So, this man just guesses Musk's IQ. Other man makes bizarre defense of Musk's IQ in a blog, but then still calls him a "liar." Musk, who isn't tagged in any of the posts, somehow sees it and gets pissed off and calls his defender a liar.
You don't have to be an idiot to make the wrong conclusions, you just need to be ignorant in small, very important areas.
For every Musk, there are many more failed con-artists; which is just a fancier word for all his "attributes".
I like how Elon also admitted he is a fraud, huscker, and idiot via ommission, like an idiot would. He can deny his lies, but they are easy to prove because he is such a gullible fool also
Gotta love the self-own. Goofball has an alert if anyone types his name and he scrolls through them all getting high on the attention (and the K, of course)
"IQ" is a bullshit meaningless "measure" anyway. Anyone who tries to identify someone as high or low "IQ" tells me not to trust their opinion on, well, anything.
probably not worth asking would it go against any privacy laws etc. Essentially mass surveillance, using AI most likely ("Grok, keep me posted whenever someone calls me an idiot"). But even worse, why not profile and analyse all the chats of all people on X. Think Uyghurs @ China. Request EU probe!
Incredible scenes.
For every Musk, there are many more failed con-artists; which is just a fancier word for all his "attributes".
Not at all
= ignorant🥴, stupid, UNeducated, 🥴UNDEReducated🥴, assbackwards🪕, POST-LITERATE, racist🫥, hateful, intolerant🖕🏽vote-against-your-own-best-interest demographic out there! & usually white, fat, & missing teeth‼️🤢🤮