If I stop taking my ADHD meds or (as with today) get only 3 hours of sleep, I basically forget everything that troubles me and am incapable of remembering my woes. If those aren't options for you, a TBI may have a similar effect
Yeah I like being stupid because I can just make up problems and stuff to get mad at and it doesn't have to make sense or be intellectually consistent, it's kind of awesome
this is also why ill never find a wife -- it's hard to meet a woman who can match my level of intellect. sometimes i really do wish i was regular dumb like everyone else lol
Its easy out there if you love talking about stuff like "keeping up with the kardashians". It's so one-dimensional. Most girls can't even hold a basic conversation on the tenets of ethics in video games journalism
Fav expression of this is the HouseMD ep where the patient is a supergenius mathematician who it turns out is chugging cough syrup to bring himself down to a level where he can deal with how stupid everyone else is. Says at one point the IQ difference makes sex with his gf basically beastiality...
It's suppose to be a spur for reflection for the title character but Hugh Laurie makes some contemplative faces then a mean joke and downs some pills, bc that's the show.
I don’t even consider myself all that smart. There are so many people who know more and can think more critically than I. But, when I look at the population of the US just punching themselves in their own balls over and over again I feel like maybe I’m smarter than I give myself credit for.
other words go here for everyone has a different two things
keeps your jaw almost freakishly muscular