psa: if you're playing an indie game and you're like "this is very cute and charming and i bet someone who's into this kinda thing would really like it but it's just not for me"
you don't have to leave a negative review on that game. you could Just Not™
you don't have to leave a negative review on that game. you could Just Not™
"I liked this game enough to get good emotions from it despite the fact that its does not appeal to me from a capital G Gameplay perspective"
A lot of people do LOVE that sort of gameplay, however.
Like I have games that aren't worth the price but I'd recommend them in a sale.
sometimes games leave me feeling mixed, and if it sits on "90% positive"... that never sits right with me. I'll always leave a negative to "balance it" to how I feel about the game... which is never great, because it's not like I abhor them 😞
Played an indie game lately that I wasn't a huge fan of but dammit I don't want to leave a negative review I wanna leave a neutral one cause dammit I have morals >.<
Creators/developers pour their heart, soul, and time into developing amazing titles. If it’s not for you, that’s cool. Don’t drag creators.
Important question: when SHOULD you leave a negative review, if your opinion?
Like, technical issues, open hateful propaganda?
- the description is misleading so you don't get what you think you buy
- it seems like a low-effort money grab
- it's objectively very bad
- it only has positive reviews but they are obviously not genuine
How about, if a game is in your opion "strictly worse" in every aspect to another game in the same genre?
My mistake
For whatever reason the one negative review I left got way more attention; than a positive one that mentions a fun programming quirk of the casual game... ._.
That's also unfair, I think. It's okay to dislike something honestly while wishing no ill-will to the people who made it... I strongly believe the limit is the way review sites demand that we choose on this yes/no, one-to-five scale.
Steam asks if I would recommend the game. I can recommend it to people that I think would like it even if I didn't enjoy it much myself.
Ofc my reviews are longer than "gg" or "u gonna luv it bro"
2. I'm under the assumption people checking a game's reviews don't care if I personally liked it. They want to know if THEY would like it. So I give them info for their own decision.
Marking a game as "not recommended" because you only play Souls Games and bought a cozy style puzzle adventure for some reason can harm their bottom line, not just their feelings.
But they are still 10/10games to me
I think the ridiculous rug pull of Ultimate ADOM is the only 100% negative review I've left of anything.
Should I leave a bad review for Pong because the story sucks?
Anyone playing an arcade game should expect low/no story.
Anyone playing a visual *novel* should expect lots of reading and low/no gameplay.
"VN is bad by arcade game standards" = bad reason for negative rating.
"VN is bad by VN standards" = valid reason.
"Pong is bad by VN standards" = bad reason for negative rating.
"Pong is is bad by arcade game standards" = valid reason.
Only leave a bad review if they're bed bugs or something
A lot of companies consider anything not 5 stars to be a negative review. As stupid as that sounds, it's the truth.
Me: 4 stars
Company: What did we do wrong?
Me: ???
unironically people should do this
I stand by that Steam needs neutral reviews that don't affect the score and are there for feedback and other users to read. If they can discredit "sudden irregular reviews" from review bombs etc.. they can do this.
An accurate criticism of consumer ignorance with a vague insight on the consequences of their absent minded apathetic actions and the effects it has on the entire community as a whole.
Knowledge drop
Boom 🤯
If every review is positive, I'm unlikely to actually play it - nothing is universally loved
Also we need to petition Steam for a Neutral option.
- let people write whatever they want
- decrease impact of single negative reviews for small games
- give shoppers good tools to filter reviews