"The safe space must’ve thought I was too dangerous. ... I was, in the words of Bluesky users, among many, many other things, a 'fucking dork'"
you could not torture these words out of me, and yet Michael Kruse has proudly shared them in a national magazine
you could not torture these words out of me, and yet Michael Kruse has proudly shared them in a national magazine
How was that not clear??
It obviously was not about the name calling, Michael makes it pretty clear he barely registered it and considers it part of the job
The point of the article was that he was banned and then reinstated on Bluesky with no acknowledgement...
Does bluesky wants to become a platform that some people can use to support their livelihood?
Being in danger of getting spontaneously banned is a reasonable concern to have
Never forget that hate speech went up after Musk!!
well i guess my chilly chub is too dangerous for their safe space!
People like him are why journalism as a whole gets incorrectly tarred with the assumption of thinking itself better than the readers it serves.
He needs to get over himself fast.
well that doesn't sound so dangerous.