He is testing the waters in seeing how far he can go at every turn. The US Marshalls have gone silent . Show up at tour Capital or local Government office and protest noon April 5 . Make them huge while we mobilize to Descend on DC for Democracy Day(s?)
If I understood Rachel Maddow correctly tonight, these were DC Metropolitan Police Officers, which means Mayor Muriel Bowser has some explaining to do!
She's always been shady. She was part of why there were no NG available on 1/6. That was one thing Chris Miller didn't lie about it. She told them to stand down. The Dem Oversight Committee should have had her there for a hearing but crickets. She should have explained that. Complicit or dumb?
Well, USIP is a corporation set up by the US Government, with the president as the sole person able to appoint the board for that corporation, so, of course the cops were going to help the agents of that board enact the edicts by the appointer of that board.
While I think this is awful, I assume that this specific incident is also a little different because it’s the DC (ie, federally controlled) cops doing it versus. Not forgiving it, but they have much less independence from Trump than, say, the Baltimore PD.
Chuck Schumer hasn’t come to grips with the fact that the Republican Party is dead—it’s never going to come to its senses. The GOP is now the American Fascist Party (AFP), and FOTUS is the leader of the AFP.
We should all contact Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser, Democratic D.C. Atty Gen Brian Schwalb, and the Democratic-led D.C. Council to demand that the D.C. Police stop cooperating with this Orange administration.
The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) doesn’t directly follow orders from the fed executive branch (the Orange or fed agencies). Instead, the MPD is a local law enforcement agency that primarily follows the authority of Washington, D.C.’s local government.
there was a headline a while back where bikers with rifles guarded a pride event from disruptive religious groups. obviously can't find it cause, can't let the normies get any ideas.
Local cops and ICE are lost causes. I continue to hold onto a sliver of hope that someone in the military will refuse an illegal order when Trump orders them to open fire on protesters or some other evil shit.
Why is the City cooperating with the regime? Why are they allowing or facilitating the destruction of Black Lives Matter Plaza, assuming the streets belong to Washington, DC and not the federal government.
Police and Sheriffs are programmed to distrust and fear those they are supposed to serve. The mottos that are emblazoned on their vehicles are bullshit. Instead “To Protect And To Serve” it should be “To Occupy And Terrorize.”
Cops are terrorists. They're bullies. They put all their resources going after their targets, ppl they don't like for whatever reason. What other ppl do they don't care.
Its why our jails and prisons are filled with mostly Black & Brown ppl. The criminals are chosen by who they surveill.
Why does this sound like the Stormtrooper attack on the Jedi Temple?
For real though, I had no idea we had an Institute of Peace. If anything this administration is showing us what Americans truly depend on & keep us going and only notice when they are gone.
“Let’s give the dumbest, nastiest kid in your high school unchecked power, a license to kill, and 50% of the city budget - what could possibly go wrong?”
DC only has power when Congress says it does, which incentivizes obedience in situations like this. ACAB, for sure, but let’s not ignore other structural issues.
The more I learn about the police, I realize they ARE NOT the helpers Mr. Rogers was talking about. And I feel ok generalizing because if the good ones don’t speak up or intervene and stop the bad ones, they are complicit.
“After a year fighting for public records…reporters found an unofficial system of retaliation in departments large and small across the country. Police leaders protect those accused of wrongdoing and then punish the officer who accused them.”
I said it before. Do not expect the police to protect you from fascism. They are like Republicans in congress. They are getting everything that they ever wanted without doing any of the hard work.
The DC police are not local cops, they are federal agents whose chain of commend ends with the President. They used to have some independence but it was never formal like other agencies.
If Mayor Bowser can or cannot control the deputization of the DC police force by Elon Musk, to do illegal things, she should say so. Come clean, Mayor Bowser. Are DC cops controlled by Elon Musk?
That’s what cops are for. Where I live the police would have a uniformed officer watch a business owners (donor to the department) truck so when his coke dealer would drop his bag off no one would steal it out of the truck. That’s one of many examples just where I live.
Yes, the staff called the police on these thugs, but threw the staff out instead.
What is the position of the DC police brass concerning the police action?it is time to demand answers.?Who is giving the directions snd making the decisions
Reports are it's MPD. So there's not even plausible deniability that the White House was involved.
Would be really nice to have civilian control of law enforcement the same way we have civilian control of the military. If we're to keep up this facade of democracy, at least.
It's a little ironic that they are helping the man who organized & led the insurrection at the Capitol at which many of them were beaten & disrespected
Other than the cavalier attitude of most Americans about Trump’s threats to Canada’s sovereignty, most disturbing to me, an outsider, is the general American complacency about Musk and his jackboots eviscerating America’s government however they want. Americans need to collectively find a backbone.
100% as there simply could not be legal reason they were made to vacate the premises. States have similar “pseudo agencies” that only report to a bipartisan board, don’t report to Governor, own the real estate they operate on, etc. POTUS & & gestapos should have ZERO POINT ZERO authority over them🤬
Most police have always been of the same mentality as Trump and the people that elected him. That’s why they’ve resisted every attempt to improve their tactics and S.O.P.. Not a few bad apples, a few good ones that get pushed out.
I'd really like to know what, if any, legal advice they got, and from where. Like, there is a scenario in which the Trump admin, much as I hate to say it, is in the clear here: if they're (legally) able to remove the other nine directors besides Hegseth/Rubio/Garvin. But that brings us back to
all the recent "Can he remove independent agency head(s)/boards?" cases working their way to SCOTUS. But how did MPD make that determination? Or did they need to? If they have some sort of cooperation agreement with the FBI, has this been a foregone conclusion since Patel was confirmed?
Totally agree on your point about the DC police. Of all groups who suffered at the hands of the magats on the January 6 raid on the Capitol, I expected better than the compliance from that group.
That’s been bugging me. Watching the Nazis over a highway near Lincoln Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio being driven around by at least one cop acting like a personal cab driver for the one that got his jeep’s tires slashed.
Gurrrrrlllll!!!! THANK YOU!!! Among my many to-dos, asking if you had a QR code for it or would let me if you didn’t cuz I was looking up how to, this is golden!!!!! I’m going to get some sticker paper, print a bunch out, and start sticking them around the community!!! 😘😘😘😘😘. Thank you again!!
A lot of cops are trumpers, so while not surprising it's very disappointing. They salivate on the thought of imposing their power on those they don't like without any consequences.
I’m guessing here that police, sheriffs and their deputies, much of FBI, Secret Service and FOP are the coercive agents threatening our elected officials last 10 years.
Wow, another L for Mayor Muriel Bowser, who's platform solely consists of more police and paying for a new football stadium at RFK to bring the NFL team back to town. Can we just recall her already and get it over with? She's as bad as Adams, just not as villainously corrupt.
From events we've watched, I believe a large percentage of all armed services are complicit. SS, Capital police, FBI, all agencies. I'd expect internal battles in them all. HYDRA, SHIELD scenario.
Back in 2016 I decided that which way this would go would depend on which way local PDs went.
I was heartened to see the people not bow to PDs during the George Floyd protests, and then in a twist, proud that DC PD protected the Capitol during J6.
The police will never be there when you need them anyway.
Only thing left is the military.
Then we have:
1) Popular uprising
2) Foreign invasion
In order to depose Trump.
I do not like those odds.
Resist and organize! https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
Chuck Schumer hasn’t come to grips with the fact that the Republican Party is dead—it’s never going to come to its senses. The GOP is now the American Fascist Party (AFP), and FOTUS is the leader of the AFP.
• Phone: (202) 727-2643
2. Attorney General Brian Schwalb
• Phone: (202) 727-3400
3. D.C. Council
• Phone: (202) 724-8000
They have packed the forces with men eager to use violence and not ask questions. It’s what they’ve been hiring for years.
now you know that the only way to stop this is with armed defending units.
i was saying this from day one. after a week i stopped.
This is no surprise.
90% of ALL law enforcement and goons, including the military are with him.
They will kill for him because they all get a pardon if things go awry.
Besides two superpowers had to band together to defeat them.
Not happening here.
Fascism has lost every time it’s been tried. It will again. It’s inevitable.
Its why our jails and prisons are filled with mostly Black & Brown ppl. The criminals are chosen by who they surveill.
For real though, I had no idea we had an Institute of Peace. If anything this administration is showing us what Americans truly depend on & keep us going and only notice when they are gone.
Same as the, “ I need these guns to fight off an authoritarian government” argument.
Muriel Bowser's office:
Good cops would remove the bad cops.
“After a year fighting for public records…reporters found an unofficial system of retaliation in departments large and small across the country. Police leaders protect those accused of wrongdoing and then punish the officer who accused them.”
Lots of people swallowing some bitter pills these days. How does that oppression taste?
*Not directed at the OP, just venting.
Whoever would have seen this coming?!?!?!?
WHO is going to stop the fascists?
You can hope, but any solidarity that was demonstrated by the authorities during BLM is likely to have been purged by now.
Would be really nice to have civilian control of law enforcement the same way we have civilian control of the military. If we're to keep up this facade of democracy, at least.
Police Benevolent society
They were not like this.
And... Not. One. Republican. Currently. In. Leadership. Is. Saying. Or. Doing. Anything. Fucking period.
We tried to warn people, but they insisted on giving the cops more power and let them become a paramilitary organization.
@aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
Brought to you by @drharmony.bsky.social
She's giving up a lot, for what?
Totally faceless.
I was heartened to see the people not bow to PDs during the George Floyd protests, and then in a twist, proud that DC PD protected the Capitol during J6.
But it's still up in the air, overall.