Such soft, weak, gentle lecturing. Foolish offer of compromise. It's like pretending the person who is punching you in the face is just trying to shake hands but keeps missing. "Oh, I really want to shake hands, but you keep punching me, so maybe we can find common ground here and--" *is punched*
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Ruben Gallego on Fox & Friends: "I'm sure there was some reasoning behind the directive, but the fallout is going to be much larger than that. This is why it's important that the president try to work with Congress. We're here to work in a bipartisan manner."
It’s not you, it’s not me. It’s people who took in all the data and said “trump is my guy”. The only short term hope of checking trump’s power is to erode his power base and that’s not us.
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth”
(I don't think Churchill actually said this. it was probably a creation of the script writers, but the point remains valid)
And they'll keep being bullies under the Democrats punch them in the nose--repeatedly.
Anyone who tries to tell me, after all this, that Democrats are anything other than right wing capitalists whose only true enemy is anything left of Biden can suck a whole egg and catch this block button.
If you’re on Fox, use that time to educate
Pete Buttigieg did that brilliantly
But it's not Dems in congress who are being punched. It's their constituents who the Dems have a duty to protect who are being harmed. And it seems most of the Dems couldn't care less about that harm so long as they can blame it on the Republicans.
What a sham.
stop treating them with soft gloves. you are not their parents. holy fuck.