These people are like the MAGA Deadheads: absolutely zero vibe literacy and lyric comprehension. Just the dumbest people around. Probably a finance jackass.
Let’s be honest, if these freaks could actually process art, music, literature, or frankly, reality, they wouldn’t be right wing. The only way they enjoy culture is to willfully ignore intent & meaning, lashing out when faced with concrete evidence of who the artists actually are, & what they say.
I recall someone recently saying Rage Against the Machine had gone woke…and it’s like ok so you’ve never listened to any lyric of any Rage song ever, nor seen images of them in Che shirts, or heard any word of any interview they’ve ever done, but you’re totally a lifelong fan who is now disappointed
Back when I was a public school kid at Brown University in the 1990s, liking Phish was usually a sign you went to one of the big Eastern prep schools and somebody in your family has a Roman numeral above 3 in their name.
Phish’s entire fan kingdom is pretty much all white people. They’re the same people who followed the Grateful Dead around, or, at least their offspring. I remember being at Dead shows in stadiums and being able to count the number of non-white faces.
My wife counted 2 people of color besides herself at Phish at Madison Square Garden last summer. Left her uneasy. Dave Matthews Band crowd was more diverse
The reason to not take your kids to a Phish show is not because of CRT, but so they don't see their parent off their face on mescaline, shirtless and crying at the profundity and lyricism of Chalkdust Torture.
Must have been terrorizing.
I’ve even had to point out to some “fans” that they were literally part of the machine that was being raged against.
This person exists in a completely imaginary universe that has zero relationship with reality.
...having a small table that you don't have to interact with if you don't want to and a Facebook group that people yell at each other in.
"You can't drink or do drugs at a Phish show. There's a Phellowship table!"
Hmmm this may not be the conservative thinking enclave that I expected