Real tho, hater behaviour, while i was growing up, was so prominent and people would hate on stories with emotion depth so often that i believe individuals believed
If talk about emotions = bad game cause i don’t understand why i should feel deeply about someons passion project
Even if you have played it, still weird. Anyone who has ever taken a dip in r/TheLastOfUs2 will know. Nearly 5 years on, and they STILL can't get over it. Its all GamerGate-esque people. I still get disgusted thinking about the drama they had with the Girlfriend Reviews channel. Embarrassing.
Ok and? Let me have my non-binary flat-chested girlboss badass who doesn't flash me every five seconds so I can actually play the fucking game in peace.
If you're talking about the bald lady in the new Naughty Dog game, this is a company that made a game about a lesbian going on a mass murdering revenge tour. This is what they do. Tomb Raider still exists if you want your mass murderer to be what most straight men would deem "hot". Play that instead
It's partially about gaming but I also don't know if we've gone enough into the psychology of being able to just send a message relatively anonymously out into the void of social media to be heard by somebody, anybody. It's like if you ever told tall tales as a kid, just to be heard.
That was me. I hated that game up until like halfway thru. Then I finished it and Arthur Morgan is still one of my favorite characters of all time. RDR2 still has flaws and Rockstar has their issues, but damn is it something special.
Sadly the idea that games can evolve and change and be more diverse/inclusive terrifies some people. And the only way they know how to respond is by throwing a tantrum and acting as if diversity will somehow erase the literally thousands of games that already cater to them.
There is also people who rage over the smallest things, like a game with a character creator letting you pick your characters pronouns. I’m half convinced those type of people don’t even play games and are just “video game tourist.”
I finally got around to playing "The Death of Sonic the Hedgehog." (It's adorable and charming 10/10.)
Glanced at the reviews, there's some idiot ranting about it being "woke" because the player character is referenced as "they" a couple of times. The player character's gender is never established.
Being spoonfed hatred by soulless content algorithms hacking their tiny brains then purging by regurgitating that hatred onto twitter and youtube comments, then feeling empty inside so retreating back to the algorithm to fill up on more.
Addicted to hate.
If talk about emotions = bad game cause i don’t understand why i should feel deeply about someons passion project
Ok and? Let me have my non-binary flat-chested girlboss badass who doesn't flash me every five seconds so I can actually play the fucking game in peace.
But I don’t like negativity for its own sake. I want to know WHY something is bad, with clear takeaways on how to avoid the same mistakes.
Dark Souls 2 for example.
Glanced at the reviews, there's some idiot ranting about it being "woke" because the player character is referenced as "they" a couple of times. The player character's gender is never established.
Addicted to hate.