It's happened before. Toki Slocum, a Japanese immigrant, made lists of his personal enemies among Japanese immigrants and gave them to the FBI so that they could be arrested under the Alien Enemies Act in 1941/42.
I recently visited a Jewish immigration museum. I found it tone deaf to display the Holocaust atrocities so carefully, but to ignore the Palestinian cleansing perpetrated by Israel. In this historic moment, the silence screamed, "compassion for me but not for thee."... a clanging bell.
As a Jewish kid of the 70s and 80s, we viewed everything through the lens of Holocaust.
Decades later I’m learning the extent to which our view of history through this lens, while sharpening moral perspective for so many of us, has distorted it for countless others.
…Personally, everything in my Eurocentric background and upbringing has made me empathize with the Israelis, even while I’ve been a critic of their occupation and influence in American policy for most of my adult life. Any of that ended with their mass murder of Gazans…
…Indeed, I personally believe that it weren’t for unconditional American support for Israel that the Israelis would have made peace with the Palestinians in a heartbeat; they did with Egypt and Jordan. I am implicated in that.
Two decades ago I would have told you the Israel lobby was all powerful….
…when I saw Netanyahu and Richard Perle every weekend on tv banging their drums for invading Iraq (and Iran—Perle founded Trireme Partners, get the reference, lol?).
I’ve since been disillusioned about U.S. sovereignty, generally. Look how cheaply they sold us to Russia (Russia!) or Saudi Arabia.
…But I’m not Jewish. If it’s any consolation to American Jews opposed to fascism at home and conquest and acts of genocide abroad, you’re no more culpable for the policies of the U.S. and Israel than I am, and Betar are your kin only in the same way MAGA are mine…
…Indeed, I personally believe that it weren’t for unconditional American support for Israel that the Israelis would have made peace with the Palestinians in a heartbeat; they did with Egypt and Jordan. I am implicated in that.
Two decades ago I would have told you the Israel lobby was all powerful….
…when I saw Netanyahu and Richard Perle every weekend on tv banging their drums for invading Iraq (and Iran—Perle founded Trireme Partners, get the reference, lol?).
I’ve since been disillusioned about U.S. sovereignty, generally. Look how cheaply they sold us to Russia (Russia!) or Saudi Arabia.
If the only way for Israel to exist, is for it (with the help of the US) to ethnically cleanse its neighbors then maybe it shouldn’t exist in its current form 🤷🏻♀️ That doesn’t mean I want Jews dead or deported from there. It means “share the land.”
Yes, but Trump has escalated every type of tension that exists between people intentionally to gain power since he began his first campaign. Its what he's done his entire miserable life. Divide and conquer.
Trump is an irredeemable human being and a cruel, stupid leader. But this push to punish criticism of Israel has been vocally supported by lots of powerful Democrats.
Many Jewish people are also critical of Israel’s cruelty in Gaza. It’s an incredibly difficult and sensitive issue for anyone with compassion for the suffering of the Jewish people and the Palestinian people. No one wants to appear insensitive to Israel while empathizing with Palestinians…
Don't trust the liberals they will betray you, V Lenin. Translation. Any liberals. Any democrats or any Republicans. Don't trust anyone who still supports anything about the empire in any way, shape, or form. I'm white hetero &male, but my comrades are not. Solidarity!
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
Respectfully disagree. As a Jewish Indigenous person that doesn't identify with a religion, I don't see myself making a list of any kind. My Judaism is only by blood and not state affiliation and that's as far as it goes. We are not all the same.
I think it’s long past time for our community to acknowledge that dragging innocent Palestinians from their homes is 100% consistent with the foundations of modern Zionism.
Based on what? The mass expulsion of Palestinians is an uncontested historical fact. The only reason it’s not uncontroversial is that zionists still justify it and the rest of us consider it a horrific, ongoing crime and a shanda.
They don't seem to care that the Political Christians only support Israel because they believe Jewish people will convert to Christianity according to their book.
Yeah, I’ll judge ‘em. Not on the sincerity of their religiosity. Just on how seriously we should take any claims by them to follow Jewish moral instruction with open eyes and a good heart.
Everyone knows that being Jewish doesn't make people bad. Bad people make themselves bad, regardless of their professed religion. Ask me about all the bad self-proclaimed "Christians" in this country. Including our rotten-to-the-core Criminal In Chief, and all the so-called Christian republicans.
My family is pretty uniquely defined by Jewish persecution - we took someone else's name in gratitude for their help during pogroms.
My dad fully supports Israel and I just don't understand how people who fundamentally _know_ what this is like can subject others to it. It's depressing
I can’t pretend to know this pain, but often wonder how things may be different if women led in all aspects of private, govt and corp life. I’d like to think many would be relieved of much pain.
I’m not Jewish, but I totally agree. So many of the protesters were supporting Hamas. I don’t understand it. Hamas & Hezbollah would throw LGBTQ people off rooftops.
Can only speak for myself but I truly respect and trust you more than half of the Jewish population right now.
It takes a strong and intelligent person to acknowledge that their own culture has flaws.
Thank you for being awesome, Marisa.
I agree with this. While I have not been practicing for 12 years or so, I always held to cultural identity and especially Tikun Olam. But now I see we are just as bad as the rest, despite all the years of suffering many still enjoy imparting suffering in others. It's a disgrace
I wish I could remember who made this statement on this site too give them credit. “ what Ann Frank did by hiding was against the law, the people that turned her in was not”. I thought of this reading your post. I’m Jewish and feel exactly the same way.🥲
Witnessing your pain and grateful for you sharing. I’m also grateful for all my Jewish community members that have taught me about the difference between anti Zionism and anti Semitism and refused to let many of us fall for the weaponizing of anti Semitism 💕
All it takes is another "world leader" to release the Kraken AGAIN! Why must History repeat itself. Have we learned nothing from past mistakes? Trump desires above all else to have his moment in history, but it won't be pretty. 😢
Jews didn't do this. YOU are a Jew. You read the Torah and attempt to follow it. The people who did this are ethno nationalists for the state of Isreal. That is as different from being a Jew as being White Christian Nationalist is from being a follower of Christ. Isreal is a nation state. Judaism
What's happening to Mr. Khalil is a test run for an escalation of authoritarianism right here with native born people. And if your "rah rah cis boom bah Israel right or wrong" support of Israel keeps you from seeing that then you are not Pro Democracy
Thank you for your grace. My grandfather was fond of saying “ask two Jews, get three opinions” but I have no problem condemning this targeting as antithetical to what I was raised to believe and how I raised my children. As a Jewish woman, I am ashamed by my supposed religious compatriots.
It's not grace it's truth. The Torah is right there. Anyone can read study it and they won't have to study very deeply to discern that what these ethno nationalists for Isreal are doing is in direct violation to what the prophets explicidly told Israel God said to do. The more deeply you, as a
Jew believe what is in the Torah, the less Jewish it becomes apparent these ethno nationalists are.
I don't put on Muslims what ISIS does. I don't put on Christians what Westboro Baptist Church does and I ain't putting on Jews what rabidly Pro-Israel people do.
BINGO! I am a supernatural deity believer myself and in my worldview the troubles Israel has had are a direct result of not minding the precepts in their own Holy Scripture.
I'm also Jewish and got quite an education on a trip to Israel and Palestine in 2018. Many Israelis seen to believe that the years they've spent under siege justify any means at all to secure their safety and economic success.
American Jews have the same ancestors who suffered under repeated pogroms. So I have to conclude that the Israelis were influenced by their own lived sieges.
I’m a Jewish person, NOT IN MY NAME will fascists suppress the free speech of others seeking a redress of grievances. Neither Rubio nor Netanyahu’s govt speak for me.
Thank you for posting this. It's pretty obvious I'm not Jewish, but the Jewish humanist tradition is one of humankind's greatest accomplishments. Now foundering on the rock of ethno-nationalism
BS on the “as a Jewish person” point.
1. The list making started with the people who want to equate Zionists with genociders and Jews with Zionists.
2. Jews have no business taking the bait and doing mea culpas if some Jew does something one disagrees with. See 1.
3. Re Columbia - Jews didn’t make it an unsafe environment for pro Palestinian people; it was the opposite.
4. No one’s university experience should require gingerly navigating among spaces where organized groups are calling for the destruction of your people. Remember the KKK?
You seem to like to use the word “lying”. Do you think “from the river to the sea” is a nursery rhyme - or a call for the destruction of all Jews in Israel? And there were lots of other similar ideas.
5. Multiple actions can be bad. Bad to be harassed by people & respond to lists of Jews with lists of people harassing Jews.
6. There’s a big distance between calling out the leader of months of havoc on your college campus & ICE snatching him. That distance is a fascist government, not Jews.
7. A prime factor in starting this kind of political roundup against Khalil is exactly this - so people can pin it on the Jews, rather than where it really belongs-with the Russian controlled fascist who’s making these decisions. Let’s make sure not to help them scapegoat Jews for their fascism. end
Actual Jewish people from an actual Jewish organization actively lobbied for this to happen, Rabbi. You may not like that fact! It may fill you with deep shame! But if you turn your eyes from what is happening in our community, than it is going to keep happening, and get worse and worse
Which actual Jewish organization? Of course there are right wing Jews. Of course I find that abhorrent. Doesn’t mean that other, normal Jews should take responsibility for this.
You're correct that what's happening here is the fault of fascists. The problem is that there is an active contingent of right-wing fascists within our Jewish communities, who would happily see the entire community burn if it meant they got their political way. That is the long and short of it
They were not calling for the destruction of Jews, Rabbi. They were calling for the freedom from genocide by Israel. I am Jewish but I am not a Zionist. I do not stand with a state that is committing a genocide. I stand with Jews calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to stop.
You’re confusing Zionists with Hamas, who both committed a genocide on Jews - and murdered and kidnapped non Jews, including Muslims - and have oppressed and caused the destruction of their own people for decades.
Yep. I’m the only Jewish person I know irl who doesn’t have worms for brains RE: Israel. My family and everyone I grew up with are a Hell of a lot dumber than I thought they were. I’m grateful for SM allowing me to hear from other leftist Jews.
Curious how leftist Jews align re: Israel? Studied Israel in college - poli sci major. Witnessed two Hasidic Jewish classmates w/ opposing ideals came to blows over Zionism. I’m a descendant of Armenians who fled the genocide and don’t understand how Jews could support what’s happening to Khalil.
For years Zionism and Judaism have been conflated. As a woman of a certain age ive unlearned truths” from my upbringing my blind spots. I’m grateful to my children for actually living the values we taught them and for having the patience to teach their parents with love and patience.
To you, were Judaism and Zionism so culturally entwined so as to be unrecognizable from each other? As a non-Jew with Jewish friends I’m often surprised by how little their staunchly leftist ideals align with their position on Israel. We share similar histories but view Gaza very differently.
The documentary Israelism is free in quite a few places and covers exactly this. There's a vocal portion of non-israeli Jews who see zionism/the state of israel as inseparable from Jewish identity and practice, and many Jewish zionist institutions which encourage/enforce this view
I feel with israel's hard shift to the fascist right from its center-left past, the number of "leftist" zionists is rapidly dwindling. Ik some who used to be "leftist" zionists and became fascists. Others still hold on to that dream despite that door closing decades ago, if it was ever open at all
This is where I’ve personally landed: Opposed to Israeli government/Hamas. Deep empathy for Israeli and Palestinian people. Disappointed in the Jewish diaspora for abandoning their history and its difficult lessons. Reject the cycle of hurt people, hurt people.
Israel as a concept and as a real country has shifted. There was such a thing as cultural Zionism once that did not advocate a nationalist approach but its withered. When the peace process collapsed in the 90s so did the Israeli left and any attempt at a just solution.
American Jews, myself included, turned a blind eye to internal Israeli policies. We cling to the hero stories we tell ourselves about “a land without a people” and “no such thing as Palestine” to sleep better.
That’s so disappointing. We all have a lot to learn. The regime in the WH will divide us to conquer us. We’ve got to figure out how to work together to protect the civil liberties that make us who we are while caring for each other even when we disagree. Our rage is pointed in the wrong direction.
I'm perplexed that the list makers can't see the heel turn coming for the US in this global WWE drama, and how this is ultimately gonna turn out for Israel (ostensibly their focal point of concern) when they alone are tied to the US ship of state.
Religion is the problem. Weak people can use God to be strong, and if they are assholes, it makes them big fucking assholes. Humanity has to grow up, stare into the abyss and realize we have no god to save us, and our time here is short. Love and service is the way.
Not sure it is white settler colonialism. Take Judiasm out of Israel and it never exists in the first place. Again, humans using the concept of God to justify whatever they want to do.
I don't believe it's religion, per se, at the root of our problems. It SHOULD BE possible for religious people to get along. But the problems start when damaged people (you called them "assholes") conflate religion with tribalism and prejudice.
Monotheism is the belief that your religion has the singular answer to the most important questions humanity can ask, and that those who disagree with your faith are wrong. It is tribalism & prejudice by definition. All Abrahamic religions share this & have committed unfathomable evils in its name.
I agree that religious organizations have committed "unfathomable" evils. I'm not ready to agree that INDIVIDUAL religious people are, by definition, evil. Organizations want to survive, even if it means killing every outsider. Individuals tend to be less homicidal.
Organizations aren’t anything but a group of people. Not all people are evil. But evil people do like the ability to hide and leverage the ‘power of god’. Hence why there were so many pedo’s in the clergy.
It is straight out of the Nazi playbook: the Arab groups in the then-British-controlled Palestine allied with Nazis to hunt down Jews, despite them being on the Nazis' list for elimination.
I found out I’m 25% Jewish at age 37. I am ashamed, appalled, and disgusted that this is my legacy. If this is what it means to be an American Jew, then I will just be genetically Jewish, nothing cultural for me or my sons.
The lists made by Stephen Miller are even far worse.
(his entire family expressed pain to have such a traitor among them)
(incidentally, he shares a near identical history of ancestry, religion & migration as Merrick Garland, both basically escaping the holocaust)
This is just going to increase anti-Semitism 10 fold. It's like they don't realizing they're destroying themselves. Then again hate never makes sense. There is no logic.
On a personal level; right and wrong is just as obvious as it has always been but trying to speak about it in a public space has become damn near impossible. I appreciate your voice.
They are just as bad as the maggots.The government of Israel is now a terrorist organization.Put Netanyahu and all the rest of his bloodthirsty cadre in prison.
I have lost so much respect for so many people since October 2023. So many "friends" who won't even listen. Complete lack of anything resembling integrity.
My gut sank reading my country has kidnapped protesters for exercising their first amendment rights. While the pro-Palestinian protests made Jewish people fearful for their lives, I’m unaware of the level of violence. And frankly, Israel has a right to exist without fear of Palestinian terrorism
You’re dealing with the same issues Catholics and other Christians are and have. How to keep your faith and culture while dealing with the atrocities it’s caused and continues to. It sucks. Even former Christians have too reconcile it.
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap in a recession.
I humbly apologize for reaching out and possibly troubling you,Eleventh day of Ramadan after genocide if you want to chip in IFTAR for fasting people.You can donate to my family❤️🌙 we need your quoted my story or donation in this special month
I will offer my perspective as an Arab-American. I don’t think your pain is the issue. Jewish organizations have been harassing Arab and Muslim Americans, or anyone else advocating for Palestine, for decades. None of this is very surprising to us. Maybe you just didn’t listen until now. Start 🧵
Betar, one of the organizations cited here was harassing me and my friends, including threats of violence, when I was in grad school, in 1987. The difference now is that Jewish donors are much more eager to bankroll racism, doxxing and, if possible, imprisonment.
As Arab Americans and Muslim Americans, we face ever escalating racism. I’m old enough to remember the pre-9/11, pre-Iraq war days when we didn’t have a target painted on us, and we were unknown, we weren’t widely reviled. I feel sorry for younger generations who have never known that.
The hard truth is that most, but not all, of the people who have been aggressively racist towards me have been American Jews. For most American Jews, that visceral antipathy towards Palestinians, and towards Arabs and Muslims broadly, is a core part of their identity, even if it’s unacknowledged.
The mindless racism, the martyrdom complexes, the cynical and dishonest accusations of antisemitism, & the endless rationalizations for anything Zionist and anything Israel does, including genocide…it is all just insufferable.
I rarely raise the topic of Palestine with Jewish friends because, more often than not, my liberal open minded friends suddenly and dramatically become the equivalent of Klansmen and say horrible deeply racist and offensive things, and it’s too much.
Ugh, I’m sorry. It’s hard to see as an Arab person who has stood against antisemitism in the past. I learned, growing up in the 70s, that Jerusalem was a place for all. My father was born into a world where Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in harmony. Used to be the whole MENA region
I don't know if this helps any Jewish person who is struggling but I never think of what is happening in Israel as being done by "Jews." It's Zionists. Same with people clamoring for this young man to be deported. Not Jews. Zionists.
You all are not responsible for the nutfucks. *hug*
I can’t imagine, Marisa and I’m heartbroken for you. As a kid I lived in the middle-east. My brothers birth certificate says Jerusalem, Palestine. I support Israel too. Two state solution….It’s not an easy place to be. This is just crazy.
I support a two state solution. Where Israel would remain a Jewish-majority state, while Palestine would be an Arab-majority state, both coexisting peacefully.
I believe we can have differing opinions on very personal and sensitive subjects. We bring our personal experiences into these opinions. My family was Quaker Missionaries in Ramallah.I lived in Beruit. It shaped me. I know two state isnt perfect but no solution is. And Norris not a racist.
I think simplifying the Holocaust story makes it easy to learn the wrong lessons. In the early Nazi rise to power, there were two Jewish groups who supported them, thinking the Nazis wouldn’t turn on German-nationalist Jews. By 1935, of course, they were gone like the others.
Two kinds of people. People who suffer and say "this shouldn't happen to anyone" and people who suffer and say "it happened to me so everyone else should suffer it too".
There is a reason my Jewish great grandparents changed their name and converted to Catholicism when they immigrated from Poland. Found out through DNA, but knew the name change story, but don't know what the name was. I so want to know. They went into hiding. 💔💔
It’s hurtful and frustrating to see the Jewish community seemingly being spoken for by the Trump administration/Speaker Johnson. You know they don’t have the Jewish people’s best interests at heart and are just using this opportunity to advance their other goals.
Imo “Jewish groups” in this headline is misleading. They’re “Zionist groups.” They are hardline outliers among Jewish people. It is shameful that our media—including ostensibly Jewish outlets—uncritically allow these groups to speak for us.
A JEWISH ORGANIZATION WITH A DEPORT LIST. what a fucking waking nightmare
Decades later I’m learning the extent to which our view of history through this lens, while sharpening moral perspective for so many of us, has distorted it for countless others.
Unfortunately, it seems many took "never again" to mean "never to us again"
the Holocaust, the ecumenical
one and the narrow one:
1. Stand up for persecuted minorities, because the persecutors will move to the next one;
2. Found, defend and strengthen the state of Israel.
I’m not implying the second is wrong….
Two decades ago I would have told you the Israel lobby was all powerful….
I’ve since been disillusioned about U.S. sovereignty, generally. Look how cheaply they sold us to Russia (Russia!) or Saudi Arabia.
Two decades ago I would have told you the Israel lobby was all powerful….
I’ve since been disillusioned about U.S. sovereignty, generally. Look how cheaply they sold us to Russia (Russia!) or Saudi Arabia.
Don't trust the liberals they will betray you, V Lenin. Translation. Any liberals. Any democrats or any Republicans. Don't trust anyone who still supports anything about the empire in any way, shape, or form. I'm white hetero &male, but my comrades are not. Solidarity!
If anyone really wants to get a glimpse of who I am politically read or listen to this. Anti-imperialist Marxist feminist. Anti capitalist. Anti reformist. So check it out. Join the revolution.
Free palistine
Call Congress: Demand the release of student activist Mahmoud Khalil.
The true measure of the moral high ground is how you use power.
I feel like we gotta learn some new curses, or dig up some of the older ones, to heap imprecations on these collabos.
Yeah, I’ll judge ‘em. Not on the sincerity of their religiosity. Just on how seriously we should take any claims by them to follow Jewish moral instruction with open eyes and a good heart.
My dad fully supports Israel and I just don't understand how people who fundamentally _know_ what this is like can subject others to it. It's depressing
when women hold power and are in the same position as men, they will succumb to the same impulses that shape how men respond
They came for the fed agents and I did not speak out:”I was not a fed agent”
They came for the Arabs and I did not speak out”I was not an Arab”
When they will come for me.. there will be no one left to speak for me
It takes a strong and intelligent person to acknowledge that their own culture has flaws.
Thank you for being awesome, Marisa.
But American atheists and Christians generally have Israel’s back also.
We know who our friends are in the USA. Israel, not the Palestinian terrorists.
I don't put on Muslims what ISIS does. I don't put on Christians what Westboro Baptist Church does and I ain't putting on Jews what rabidly Pro-Israel people do.
1. The list making started with the people who want to equate Zionists with genociders and Jews with Zionists.
2. Jews have no business taking the bait and doing mea culpas if some Jew does something one disagrees with. See 1.
4. No one’s university experience should require gingerly navigating among spaces where organized groups are calling for the destruction of your people. Remember the KKK?
6. There’s a big distance between calling out the leader of months of havoc on your college campus & ICE snatching him. That distance is a fascist government, not Jews.
So what ICE "snatched" (nice word choice, creep) this kid up is the final thrust of a hopelessly failed argument.
But hey, at least, 1) I didn't waste too much time and B) maybe he'll engage b/c 4) that would be quite silly.
Doesn’t evidence any of the reported antisemitism was directed by organised campaign groups then went on to bang on about ‘disruption’ by the groups.
‘exclusion of Zionists from student group’ The irony, supporters of a supremacist ideology complaining about exclusion.
I grew up around very leftist people, and pro-Israel.
We had the Kibbutzim dream,
or a multi-ethnic fantasy denominated in secular rights,
or we imagined an American big brother who would never let the crazy ones get control.
This is where I’ve personally landed: Opposed to Israeli government/Hamas. Deep empathy for Israeli and Palestinian people. Disappointed in the Jewish diaspora for abandoning their history and its difficult lessons. Reject the cycle of hurt people, hurt people.
A lg % of AIPAC have dual citizenship. Betting the bank on this fraud in the WH, had better win and last forever. Just over the horizon, who knows.
Don't feel guilty.
Zionists are the same as nazi's.
Of being kind.
If the government can be used against those you don't like, then it can just as easily be used against those you do.
(his entire family expressed pain to have such a traitor among them)
(incidentally, he shares a near identical history of ancestry, religion & migration as Merrick Garland, both basically escaping the holocaust)
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority."
Ya think? Here’s a piece of news, nobody is safe except yt, straight, cis, Christo fascists.
Plz support my family
Plz quote my story
*(Zionists: to us)
You all are not responsible for the nutfucks. *hug*
PS. Why so rude?
all for the preservation of Judaism they claim
'Freedom of speech is an ancient Jewish value, as well as a keystone of democracy....' T’ruah – The Rabbinic call for Human Rights
Free Palestine
Free us all! 💔😢🤐✊🗽