Right, but why is ICE interviewing people traveling between two domestic airports is the point. We usually only expect that for international flights. Border crossings.
Not defending the practice, but that sort of scrutiny happens at TSA checkpoints all the time. With all of the stepped up deportation orders they're just going to aim for the lowest hanging fruit to make quota. It's awful, and it sucks.
I don’t know exactly why - but I’m sooo attracted to these stories. Kind of like:
a moth to flame
a fly to shit
an idiotic confident that they know all.
Trump was very open and obvious about what he would do. This guy voted for his wife to be deported and is is being deported. Fuck him, I hope regardless of the outcome his wife leaves him and finds someone who is not racist and intolerant
I read this quickly without truly paying attention, thanks.
I am at a loss to what they expected after spending the extra 2 minutes to read it properly.
She is being deported for overstaying her visa, what do people expect? To me it's bizarre, the government did what it should do
Honestly, I think it should be easier for her to stay, but that's not what Trump ran on. He ran on mass deportations. But yeah, she's a goner now. But it's what he voted for.
I agree. I have no sympathy for her either. She's in the country illegally and there's no excuse to marry someone who voted to deport you. Unless she thought she was better than the "other illegals" too.
Targeting women - old and young, never criminals. He was always going to go for lowest hanging fruit. Grab ‘em wherever if they look too brown or black. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Still, this stuck out: "[Bartell] shook as he watched her disappear. He thought, 'What the f— do I do?'"
Maybe he should have thought, "What the f--- DID I do (by supporting Trump)?"
Something that seems to unite these folks is a sense of entitlement & probably a lack of common sense, reflection, & critical thought.No matter how many times you explain things to people like him,it just can't register until it happens.I sense he still thinks it's an unintentional mistake.It's not.
Yea, next time vote with your fucking brain and not some fealty to a MAGA convicted, impeached criminal who you think, in some cult-like way, loves you and will work for you. He hates you dipshits.
I’m sorry but there are consequences to our choices. If I speed and get a ticket, I deserve it! If you vote for TFG and ICE picks up your wife, you deserve it. I am filled with empathy but I’m not going to keep silent. Think about the consequences before you make your choice. FAFO
Until I see these people who voted for the orange stain who are getting their faces eaten make amends, by speaking out and denouncing It's behavior, I will have little sympathy for them.
1. It was never about "criminals," and I wish reporters would stop parroting that.
2. You are not the exception! If people would finally get that through their heads, we might be able to have nice things in this country.
Some people just don't learn until the face-eating leopard eats their faces. I expect profuse apologies, hair shirts and activism to mend their ways. I mean, it was a christian nationalist movement, right?
As objectively horrifying as this is, I can’t believe people on here are shocked this was happening. He was quite clear for months this was the plan - they are now carrying it out.
This part of the story also jumped out at me. How many other people does it apply to? "When COVID-19 hit the following winter, with flights canceled and borders closed, she couldn't get home, and she overstayed her visa."
I was just blocked from posting on a travel-on-points group when I noted that Americans married to non-citizen permanent resident should be very careful traveling out of the country, since their wives or husbands might be detained, interrogated, or deported on return.
Them blocking you is not surprising but still shocking in light of the evidence that is out there for all who are paying attention. It will be hard to have sympathy once the reports of additional detentions and deportations come to light.
Yep definitely dunking on the Trumper and here's why. Democrats vote so his wife and the list of others in that story won't get swept up in ice raids becasue we believe in the greater good. That Trumper would have cheered every other deportation until they showed up at his door. He can eat 💩
There were countless clues readily available to voters that another Trump presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for our nation and its people. Unfortunately the gullible, low-info segment of the electorate caught on only if they perceived an immediate personal threat.
It's scary and depressing and really difficult to find the necessary sympathy when, despite my best efforts, they did it to themselves. I am trying. And they keep cheering Trump's shitty policies. Go on r/conservative and then tell me I should have any sympathy.
Voters voted for a man convicted of lying on business records, guilty of sexual abuse, a long history of cheating contractors of $, hired undocumented Polish workers to finish Trump tower & brags about not paying taxes & demonizes immigrants.
30 year old women. I am very concerned about sex abuse and human trafficking which we constantly hear about but no one does anything about. @aclu.org @aoc.bsky.social
Here again WHY would anyone that has a loved one that isn't a USA citizen have voted for trump? WHY? Did you NOT listen to his rallies? Sorry voting for him was (is) DUMB!!!!
Because these men don’t care about their wives or women. They love voting for things that take away women’s rights or put their wives in danger because they want women to be forced to be with them.
There are so many stories coming out of people being detained and treated inhumanely for the slightest suspicion. It should be on the nightly news every night… but we know that won’t happen.
People need to remember, when trump says he will only deport criminals, he takes that to mean anyone with the tiniest violation anywhere in their past, such as overstaying their visa by a few days or filling a form out wrong, or eventually probably even getting a speeding ticket.
One of the things that makes liberals and conservatives different is liberals have compassion for others. Conservatives only care if it happens to them because they don't have an empathy gene like normal people.
None of this is new. The same things have happened under Obama and Biden. I despise Trump and never voted for him, but this is not new. This is why there have been calls to get rid of ICE. I stopped practicing immigration law because of bs like this.
They are very much the same. The Obama deported more individuals than any other administration. Again, I do not agree with mass deportations or the Nazi rhetoric that’s come with this administration, but we have been in need of immigration reform for a long time.
What if he's deliberately picking on his supporters family/friends so that when they are finally released by EO, Trump will once again get saviour status. (I know. My brain is broken.)
I don't think the strategy is coherent in quite that way (probably ICE just needs numbers to satisfy the regime's devouring maw) but the saviour bit...?
Two German tourist traveliing on valid visas, with a valid retour ticket and without doing anything wrong. Why? Probably because they have been critical of the orange dictator!?
Frankly if someone is suffering the consequences of the trump administration, I do not want to know who they voted for. That is not information that is important to me.
Re: 'Dunking on Trump supporters', I'm grateful that I'm seeing that less, on BlueSky at least. It's turning into a giant pet peeve of mine. Not that it's wrong, but that's it's counterproductive. Shout out, Jasmine Crockett.
This is so true and easy to say but…it’s hard! Those people are the ones who “hoodwinked” us into this shitshow! After plenty of times being told this is what was going to happen. Still they fell for his lies and deceit.
I hear you but idk if you know many Trump supporters IRL. They vote and they hate to have their noses rubbed in their mistakes. It's all about being pragmatic. Something Trump does effectively is validate the anger of the working class while most Dems cling to norms. 1/
That enables Trump to manipulate the causes and solutions to that anger. The GOP can't do that as the ruling party. Democrats need to know that they're in a fucking knife fight though. They have to draw clear lines. show strength and focus on ECONOMIC populism. 2/
If there are midterms, Dems should be in good shape if they (Schumer) don't self sabotage. Repelling working class people who have been hurt by GOP policies is a horrible strategy. Obviously, there are the true deplorable brownshirts but they should even be considered relevant to my core point. End/
This is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany. Read some history. Any German that came to the attention of the authorities even if they were supporters were sent to the camps. There were no exceptions, no back tracks at all. All dumped in with the undesirables.
The most disturbing part of the story was that President Trump was importing Hispanics to legally take black jobs. The second most disturbing part of the story is that as an illegal, she had W2s from employers who hired her.
Their narratives about “protecting children” & “freedom of religion” is an excuses to push women back into spaces where a women’s purpose is to be supportive other people’s life plans & be a tool for population growth while cooking, cleaning & being submissive to men.
I am sorry for his wife, but I have a hard time feeling too much sympathy for him. He heard the same thing all the rest of us heard and he still voted for trump. Well, FAFO. I know, I know, I am being cold, but sheesh, listen to what the man said.
I’m sorry to say that I am having a hard time feeling sad for those people who voted for the criminal because they knew what he was going to do. Then I ask what’s wrong with me that I can’t feel for these people?
A member of my congregation's grandson is a citizen. His dad is a citizen and his mom is a long time green card holder. A little over a month ago he was picked up by ICE at his Texas high school and held for nearly a month. His mother was picked up separately and is still in custody.
It's stupid. No thought about whether or not his immigrant wife would be/could be affected by trump's policies. He believed his wife was untouchable? Special somehow?
ICE and Border Patrol have been out of control for decades, if not since the Civil War.
They have always been a fascist militant arm of policy, today's regime only legitimized and encouraged them to more extreme acts. As we see here.
Yes, and the SoS serves in the administration. Admin is already saying birthright citizenship can be revoked. Want to bet they’ll also come after naturalized citizens?
So far, the attempts to revoke birthright citizenship & green cards have been blocked by the courts. And until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, there is no point in speculating further.
It's unproductive & unhelpful. Gotta keep our eyes on the ball.
Yes I’m extrapolating. The SC has already ruled that anything a president does in his role is legal. I can see far enough down the road to know that Trump will abuse this power.
That is not an accurate interpretation of what The Supreme Court ruling said. Did you read the ruling?
There were three buckets of presidential activity identified - core functions, outer perimeter & personal conduct. The SC only gave the office of the president full latitude on core functions.
They need more people to fill those prisons to grift more federal money, they’ve had to release US citizens prisoners after criminal justice reform & changes in drug laws. Plus lot of these places in red states & largest employer in small towns, that’s all they care about.
They have to make up for the loss of marijuana convictions. With marijuana being legalized, the private prison system needs to make up numbers. Don't be surprised when debtors prison makes a return.
Private industry supposedly more efficient and cost-effective than that awful wasteful government the US administration is gutting, yet $280/day doesn't get detainee info into the system same-day 🤔
All those incels who can't handle American women and have set their sights on foreign (read submissive) women (their view, not mine) have voted themselves out of luck under the current regime, which is determined to expel anyone who lacks birthright citizenship. They actually DID vote for this.
Trump's actual proposals and even many of his public statements were very clear that his deportation efforts would extend far beyond "criminals." The media simply chose to ignore those statements because Trump "couldn't really do that." The media lied to US voters, repeatedly, about this issue.
What is most frustrating about reporting like this is the story makes it sound like Trump never intended and still does not intend to deport all non-citizens, and even naturalized citizens. It was the media that distilled his anti-immigrant rants into hostility towards "illegal criminal immigrants."
And this one.
"... the return of Hmong refugees to Laos (is) a betrayal by the U.S. Recruited by the CIA, Hmong soldiers helped the American military in the Vietnam War, then faced persecution... for their role.
We’re bound to find ICE employees motivated to make numbers by going after the easiest people to find — folks like those listed here, who have *always* been the easiest people to find. They’re not dangerous, their violations are pretty minor, but this won’t matter to staff trying to make a quota.
The subhed has it: anyone not a citizen is at risk. And that's likely underselling it, because it's probably more like anyone either black or brown, or who espouses views Trump and his inner circle personally do not like. Dark days.
Honestly, gonna call this superiority thinking on that guy's part. It's only other people who will be detained by ICE. Not my wife. Nah. Never gonna happen.
Don't blame her for his vote, folks. However, I have zero sympathy for him. These sociopaths are all going to find out the hard way that fascism spares few in the end.
The sad part is they didn't listen to him before they voted for him. the sad part is they voted for a sex offender and felon. the sad part is they didn't care about democracy.
Of course I am, I’ve been fighting that orange fuck for 10 years, I’m not sad for this particular individual. My time energy and empathy is spent on those who deserve it.
(That’s why you should leave your edibles at home even if flying between San Francisco and Seattle.)
When confronted with eating plain bread or feces, I wouldn’t choose the feces because I wasn’t offered steak.
We were talking about not having a perfect CHOICE.
a moth to flame
a fly to shit
an idiotic confident that they know all.
What about you?
I am at a loss to what they expected after spending the extra 2 minutes to read it properly.
She is being deported for overstaying her visa, what do people expect? To me it's bizarre, the government did what it should do
Maybe he should have thought, "What the f--- DID I do (by supporting Trump)?"
2. You are not the exception! If people would finally get that through their heads, we might be able to have nice things in this country.
This is the result.
Yet, they're surprised by Trump's actions?
How many non violent, non gang members, got shipped off to El Salvador?
Without due process? "You look suspicious" is the current litmus test.
How many minors?
Are they being tortured?
Still waiting for them to actually catch on- because I bet she’s gonna be one angry person when she gets released.
How fucking delusional do you have to be to think that you will remain unaffected by REALITY!!!???
"Why don't you say thank you?"
(My brain is broken too. Ugh.)
We weren't.
God, I hate it when I'm right, I really do...I so much do not want to be💔
Yes. We saw it coming.
And isn’t keeping us safe the federal government’s Job One?
Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush.
"A woman..."
"A European woman..."
"A woman..."
Huh. 🤔
They have always been a fascist militant arm of policy, today's regime only legitimized and encouraged them to more extreme acts. As we see here.
This encapsulates voters blind trust in trump and his promises.
It’s like calling an exterminator to get rid of some ants, and the exterminator burns down the house and then hands you a bill
We are 'anti-trump" and dissenters.
Messiah trump didn't say what he was going to do. He claimed to not know about P25. His disciples lapped up the lies.
They are paying the price now.
And, if you are a naturalized citizen, you have the same rights as a US born citizen. Those rights can not be revoked.
So far, the attempts to revoke birthright citizenship & green cards have been blocked by the courts. And until the Supreme Court rules otherwise, there is no point in speculating further.
It's unproductive & unhelpful. Gotta keep our eyes on the ball.
There were three buckets of presidential activity identified - core functions, outer perimeter & personal conduct. The SC only gave the office of the president full latitude on core functions.
parts of this are new, but this is what we have been becoming for a while
Racism in its purest form---when suppression results.
Mike Johnson
Maybe this is what Huey used to call “heightening the contradictions”
People need to see the worst possible “leader” enacting the policy to be organized to stand in opposition to it
"... the return of Hmong refugees to Laos (is) a betrayal by the U.S. Recruited by the CIA, Hmong soldiers helped the American military in the Vietnam War, then faced persecution... for their role.
"How do you send us back when we fought for you guys?""
Sorry - I only have schadenfreude for you
Republicans ARE terrible people.