta after cooking it, and he was able to cook it again, so... that's kinda what I'm basing the idea off of.
This guy can fuck all the way off! There is no working with the GOP. Those days are over. Both sides are not holding themselves to the same standards! That's why we find ourselves in this mess! You can't stop someone from breaking the law, by abiding by the law!!!
Fuck Souzzi. Getting in the face of the opposition is one of the ways to fight for everything. To make sure that everyone knows he is gaslighting. What the hell is wrong with my fellow Democrats. The rule book was torn up on 5 Nov. Learn to fight or support those who do. 😃👍💙
"Take a punch, take 100 more, ask politely for when my turn will be" is working wonders!
They have the advantage and they're pushing it way beyond normal bounds. They aren't going to stop punching until their opposition stops moving. Stop being a fucking punching bag!
Maybe he thinks he's Muhammad Ali employing the rope-a-dope in the Rumble in the Jungle, because getting your face stamped on by a boot forever generally isn't a winning strategy
Republicans spent years rooting out bipartisan reps and called them RINOs. Who exactly is he going to work with because they will immediately ostracize that RINO who dared work across the aisle? If he wants to work with Republicans, he should switch parties and run as a Republican.
Bipartisanship is fucking dead and if these idiots can’t figure it out they need to get primaried. Anyone who thinks the admin that has continually wrecked their precious norms is going to offer any worthwhile concessions in the name of playing fair is dumber than a box of fucking rocks.
Why do we have to keep learning this lesson? "Both parties have to hold themselves to the same standard," total fucking cowardly bullshit when GOP never holds any standards at all. AT ALL.
Personally I think you are full of shit You are more concerned about your political career and staying in good graces with the trumpanze that you are willing to ignore the oath you took. You represent your constituents, you are their employee . Did you bother to ask any of them their opinion on this
DEMOcrats like to DEMO their own party. Even after Republicans have proved sticking together destroys their opposition the DEMOcrats stick with their illusion and divide and Conquer themselves!
Another DEMOCRAT telling us citizens to give up the fight and silently accept FASCISM. He has power,wealth, healthcare, security, etc. and so do others like him. They can comfortably watch from a safe distance, as us lower ranking people suffer all the harms they are immune to, including death.
What kind of drugs is he taking? Bipartisanship on SS when fascist are disassembling it as we speak. These ppl are still living in 2016. We are not in Kansas anymore & the old strategies are not going to work.
What counterpunch? The republicans are punching and the dens are not even protecting their bellies, much less punching back. We need more punching back in every possible form. Heckling, protests, walkouts, riots, insurrections-I mean peaceful protests at the Capitol. Yeah that’s what I mean. #resist
For them there is NO COMPROMISE.
You cannot compromise with those who are intrinsically against it.
Sometimes a fight is required in order to get it to stop.
/remedial congressional education
"If we fight back against the Nazis they may get upset" is not a winning strategy
RESIGN traitor.
No...thank you
"If I make his favorite dinner on time, and don't burn the cassarole, maybe he won't beat me tonight."
This "high road" BS people are throwing out to justify why they aren't doing anything is WILD.
His descendants will change their name to avoid the same of association with him.
We care if you FIGHT for your COUNTRY and VALUES, not if you get one pity vote from Republicans here and there.
Look, kids, you can't just casually drop a boxing metaphor, you're gonna get smoked
= Pro dictatorship
= Pro family separations
= Pro state murders
If you help them to do ANYTHING AT ALL,
You own a small part of EVERY EVIL TO COME...
and we're keeping notes, traitors.
Even i wanted to be snarky there, oof
Get rid of them!
Does he think playing nice will work?
These are extraordinary times, and these Democrats are woefully unequipped to meet this moment in history. Had they been in the original Continental Congress, we’d still be colonies of Britain.
Only a handful of Democrats are prepared for what’s about to come. 🤦🏻♀️
What a clown.
How is this guy so misreading the room?
what kind of numbskull votes to censure your own party? either a fool or a turncoat, and neither should be a congressman
calling for decorum while the raging lunatics on the other side of the room are burning the bldg down is pointless
Naivety made flesh.
I'd really rather not see either side do it, but hypocrisy is not tolerable.
No other options.
Also, don't you fucking abuse the American people and not expect some of us to stand up and push back.
If you want better GOPers and sympathizers than be BETTER.
I'm done going high, I'll meet you on the low road at midnight. 🛣💥
He's a lily livered lizard.
Bipartisanship requires two parties that are both willing to have... any kind of standards at all
And Tom + many many others are still refusing to listen when one of those parties repeatedly shouts to the sky that it has none
Trust me. I make a habit of talking to animals.
I added a watchlist for candidates to primary:
How in the hell does he think he's helping with the problems he's PRETENDING to address by censuring a guy speaking up about them?
Or maybe he's fully aware he's harming someone who is trying to help. Either way, fuck him.
Doing your research is what you sign up for when you run for Congress.
Otherwise it is dead. Completely dead.
Maybe take a hint from that.
And if we ARE cooked... then my personal feeling is that we're like pasta. If you cook that shit up and then dry it out, you can cook it all over again.
Be pasta, everybody.
(…veteran of horribly fried, *breaded* pizza served by the only pizza joint in my 1996 college podunk)
... though... I am kind of tempted to try it out for myself, now. I mean, I saw a guy deep-fry pasta after cooking it, and he was able to cook it again, so... that's kinda what I'm basing the idea off of.
“I must apologize for Tom Suozzi, he is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.”
They have the advantage and they're pushing it way beyond normal bounds. They aren't going to stop punching until their opposition stops moving. Stop being a fucking punching bag!
They’re deluded, and spineless.
Voted for Censure:
Bera: (202) 225-5716
Case: (202) 225-2726
Costa: (202) 225-3341
Gillen: (202) 225-5516
Himes: (202) 225-5541
Houlahan: (202) 225-4315
Kaptur: (202) 225-4146
Moskowitz: (202) 225-3001
Gluesenkamp Perez: (202) 225-3536
Suozzi: (202) 225-3335
Primary this asshole!
Smart to pivot to the punch, get-hit-and-fall-down, then.