It appears DOGE staffer Marko Elez will be reinstated after he was linked to posts saying "I was racist before it was cool" and "normalize Indian hate."
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Americans don’t forgive Nazis
We fight Nazis - many of our soldiers gave their lives doing that against German Nazis and many of our soldiers might be doing that in the near future against American Nazis
Oh, he’s definitely a kid. A kid who has demonstrated poor impulse control and judgment, amongst much worse proclivities, who was forced to resign from his dream adventure and power trip, and likely was going to quickly become “disgruntled.” A vindictive kid who was full on in the architecture.
Oh, of course, he will get reinstated. Vance has put a good word in for him. Vance was put there by Peter Thiel and Musk, two of the tech oligarchs behind this corporate feudalism that's happening in our country. This isn't about money. It's about controlling the future, I believe
A tiny sad violin plays now for the upper caste Indian diaspora which voted for Trump and the Hindutva bigots at home which campaigned for Trump. "Howdy Modi" wasn't it?😂
I wish VP Vance would be very, very specific about which of Elez's posts he "obviously" disagrees with. He says he only disagrees with "some" of them, and since he proudly promoted a breathtakingly racist lie about legal Haitian immigrants, I can't assume it's the racism he disagrees with.
I don't think stupid social media posts should ruin a kid's life either, but I would hope it would not be rewarded. This smart kid's assumption that being a stark raving racist & super proud of it would not be an impediment to his glorious career in Trumpworld seems to have been absolutely correct.
All the while federal workers are being fired and threatened for using the word “diversity” or “equity” and faithfully executing US law under previous administrations.
These white nationalists are hypocrites, in addition to being weird malicious trolls.
Shades of Brett Kavanaugh.
ENOUGH of this "boys will be boys" and "it's a youthful mistake" bullshit. STOP ELECTING and CONFIRMING BAD PEOPLE TO PUBLIC OFFICE.
He said those things like 6 months ago. I don’t get it, is he “some kid” or a highly trained tech bro? His comments can’t be taken seriously and used as a reflection of his character, but he should have access to sensitive gov’t systems? Can’t be both. Which is it???
How does Vance look his wife and kids in the eyes after being an apologist for someone who says "normalize Indian hate". Masculinity is NOT back boys. You can't flex what you don't have. Shameful.
Cool so you’re bringing back a Nazi with a track record of selling out his employer. I wonder how much interaction he had with the FBI while he was out of pocket…
Given Vance’s wife is of Indian descent, does he not care that anti-Indian racism also impacts his own family including his children who are half Indians.
What line do you have to cross before you’re deemed racist?
He didn't resign because of the posts. He resigned because the posts were read by "normies". The posts are probably why he was hired in the first place.
Did Elez express any regret or ask for forgiveness for what he said? Do any of them actually believe it was a mistake to say those things? Or this is just another complete fucking farce
The kid is racist and that, in itself, is vile. But he has no valid security clearance nor any valid reason to be diddling in our databases. That's the primary issue.
I’m confused. I seem to see endless posts with space Karen calling for people to be fired for what appear to be minor disagreements with his world view and then this….
It's like Musk got stuck in 2004 edgelord myspace (with the cheap katana and bad haircut) and simply refused to mentally age beyond that. Let's give him the oval office, why not.
We are all so screwed. Back to buying puts on the broad spectrum US economy, denominated in not-US-dollars, since I still haven't been able to find a brokerage that will sell me credit default swaps to insure against a US sovereign default.
I'm surprised it hasn't moved, which indicates the market just seems to not be aware of how dangerous this is. I'm trying to raise awareness but Wall Street has a tendency to assume (1) rational, competent actors, and (2) underestimates black swan events
Forgive? Did the kid admit to being wrong and take it back? Did Elmo or anyone in authority disavow or condemn that crap? Or did they just tell him to do 20 Nazi saluted and 5 Heil Trump’s and all was cool?
Maybe the kid, elonia & vance should have thought about that before giving him the keys to the kingdom. What he's doing is illegal, from any perspective you come at it. He's just another criminal in my book.
He needs to get back to work getting rid of people who are have expressed anything positive about DEI. Musk is a White Supremacist and he hires people who agree with him.
First what a commenter below said - there are Indians and then there are Indians (weird disturbing class stuff) and then you have this strange denial by some Indians that their fellow travelers are actually deeply racist and don't like them (eg Vivek).
Upper class Asians often identify as white in America and support what we think of as white nationalist causes. They translate as class and caste issues across countries.
It isn’t ruining his life to say he shouldn’t serve in the government if he is a Nazi sympathizer or a racist. I’m sure there are plenty of private sector employers who will hire him. This is such a red herring and maddening statement. It is ruining ppl’s lives to illegal cut off appropriated $
That's because people are property to Musk. He has no use for a child that won't obey and be a sycophant to him, but this random bigot will so he's worth keeping around.
Oh wow the Nazi being ok with a openly racist shit bag. Shocking. Furthermore the hypocrisy. If all these morons find one federal employee that said "fuck trump" on their timeline they would want them fired immediately.
But a Democrat says "fight for your rights" that's considered treason
This is the most unserious administration ever...cavemen were more organized and professional
Barely. The pre-frontal cortex isn't considered mature until the mid or late 20s. So they're making decisions using a brain area that's still pretty young.
I can accept that. But then my question is, why do we not ask for the same clemency for others' mistakes made while young? There are tons of prisoners who came of age in the system for "mistakes" in their youth.
Furthermore, if we're going to forgive these adults for their teenage actions, how about all the adults who came of age in the prison system? Mercy seems to be very one-sided.
Ironic that Musk states "to forgive is divine" when he has called for many people who have committed no crime to be jailed just because he doesn't like them. The words "massive hypocrite" really don't do any justice to the deranged monster that he is.
I’ve just realised that I also have not been permitted to sidestep federal security protocols to gain unfettered access to the sensitive data of millions of people. My life has been ruined 😩
1. He’s still a youth. The posts weren’t from a decade ago.
2. Allowing the shitty, racist bullshit of someone’s past to not ruin their future means that with remorse, they should be allowed to work and make a living. NOT WORK FOR THE FUCKING PRESIDENT.
The person I’m most disgusted with here is JD Vance’s wife, whose parents immigrated from India, whose children are Indian Americans, and she has nothing to say. Her mother (not sure if her father’s alive) has nothing to say.
Well of course two raging xenophobes would be forgiving of the "faux paus" of modern day Hitler Youth. Did we think…otherwise? Are we not all watching the same awful, terrible, low quality, unpausable show?
Oh surprise surprise, it was just for show. Who could have possibly predicted such a thing when a) the boss was cheered for giving the Hitler Heave-Ho on stage and b) when he resigned so quickly with nary a word of resistance. Hmmm. One might go so far to say this was predictable!
I can understand rehiring him. Just think for a minute about how many people Trump would have to fire if he didn’t allow racists to work in his administration.
The USA had a CIA director who was directly involved in running a literal torture facility and who actively destroyed documentation about said facility. (btw six Democrats gave their vote for them). This little tweet is a fart in the wind compared to what shit US nominees get away with regularly.
And it’s the most destructive idiom in the English language.
We fight Nazis - many of our soldiers gave their lives doing that against German Nazis and many of our soldiers might be doing that in the near future against American Nazis
Fascists have no home in America
Age 25 is then, clearly, not a young adult, but a kid . . . a kid who can vote, drink, enlist, and control the federal government's banking and IT.
For Latino kids trying to better their lives by working hard at grinding jobs: "F them! Burn them all! Subhumans deserve to die!"
But you knew that already
It’s an enormous red flag. I do not give that “kid” permission to see anything private. WTF?🤬
He would have been folded back into spacex or palontir or some other venture capital monstrosity.
These white nationalists are hypocrites, in addition to being weird malicious trolls.
Says the most vindictive guy on earth
ENOUGH of this "boys will be boys" and "it's a youthful mistake" bullshit. STOP ELECTING and CONFIRMING BAD PEOPLE TO PUBLIC OFFICE.
What line do you have to cross before you’re deemed racist?
“The racism is okay, he’s 20! Bring him back and he will still be racist, but that’s no reason to have him resign.
But the black woman who was quiet and did nothing but her job, that’s who should be removed. Definitely a problem in the government”
They learned the wrong lesson from the tariff event. They think it means it’s all bluster and inconsequential.
What´s your size, Elmo?
That's not 'a kid'.
This is the most unserious administration ever...cavemen were more organized and professional
Or is it Divine
PS and off topic, but cute dog in your PF!
I dont think they will respect any law or any rule anymore.
1. He’s still a youth. The posts weren’t from a decade ago.
2. Allowing the shitty, racist bullshit of someone’s past to not ruin their future means that with remorse, they should be allowed to work and make a living. NOT WORK FOR THE FUCKING PRESIDENT.